The system function mathLib.compareNum returns a result (-1, 0, or 1) that indicates whether the first of two numbers is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
- result
- Item defined as type INT or the following equivalent: type BIN with length 9 and no decimal places. This item receives one of the following values:
- -1
- numericItem1 is less than numericItem2.
- 0
- numericItem1 is equal to numericItem2.
- 1
- numericItem1 is greater than numericItem2.
- numericItem1
- Any numeric or HEX item, as described in Mathematical (system words).
- numericItem2
- Any numeric or HEX item, as described in Mathematical (system words).
myItem01 = 4 myItem02 = 7 result = mathLib.compareNum(myItem01,myItem02); // result = -1
Related reference
Mathematical (system words)