Intelligent Management: runtime operations user preferences administrative tasks
Use the Jacl and Jython scripting languages to clone, set, and get preferences with Use the commands in the UserPreferences group.
User preferences are stored under the cell context or in the context for each resource type. The following list gives examples at the cell level and each resource level:
- cells/myCell/preferences/User_1/preferenceset.xml
- cells/myCell/applications/TestAppA.ear/preferences/User_1/preferenceset.xml
- cells/myCell/nodes/myNode/servers/myServer/preferences/User_1/preferenceset.xml
- cells/myCell/clusters/myCluster/preferences/User_1/preferenceset.xml
- cells/myCell/serviceclasses/Platinum/preferences/User_1/preferenceset.xml
Use the following commands to work with the preferences for runtime operations:
For examples using Jython to interact with preferences objects, see Jython preferences object commands.
Copy a preference from one user or role to another user or role.
Target object: The configID of the parent.
Required parameters:
- -name The name of the preference to clone. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -scope: Scope of the preference to save when the preferences are cloned. If we do not specify a scope, the scope of the configID is used. (String, optional) The scope can be one of the following values:
- Applications
- Servers
- Clusters
- ServiceClasses
- -touser: User for which to retrieve preferences. If we do not indicate this value, the default uses the user ID for the session in which the command is running. (String, optional)
- -torole: Role for which to retrieve preferences. This value is ignored if we specified the -touser parameter. (String, optional)
- -fromuser: User that gets a copy the preferences. We can indicate multiple users by putting the users in a list, for example: user1,user2,user3. Do not put spaces in the list. (String, optional)
- -fromrole: Role that gets a copy of the preferences. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython:
cellid= AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell")
AdminTask.clonePreference(cellid, '[-name ChartGroups -fromuser user1 -touser user2,user3,user4,user5]') Use Jacl:
$AdminTask clonePreference cells/dabtcCell02|cell.xml#Cell_1 {-name ChartGroups -fromuser user1 -touser user2,user3,user4,user5}
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask clonePreference {-interactive}
Return a collection of preferences based on the preference document we specify by passing in a role or user name. We must have administrator privileges to get preferences for a certain user or user role.
Target object: The configID of the parent.
Required parameters:
- -name: Name of the preference. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -scope: Specifies a scope for the preferences. We can choose from one of the following valid values:
- Applications
- Servers
- Clusters
- ServiceClasses
The default scope is empty, or undefined. If the scope is empty, the scope is derived from where the document is being read. For example, if the document is in the cell scope, then the scope is cell scoped. If the document is in a specific server context, then the scope is assumed to be applicable to that server. (String, optional)
- -user: User name for which to retrieve preferences. If we do not indicate a user, the default action is to use the user name running the script. (String, optional)
- -role: User role for which to retrieve preferences. (String, optional)
Return value.
The command returns a DescriptivePropertyGroup object containing the preferences, or null if no preferences are found.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
cellid= AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell")
AdminTask.getPreferences(cellid, '[-name ChartGroups -user user1]')- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask getPreferences cells/dabtcCell02|cell.xml#Cell_1 {-name Reports -user user1}
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask getPreferences {-interactive}
Set a specific preference in a preference document. We must have administrator privileges to set preferences for a certain user or user role.
Target object: The configID of the parent.
Required parameters:
- -name: Name of the preference. (String, required)
- -propertyLongName: Fully-qualified path to the property in the property group, delimited by a forward slash (/) character. If the property is directly contained in the root property group, then the short name of the property can be used because it would be exactly equal to the long name. (String, required)
- -propertyValue: New value to set for the preference. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -scope: Scope of the preference to save when the preferences are cloned. If we do not specify a scope, the scope of the configID is used. (String, optional) The scope can be one of the following values:
- Applications
- Servers
- Clusters
- ServiceClasses
- -user: User name for which to save preferences. If we do not indicate a user, the default action is to use the user name running the script. (String, optional)
- -role: User role for which to save preferences. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.setPreference(cellid, '[-name myChartGroup -propertyLongName defaultChartSize -propertyValue large]')
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask setPreference cells/dabtcCell02|cell.xml#Cell_1 {-name Reports -user user1 -propertyLongName defaultChartSize -propertyValue large}
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask setPreference {-interactive}
Jython preferences object commands
Use the following examples to interact with the preferences object with Jython commands:
To list preferences per user
prefSets = AdminConfig.list("PreferenceSet")
print prefSetsTo remove preferences for a user
prefid = AdminConfig.getid("/PreferenceSet:User_1")
AdminConfig.remove(prefid) list preferences for all users, grouped by user
prefs = AdminConfig.list("Preferences") print prefs
Runtime operations overview Monitor Intelligent Management operations Create and manage reports Intelligent Management: administrator scripting interface