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Commands (wsadmin scripting)

  1. addGroupToBusConnectorRole
  2. addGroupToDefaultRole
  3. addGroupToDestinationRole
  4. addGroupToForeignBusRole
  5. addGroupToTopicRole
  6. addGroupToTopicSpaceRootRole
  7. addSIBBootstrapMember
  8. addSIBPermittedChain
  9. addSIBusMember
  10. addSIBWSInboundPort
  11. addSIBWSOutboundPort
  12. addUserToBusConnectorRole
  13. addUserToDefaultRole
  14. addUserToDestinationRole
  15. addUserToForeignBusRole
  16. addUserToTopicRole
  17. addUserToTopicSpaceRootRole
  18. addWSGWTargetService
  19. AdministrationReports .
  20. Administrative command invocation syntax
  21. AdministrativeJobs .
  22. Administrative job types
  23. Administrative properties for
  24. AdminSDKCmds
  25. APCconfig.jacl script
  26. appEditionRename.py script
  27. Application administration scripts
  28. Application deployment configuration scripts
  29. Application export scripts
  30. Application installation and uninstallation scripts
  31. Application management
  32. Application query scripts
  33. Application update scripts
  34. arfmController.py script
  35. AuditEmitterCommands for the AdminTask object
  36. AuditEncryptionCommands
  37. AuditEventFactoryCommands for the AdminTask object
  38. AuditEventFormatterCommands
  39. AuditFilterCommands
  40. AuditKeyStoreCommands
  41. AuditNotificationCommands
  42. AuditPolicyCommands
  43. AuditReaderCommands
  44. AuditSigningCommands
  45. AuthorizationGroupCommands
  46. Authorization group configuration scripts
  47. Business-level application configuration scripts
  48. BLAManagement .
  49. CAClientCommands
  50. CertificateRequestCommands command group of the AdminTask object
  51. ChannelFrameworkManagement
  52. checkHmmLocation.jacl script
  53. checkPlacementLocation.jacl script
  54. Cluster administration scripts
  55. ClusterConfigCommands
  56. Cluster configuration scripts
  57. Cluster query scripts
  58. Commands for the AdminApp object
  59. Commands for the AdminConfig object
  60. Commands for the AdminControl object
  61. Commands for the AdminTask object
  62. Commands for the Help object
  63. ConfigArchiveOperations .
  64. configCGSharedLib.py batch script
  65. connectSIBWSEndpointListener
  66. CoreGroupBridgeManagement
  67. CoreGroupManagement
  68. CoreGroupPolicyManagement
  69. coregroupsplit.py script
  70. correctSIBEnginePolicy
  71. createDynamicCluster.jacl script
  72. createJAXWSHandler
  73. createJAXWSHandlerList
  74. createMissingSIBEnginePolicy
  75. createodr.jacl script
  76. createSIBDestination
  77. createSIBDestinations
  78. createSIBEngine
  79. createSIBForeignBus
  80. createSIBJMSActivationSpec
  81. createSIBJMSConnectionFactory
  82. createSIBJMSQueue
  83. createSIBJMSTopic
  84. createSIBLink
  85. createSIBMediation
  86. createSIBMQLink
  87. createSIBus
  88. createSIBWMQServer
  89. createSIBWSEndpointListener
  90. createSIBWSInboundService
  91. createSIBWSOutboundService
  92. createWMQActivationSpec
  93. createWMQConnectionFactory
  94. createWMQQueue
  95. createWMQTopic
  96. createWSGWGatewayService
  97. createWSGWProxyService
  98. createWSNAdministeredSubscriber
  99. createWSNService
  100. createWSNServicePoint
  101. createWSNTopicDocument
  102. createWSNTopicNamespace
  103. CustomProperties policy and binding properties
  104. DataReaderWrapper class
  105. Data types for the AdminTask object
  106. Define destination defaults inheritance
  107. Define topic role inheritance
  108. deleteDynamicCluster.jacl script
  109. deleteJAXWSHandler
  110. deleteJAXWSHandlerList
  111. deleteodr.jacl script
  112. deleteSIBDestination
  113. deleteSIBDestinations
  114. deleteSIBEngine
  115. deleteSIBForeignBus
  116. deleteSIBJMSActivationSpec
