Searching for parts

If you have a file open in the EGL editor, you can search for parts after setting the search criteria:

  1. Open an EGL file. You cannot use the search facility unless the EGL editor is active; however, your search is not limited to the file that is open in the editor.

  2. On the Workbench menu, click Search > EGL. The Search dialog is displayed.

  3. If the EGL Search tab is not already displayed, click EGL Search. Notice that the conditions specified throughout the Search tab can affect the results.

  4. Type the name of a part you want to locate; or to display a list of parts with names that match a specific pattern of characters, embed wildcard symbols in the name:

    • A question mark (?) represents any one character

    • An asterisk (*) represents a series of any characters

    For example, type myForm?Group to locate parts named myForm1Group and myForm2Group, but not myForm10Group. Type myForm*Group to locate parts named myForm1Group, myForm2Group, and myForm10Group.

  5. To make the search case-sensitive (so that myFormGroup is different from MYFORMGROUP), click the check box.

  6. In the Search For box, select a type of part, or select Any element to expand your search to all part types.

  7. In the Limit To box, select the option to limit your search to part declarations, part references, or both.

  8. In the Scope box, select Workspace to search your workspace, Enclosing Projects to search the project that is currently highlighted in Project Explorer, or Working Set to search a defined set of projects. If you choose the Working Set scope, click the Choose button to select an existing working set or to define a new working set.

  9. Click the Search button. The results of the search are displayed in the Search view.

  10. If you double-click a file in the Search view, the file opens in the EGL editor, and the matching part is highlighted. If there is more than one match in the file, the first match is highlighted.

    Arrows in the left margin of the editor indicate the locations of each matching part.

Related concepts

Related tasks
Opening a part in an .egl file

Related reference
EGL editor