Commands (wsadmin scripting)
- addGroupToBusConnectorRole
- addGroupToDefaultRole
- addGroupToDestinationRole
- addGroupToForeignBusRole
- addGroupToTopicRole
- addGroupToTopicSpaceRootRole
- addSIBBootstrapMember
- addSIBPermittedChain
- addSIBusMember
- addSIBWSInboundPort
- addSIBWSOutboundPort
- addUserToBusConnectorRole
- addUserToDefaultRole
- addUserToDestinationRole
- addUserToForeignBusRole
- addUserToTopicRole
- addUserToTopicSpaceRootRole
- addWSGWTargetService
- AdministrationReports .
- Administrative command invocation syntax
- AdministrativeJobs .
- Administrative job types
- Administrative properties for
- AdminSDKCmds
- APCconfig.jacl script
- script
- Application administration scripts
- Application deployment configuration scripts
- Application export scripts
- Application installation and uninstallation scripts
- Application management
- Application query scripts
- Application update scripts
- script
- AuditEmitterCommands for the AdminTask object
- AuditEncryptionCommands
- AuditEventFactoryCommands for the AdminTask object
- AuditEventFormatterCommands
- AuditFilterCommands
- AuditKeyStoreCommands
- AuditNotificationCommands
- AuditPolicyCommands
- AuditReaderCommands
- AuditSigningCommands
- AuthorizationGroupCommands
- Authorization group configuration scripts
- Business-level application configuration scripts
- BLAManagement .
- CAClientCommands
- CertificateRequestCommands command group of the AdminTask object
- ChannelFrameworkManagement
- checkHmmLocation.jacl script
- checkPlacementLocation.jacl script
- Cluster administration scripts
- ClusterConfigCommands
- Cluster configuration scripts
- Cluster query scripts
- Commands for the AdminApp object
- Commands for the AdminConfig object
- Commands for the AdminControl object
- Commands for the AdminTask object
- Commands for the Help object
- ConfigArchiveOperations .
- batch script
- connectSIBWSEndpointListener
- CoreGroupBridgeManagement
- CoreGroupManagement
- CoreGroupPolicyManagement
- script
- correctSIBEnginePolicy
- createDynamicCluster.jacl script
- createJAXWSHandler
- createJAXWSHandlerList
- createMissingSIBEnginePolicy
- createodr.jacl script
- createSIBDestination
- createSIBDestinations
- createSIBEngine
- createSIBForeignBus
- createSIBJMSActivationSpec
- createSIBJMSConnectionFactory
- createSIBJMSQueue
- createSIBJMSTopic
- createSIBLink
- createSIBMediation
- createSIBMQLink
- createSIBus
- createSIBWMQServer
- createSIBWSEndpointListener
- createSIBWSInboundService
- createSIBWSOutboundService
- createWMQActivationSpec
- createWMQConnectionFactory
- createWMQQueue
- createWMQTopic
- createWSGWGatewayService
- createWSGWProxyService
- createWSNAdministeredSubscriber
- createWSNService
- createWSNServicePoint
- createWSNTopicDocument
- createWSNTopicNamespace
- CustomProperties policy and binding properties
- DataReaderWrapper class
- Data types for the AdminTask object
- Define destination defaults inheritance
- Define topic role inheritance
- deleteDynamicCluster.jacl script
- deleteJAXWSHandler
- deleteJAXWSHandlerList
- deleteodr.jacl script
- deleteSIBDestination
- deleteSIBDestinations
- deleteSIBEngine
- deleteSIBForeignBus
- deleteSIBJMSActivationSpec
- deleteSIBJMSConnectionFactory
- deleteSIBJMSQueue
- deleteSIBJMSTopic
- deleteSIBLink
- deleteSIBMediation
- deleteSIBMQLink
- deleteSIBus
- deleteSIBWMQServer
- deleteSIBWSEndpointListener
- deleteSIBWSInboundService
- deleteSIBWSOutboundService
- deleteWMQActivationSpec
- deleteWMQConnectionFactory
- deleteWMQQueue
- deleteWMQTopic
- deleteWSGWGatewayService
- deleteWSGWInstance
- deleteWSGWProxyService
- deleteWSNAdministeredSubscriber
- deleteWSNService
- deleteWSNServicePoint
- deleteWSNTopicDocument
- deleteWSNTopicNamespace
- DescriptivePropCommands
- Determining destination defaults inheritance
- Determining topic role inheritance
- disconnectSIBWSEndpointListener
- dpManagerCommands
- DRS .