  117. deleteSIBJMSConnectionFactory
  118. deleteSIBJMSQueue
  119. deleteSIBJMSTopic
  120. deleteSIBLink
  121. deleteSIBMediation
  122. deleteSIBMQLink
  123. deleteSIBus
  124. deleteSIBWMQServer
  125. deleteSIBWSEndpointListener
  126. deleteSIBWSInboundService
  127. deleteSIBWSOutboundService
  128. deleteWMQActivationSpec
  129. deleteWMQConnectionFactory
  130. deleteWMQQueue
  131. deleteWMQTopic
  132. deleteWSGWGatewayService
  133. deleteWSGWInstance
  134. deleteWSGWProxyService
  135. deleteWSNAdministeredSubscriber
  136. deleteWSNService
  137. deleteWSNServicePoint
  138. deleteWSNTopicDocument
  139. deleteWSNTopicNamespace
  140. DescriptivePropCommands
  141. Determining destination defaults inheritance
  142. Determining topic role inheritance
  143. disconnectSIBWSEndpointListener
  144. dpManagerCommands
  145. DRS .
  146. dumpIMPState.py script
  147. dumpOdrState.jacl script
  148. DynamicCache
  149. Dynamic cache MBean statistics
  150. DynamicSSLConfigSelections
  151. Example: Collecting arguments for the AdminControl object
  152. Example: Identifying running objects
  153. Example: Listing the modules in an application server
  154. Example: Obtaining option information for AdminApp object commands
  155. FileRegistryCommands
  156. FIPSCommands
  157. getClientDynamicPolicyControl
  158. getProviderPolicySharingInfo
  159. getWSN_SIBWSInboundPort
  160. getWSN_SIBWSInboundService
  161. HmmControllerProcs.jacl script
  162. httpPluginManagement.py script
  163. HTTPTransport policy and binding properties
  164. IdMgrConfig
  165. IdMgrDataModel
  166. IdMgrDBSetup
  167. IdMgrRealmConfig
  168. IdMgrRepositoryConfig
  169. importOverlayConfig.py script
  170. Intelligent Management: administrator scripting interface
  171. Intelligent Management: application edition management administrative tasks
  172. Intelligent Management: default work class administrative tasks
  173. Intelligent Management: dynamic cluster administrative tasks
  174. Intelligent Management: health controller commands with the AdminConfig object
  175. Intelligent Management: health policy administrative tasks
  176. Intelligent Management: maintenance mode administrative tasks
  177. Intelligent Management: middleware application administrative tasks
  178. Intelligent Management: middleware descriptor administrative tasks
  179. Intelligent Management: middleware server creation administrative tasks
  180. Intelligent Management: middleware server management administrative tasks
  181. Intelligent Management: middleware server template administrative tasks
  182. Intelligent Management: PHP server administrative tasks
  183. Intelligent Management: rules for ODR routing policy administrative tasks
  184. Intelligent Management: rules for ODR service policy administrative tasks
  185. Intelligent Management: runtime operations user preferences administrative tasks
  186. Intelligent Management: scripts
  187. Intelligent Management: trace settings for autonomic request flow manager and application placement
  188. J2C configuration scripts
  189. J2C query scripts
  190. JACCUtilityCommands
  191. JaspiManagement
  192. JavaEEDefaultResources
  193. JCAManagement
  194. JDBC configuration scripts
  195. JDBCProviderManagement command group for AdminTask object
  196. JDBC query scripts
  197. JMS configuration scripts
  198. JMS query scripts
  199. JMSTransport policy and binding properties
  200. JobManagerNode .
  201. JobManagerUpkeep .
  202. JobSchedulerCommands
  203. JSFCommands
  204. Kerberos authentication commands
  205. keyManagerCommands
  206. KeyReferenceCommands
  207. KeySetCommands
  208. KeySetGroupCommands
  209. KeyStoreCommands
  210. linkCells|linkCellsZOS script
  211. listAllSIBBootstrapMembers
  212. listGroupsInBusConnectorRole
  213. listGroupsInDefaultRole
  214. listGroupsInDestinationRole
  215. listGroupsInForeignBusRole
  216. listGroupsInTopicRole
  217. listGroupsInTopicSpaceRootRole
  218. List security roles for service integration
  219. listJAXWSHandlerLists
  220. listJAXWSHandlers
  221. listSIBDestinations
  222. listSIBEngines
  223. listSIBForeignBuses
  224. listSIBJMSActivationSpecs
  225. listSIBJMSConnectionFactories
  226. listSIBJMSQueues
  227. listSIBJMSTopics
  228. listSIBLinks
  229. listSIBMediations
  230. listSIBMQLinks
  231. listSIBNominatedBootstrapMembers
  232. listSIBPermittedChain
  233. listSIBuses
  234. listSIBusMembers
  235. listSIBWMQServerBusMembers
  236. listSIBWMQServers
  237. listUsersInBusConnectorRole
  238. listUsersInDefaultRole
  239. listUsersInDestinationRole
  240. listUsersInForeignBusRole
  241. listUsersInTopicRole
  242. listUsersInTopicSpaceRootRole
  243. listWMQActivationSpecs
  244. listWMQConnectionFactories
  245. listWMQQueues
  246. listWMQTopics
  247. listWSNAdministeredSubscribers
  248. listWSNServicePoints
  249. listWSNServices
  250. listWSNTopicDocuments
  251. listWSNTopicNamespaces
  252. LTPA_LDAPSecurityOn and LTPA_LDAPSecurityOff command usage
  253. LTPACommandGroup
  254. manageBBSON.py script
  255. ManagedNodeAgent .
  256. ManagedNodeGroup using wsadmin.sh (deprecated)
  257. ManagedObjectMetadata
  258. ManagementScopeCommands
  259. manageODC.py script
  260. manageODR.py script
  261. manageWMQ
  262. Mapping of administrative console panel names to command names and IBM MQ names
  263. mediateSIBDestination
  264. migrateServerMEtoCluster
  265. migrateWMQMLP
  266. MirrorCell script
  267. modifyJAXWSHandler
  268. modifyJAXWSHandlerList
  269. modifySIBDestination
  270. modifySIBEngine
  271. modifySIBForeignBus
  272. modifySIBJMSActivationSpec
  273. modifySIBJMSConnectionFactory
  274. modifySIBJMSQueue
  275. modifySIBJMSTopic
  276. modifySIBLink
  277. modifySIBMediation
  278. modifySIBMQLink
  279. modifySIBus
  280. modifySIBusMemberPolicy
  281. modifySIBWMQServerBusMember
  282. modifySIBWMQServer
  283. modifyWMQActivationSpec
  284. modifyWMQConnectionFactory
  285. modifyWMQQueue
  286. modifyWMQTopic
  287. NamingAuthzCommands
  288. Node administration scripts
  289. NodeGroupCommands .
  290. Node group configuration scripts
  291. odrDebug.py script
  292. Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands
  293. PersonalCertificateCommands
  294. PlacementControllerProcs.jacl script
  295. pluginIntelligentManagement.py script
  296. pluginMerge script
  297. Policy configuration properties for all policies
  298. PolicySetManagement
  299. populateUniqueNames
  300. PortManagement
  301. propagatePluginCfg.py script
  302. PropertiesBasedConfiguration .
  303. Properties file syntax
  304. Properties for web services endpoint URL fragments using property files
  305. Provider
  306. ProxyManagement
  307. publishSIBWSInboundService
  308. RARUpdate command group
  309. recoverMEConfig
  310. redeployLRS.py batch script
  311. refreshSIBWSInboundServiceWSDL
  312. refreshSIBWSOutboundServiceWSDL
  313. removeGroupFromAllRoles
  314. removeGroupFromBusConnectorRole
  315. removeGroupfromDefaultRole
  316. removeGroupFromDestinationRole
  317. removeGroupFromForeignBusRole
  318. removeGroupFromTopicRole
  319. removeGroupFromTopicSpaceRootRole
  320. removePGC.py batch script
  321. removeSIBBootstrapMember
  322. removeSIBPermittedChain
  323. removeSIBusMember
  324. removeSIBWSInboundPort
  325. removeSIBWSOutboundPort
  326. removeUserFromAllRoles
  327. removeUserFromBusConnectorRole
  328. removeUserfromDefaultRole
  329. removeUserFromDestinationRole
  330. removeUserFromForeignBusRole
  331. removeUserFromTopicRole
  332. removeUserFromTopicSpaceRootRole