- script
- dumpOdrState.jacl script
- DynamicCache
- Dynamic cache MBean statistics
- DynamicSSLConfigSelections
- Example: Collecting arguments for the AdminControl object
- Example: Identifying running objects
- Example: Listing the modules in an application server
- Example: Obtaining option information for AdminApp object commands
- FileRegistryCommands
- FIPSCommands
- getClientDynamicPolicyControl
- getProviderPolicySharingInfo
- getWSN_SIBWSInboundPort
- getWSN_SIBWSInboundService
- HmmControllerProcs.jacl script
- script
- HTTPTransport policy and binding properties
- IdMgrConfig
- IdMgrDataModel
- IdMgrDBSetup
- IdMgrRealmConfig
- IdMgrRepositoryConfig
- script
- Intelligent Management: administrator scripting interface
- Intelligent Management: application edition management administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: default work class administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: dynamic cluster administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: health controller commands with the AdminConfig object
- Intelligent Management: health policy administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: maintenance mode administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: middleware application administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: middleware descriptor administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: middleware server creation administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: middleware server management administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: middleware server template administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: PHP server administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: rules for ODR routing policy administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: rules for ODR service policy administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: runtime operations user preferences administrative tasks
- Intelligent Management: scripts
- Intelligent Management: trace settings for autonomic request flow manager and application placement
- J2C configuration scripts
- J2C query scripts
- JACCUtilityCommands
- JaspiManagement
- JavaEEDefaultResources
- JCAManagement
- JDBC configuration scripts
- JDBCProviderManagement command group for AdminTask object
- JDBC query scripts
- JMS configuration scripts
- JMS query scripts
- JMSTransport policy and binding properties
- JobManagerNode .
- JobManagerUpkeep .
- JobSchedulerCommands
- JSFCommands
- Kerberos authentication commands
- keyManagerCommands
- KeyReferenceCommands
- KeySetCommands
- KeySetGroupCommands
- KeyStoreCommands
- linkCells|linkCellsZOS script
- listAllSIBBootstrapMembers
- listGroupsInBusConnectorRole
- listGroupsInDefaultRole
- listGroupsInDestinationRole
- listGroupsInForeignBusRole
- listGroupsInTopicRole
- listGroupsInTopicSpaceRootRole
- List security roles for service integration
- listJAXWSHandlerLists
- listJAXWSHandlers
- listSIBDestinations
- listSIBEngines
- listSIBForeignBuses
- listSIBJMSActivationSpecs
- listSIBJMSConnectionFactories
- listSIBJMSQueues
- listSIBJMSTopics
- listSIBLinks
- listSIBMediations
- listSIBMQLinks
- listSIBNominatedBootstrapMembers
- listSIBPermittedChain
- listSIBuses
- listSIBusMembers
- listSIBWMQServerBusMembers
- listSIBWMQServers
- listUsersInBusConnectorRole
- listUsersInDefaultRole
- listUsersInDestinationRole
- listUsersInForeignBusRole
- listUsersInTopicRole
- listUsersInTopicSpaceRootRole
- listWMQActivationSpecs
- listWMQConnectionFactories
- listWMQQueues
- listWMQTopics
- listWSNAdministeredSubscribers
- listWSNServicePoints
- listWSNServices
- listWSNTopicDocuments
- listWSNTopicNamespaces
- LTPA_LDAPSecurityOn and LTPA_LDAPSecurityOff command usage
- LTPACommandGroup
- script
- ManagedNodeAgent .
- ManagedNodeGroup using (deprecated)
- ManagedObjectMetadata
- ManagementScopeCommands
- script
- script
- manageWMQ
- Mapping of administrative console panel names to command names and IBM MQ names
- mediateSIBDestination
- migrateServerMEtoCluster
- migrateWMQMLP
- MirrorCell script
- modifyJAXWSHandler
- modifyJAXWSHandlerList
- modifySIBDestination
- modifySIBEngine
- modifySIBForeignBus
- modifySIBJMSActivationSpec
- modifySIBJMSConnectionFactory
- modifySIBJMSQueue
- modifySIBJMSTopic
- modifySIBLink
- modifySIBMediation
- modifySIBMQLink
- modifySIBus
- modifySIBusMemberPolicy
- modifySIBWMQServerBusMember
- modifySIBWMQServer
- modifyWMQActivationSpec
- modifyWMQConnectionFactory
- modifyWMQQueue
- modifyWMQTopic
- NamingAuthzCommands
- Node administration scripts
- NodeGroupCommands .
- Node group configuration scripts
- script
- Options for the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, edit, editInteractive, update, and updateInteractive commands
- PersonalCertificateCommands
- PlacementControllerProcs.jacl script
- script
- pluginMerge script
- Policy configuration properties for all policies
- PolicySetManagement
- populateUniqueNames
- PortManagement
- script
- PropertiesBasedConfiguration .