  333. removeWSGWTargetService
  334. Removing authorization data
  335. Removing users and groups
  336. RepositoryCheckpointCommands .
  337. Resource configuration scripts
  338. ResourceManagement
  339. Ruleset administrative tasks
  340. SecureConversation .(Deprecated)
  341. SecurityConfigurationCommands
  342. SecurityDomainCommands
  343. SecurityRealmInfoCommands
  344. Server administration scripts
  345. Server configuration scripts
  346. ServerManagement
  347. Server query scripts
  348. serverQuiesce.py script
  349. Server settings configuration scripts
  350. servicepolicy.py script
  351. setClientDynamicPolicyControl
  352. setDefaultSIBWSOutboundPort
  353. setProviderPolicySharingInfo
  354. showJAXWSHandler
  355. showJAXWSHandlerList
  356. showSIBDestination
  357. showSIBEngine
  358. showSIBForeignBus
  359. showSIBJMSActivationSpec
  360. showSIBJMSConnectionFactory
  361. showSIBJMSQueue
  362. showSIBJMSTopic
  363. showSIBLink
  364. showSIBMediation
  365. showSIBMQLink
  366. showSIBus
  367. showSIBusMember
  368. showSIBWMQServerBusMember
  369. showSIBWMQServer
  370. showWMQActivationSpec
  371. showWMQ
  372. showWMQConnectionFactory
  373. showWMQQueue
  374. showWMQTopic
  375. showWSNAdministeredSubscriber
  376. showWSNService
  377. showWSNServicePoint
  378. showWSNTopicDocument
  379. showWSNTopicNamespace
  380. SIBAdminBusSecurityCommands
  381. SIBAdminCommands: Bus administrative commands for the AdminTask object
  382. SIBAdminCommands: Bus link administrative commands for the AdminTask object
  383. SIBAdminCommands: Destination administrative commands for the AdminTask object
  384. SIBAdminCommands: Foreign bus administrative commands for the AdminTask object
  385. SIBAdminCommands: Mediation administrative commands for the AdminTask object
  386. SIBAdminCommands: Messaging engine administrative commands for the AdminTask object
  387. SIBAdminCommands: IBM MQ link administrative commands for the AdminTask object
  388. SIBAdminCommands: IBM MQ server administrative commands for the AdminTask object
  389. SIBJMSAdminCommands
  390. SIBWebServices
  391. SignerCertificateCommands
  392. SpnegoTAICommands group for the AdminTask object (deprecated)
  393. SPNEGO web authentication configuration commands
  394. SPNEGO web authentication filter commands
  395. SSLConfigCommands
  396. SSLConfigGroupCommands group for the AdminTask object
  397. SSLMigrationCommands
  398. SSLTransport policy and binding properties
  399. STSManagement
  400. TAMConfig
  401. TargetGroup .
  402. The Kerberos configuration file
  403. TrustManagerCommands
  404. unlinkCells|unlinkCellsZOS script
  405. UnmanagedNodeCommands .
  406. unmediateSIBDestination
  407. unpublishSIBWSInboundService
  408. updateZOSStartArgs script
  409. Usage table for the options of the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, update, updateInteractive, edit, and editInteractive commands
  410. useBBSON.py script
  411. Utility command group of the AdminTask object
  412. Utility scripts
  413. VariableConfiguration
  414. WebServicesAdmin
  415. WIMManagementCommands
  416. WMQAdminCommands
  417. workclassoperations.py script
  418. WSAddressing policy and binding properties
  419. wsadmin (Jython) scripting procedures for CEA
  420. wsadmin scripting tool
  421. wsadmin tool performance tips
  422. WSCertExpMonitorCommands
  423. WSGateway
  424. wsgridConfig.py batch script
  425. WSNotificationCommands
  426. WSNotifierCommands
  427. WS-Policy commands for the AdminTask object
  428. WSReliableMessaging policy and binding properties
  429. WSSCacheManagement
  430. WSScheduleCommands command group of the AdminTask object
  431. WSSecurity policy and binding properties
  432. wve_encodePassword script