- Properties file syntax
- Properties for web services endpoint URL fragments using property files
- Provider
- ProxyManagement
- publishSIBWSInboundService
- RARUpdate command group
- recoverMEConfig
- batch script
- refreshSIBWSInboundServiceWSDL
- refreshSIBWSOutboundServiceWSDL
- removeGroupFromAllRoles
- removeGroupFromBusConnectorRole
- removeGroupfromDefaultRole
- removeGroupFromDestinationRole
- removeGroupFromForeignBusRole
- removeGroupFromTopicRole
- removeGroupFromTopicSpaceRootRole
- batch script
- removeSIBBootstrapMember
- removeSIBPermittedChain
- removeSIBusMember
- removeSIBWSInboundPort
- removeSIBWSOutboundPort
- removeUserFromAllRoles
- removeUserFromBusConnectorRole
- removeUserfromDefaultRole
- removeUserFromDestinationRole
- removeUserFromForeignBusRole
- removeUserFromTopicRole
- removeUserFromTopicSpaceRootRole
- removeWSGWTargetService
- Removing authorization data
- Removing users and groups
- RepositoryCheckpointCommands .
- Resource configuration scripts
- ResourceManagement
- Ruleset administrative tasks
- SecureConversation .(Deprecated)
- SecurityConfigurationCommands
- SecurityDomainCommands
- SecurityRealmInfoCommands
- Server administration scripts
- Server configuration scripts
- ServerManagement
- Server query scripts
- script
- Server settings configuration scripts
- script
- setClientDynamicPolicyControl
- setDefaultSIBWSOutboundPort
- setProviderPolicySharingInfo
- showJAXWSHandler
- showJAXWSHandlerList
- showSIBDestination
- showSIBEngine
- showSIBForeignBus
- showSIBJMSActivationSpec
- showSIBJMSConnectionFactory
- showSIBJMSQueue
- showSIBJMSTopic
- showSIBLink
- showSIBMediation
- showSIBMQLink
- showSIBus
- showSIBusMember
- showSIBWMQServerBusMember
- showSIBWMQServer
- showWMQActivationSpec
- showWMQ
- showWMQConnectionFactory
- showWMQQueue
- showWMQTopic
- showWSNAdministeredSubscriber
- showWSNService
- showWSNServicePoint
- showWSNTopicDocument
- showWSNTopicNamespace
- SIBAdminBusSecurityCommands
- SIBAdminCommands: Bus administrative commands for the AdminTask object
- SIBAdminCommands: Bus link administrative commands for the AdminTask object
- SIBAdminCommands: Destination administrative commands for the AdminTask object
- SIBAdminCommands: Foreign bus administrative commands for the AdminTask object
- SIBAdminCommands: Mediation administrative commands for the AdminTask object
- SIBAdminCommands: Messaging engine administrative commands for the AdminTask object
- SIBAdminCommands: IBM MQ link administrative commands for the AdminTask object
- SIBAdminCommands: IBM MQ server administrative commands for the AdminTask object
- SIBJMSAdminCommands
- SIBWebServices
- SignerCertificateCommands
- SpnegoTAICommands group for the AdminTask object (deprecated)
- SPNEGO web authentication configuration commands
- SPNEGO web authentication filter commands
- SSLConfigCommands
- SSLConfigGroupCommands group for the AdminTask object
- SSLMigrationCommands
- SSLTransport policy and binding properties
- STSManagement
- TAMConfig
- TargetGroup .
- The Kerberos configuration file
- TrustManagerCommands
- unlinkCells|unlinkCellsZOS script
- UnmanagedNodeCommands .
- unmediateSIBDestination
- unpublishSIBWSInboundService
- updateZOSStartArgs script
- Usage table for the options of the AdminApp object install, installInteractive, update, updateInteractive, edit, and editInteractive commands
- script
- Utility command group of the AdminTask object
- Utility scripts
- VariableConfiguration
- WebServicesAdmin
- WIMManagementCommands
- WMQAdminCommands
- script
- WSAddressing policy and binding properties
- wsadmin (Jython) scripting procedures for CEA
- wsadmin scripting tool
- wsadmin tool performance tips
- WSCertExpMonitorCommands
- WSGateway
- batch script
- WSNotificationCommands
- WSNotifierCommands
- WS-Policy commands for the AdminTask object
- WSReliableMessaging policy and binding properties
- WSSCacheManagement
- WSScheduleCommands command group of the AdminTask object
- WSSecurity policy and binding properties
- wve_encodePassword script