createWMQConnectionFactory command
Use the createWMQConnectionFactory command to create a connection factory for the IBM MQ messaging provider at a specific scope.
To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
(iSeries) The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. See topic "Configure Qshell to run WebSphere Application Server scripts".
This command is valid only when it is used with WAS v7 and later application servers. Do not use it with earlier versions.
For a list of the available IBM MQ messaging provider administrative commands, plus a brief description of each command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:
For overview help on a given command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:
After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration. For example.
Use the createWMQConnectionFactory command to create an IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory at a specific scope.
We cannot create an IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory under either of the following conditions:
- An IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory already exists with the same name, at the same scope.
- The JNDI name clashes with another entry in WAS JNDI.
Target object
The scope of the IBM MQ messaging provider at which the IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory is to be created.
Required parameters
- -name
- The administrative name assigned to this IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory.
- -jndiName
- The name and location used to bind this object into WAS JNDI.
- -type
- Use this parameter to determine whether a unified connection factory, a queue connection factory or a topic connection factory is to be created.
Enter one of the following values:
- CF
CF is the default value.
If we specify QCF, we cannot specify any of the following parameters:
- -brokerCtrlQueue
- -brokerSubQueue
- -brokerCCSubQueue
- -brokerVersion
- -brokerPubQueue
- -tempTopicPrefix
- -pubAckWindow
- -subStore
- -stateRefreshInt
- -cleanupLevel
- -sparesSubs
- -wildcardFormat
- -brokerQmgr
- -clonedSubs
- -msgSelection
If we specify TCF, we cannot specify any of the following parameters:
- -msgRetention
- -rescanInterval
- -tempQueuePrefix
- -modelQueue
- -replyWithRFH2
Optional parameters
- -description
- An administrative description assigned to the connection factory.
- -ccdtUrl
- A URL to a client channel definition table to use, for this connection factory, when contacting IBM MQ.
Use this parameter to create a ccdtURL connection factory
Do not specify this parameter in conjunction with the following parameters: -qmgrName, -qmgrHostname, -qmgrPortNumber, -qmgrSvrconnChannel, -wmqTransportType or -localAddress.
- -ccdtQmgrName
- A queue manager name, used to select one or more entries from a client channel definition table.
Do not specify this parameter in conjunction with the following parameters: -qmgrName, -qmgrHostname, -qmgrPortNumber, -qmgrSvrconnChannel, -wmqTransportType, or -localAddress.
- -qmgrName
- The name of the queue manager to use, for this connection factory, when connecting with IBM MQ.
Use this parameter to create a generic connection factory.
Do not specify this parameter in conjunction with the following parameters: -ccdtUrl or -ccdtQmgrName.
- -wmqTransportType
- This parameter determines the way in which a connection is established to IBM MQ for this connection factory.
Use this parameter to create a generic connection factory.
Enter one of the following values:
Do not specify this parameter in conjunction with the following parameters: -ccdtUrl or -ccdtQmgrName.
For more information about configuring a transport type of BINDINGS_THEN_CLIENT or BINDINGS, refer to Configure the IBM MQ messaging provider with native libraries information.
- -qmgrHostname
- The host name to use, for this connection factory, when attempting a client mode connection to IBM MQ. It must be a valid TCP/IP host name or IPv4 or IPv6 address.
The default is the local host.
Do not specify this parameter in conjunction with the following parameters: -ccdtUrl or -ccdtQmgrName.
For information on setting the -qmgrHostname parameter in conjunction with the -connectionNameList parameter, see the description of the -connectionNameList parameter.
- -qmgrPortNumber
- The port number to use, for this connection factory, when attempting a client mode connection to IBM MQ.
Enter an integer value in the range 1 - 65536 (inclusive).
The default is 1414.
Do not specify this parameter in conjunction with the following parameters: -ccdtUrl or -ccdtQmgrName.
For information on setting the -qmgrPortNumber parameter in conjunction with the -connectionNameList parameter, see the description of the -connectionNameList parameter.
- -connectionNameList
- The connection name list specifying the host name and port details to use when we want the connection factory to connect to a multi-instance queue manager.
We must only use the -connectionNameList parameter to allow a connection to a multi-instance queue manager. Using the -connectionNameList parameter to connect to a non-multi-instance queue manager can jeopardize transaction integrity.
The -connectionNameList parameter must be entered as a comma separated list of host names and ports in the following format:
For host enter a valid TCP/IP host name, IPv4 or IPv6 address.
For port enter an integer value between 1 and 65536 (inclusive). Specifying a value for port is optional. When we do not specify a value, port defaults to 1414.
For example: localhost(1234),remotehost1(1234),remotehost2
When we specify the -connectionNameList parameter, the -qmgrHostname and -qmgrPortNumber parameters are automatically set to the host name and port number of the first entry in the connection name list. This overrides any values that we previously specified in the -qmgrHostname and -qmgrPortNumber parameters.
In the preceding example this would mean that -qmgrHostname would be localhost and -qmgrPortNumber would be 1234.
The -connectionNameList parameter is only valid for use in WAS v8.0 or later. Attempting to specify the -connectionNameList parameter on an IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory which is defined at a server or node scope running on a version of WAS earlier than v8.0 results in an error message when running the following commands:
- createWMQConnectionFactory
- modifyWMQConnectionFactory
If an IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory based on a connection name list is used by an application client or server running a version of WAS earlier than v8.0, the -connectionNameList information is not used. Instead, the values specified in the -qmgrHostname and -qmgrPortNumber are used, and are set to the relevant values from the first entry in the connectionNameList parameter.
We must not specify the connectionNameList parameter in conjunction with the -ccdtUrl or -ccdtQmgrName parameters.
If we use the-connectionNameList parameter with a centrally managed SSL configuration, the host name and port number information used to select the appropriate SSL configuration is based on the first entry in the connection name list, regardless of which entry in the list is actually used to connect to the queue manager. This is because each instance of a multi-instance queue manager should be using the same SSL configuration, for a given server connection channel, regardless of which instance is actually running.
For more information on using multi-instance queue managers see the IBM MQ information center.
- -containerAuthAlias
- The container-managed authentication alias, defined to the cell, from which security credentials are used to establish a connection to IBM MQ.
- -componentAuthAlias
- The component-managed authentication alias, defined to the cell, from which security credentials are used to establish a connection to IBM MQ.
- -clientId
- The client identifier used for connections started using this connection factory.
- -providerVersion
- This parameter determines the minimum version, and capabilities of the queue manager.
Enter values in one of the following formats:
- n
- n.n
- n.n.n
- n.n.n.n
where n is an integer greater than or equal to zero.
For example
- -sslCrl
- Specify a list of LDAP servers used to provide certificate revocation information if this connection factory establishes an SSL based connection to IBM MQ.
- -sslResetCount
- This parameter is used when the connection factory establishes an SSL connection to the queue manager. This parameter determines how many bytes to transfer before resetting the symmetric encryption key used for the SSL session.
Enter a value in the range 0 through 999,999,999.
The default is 0.
- -sslPeerName
- This parameter is used when the connection factory establishes an SSL connection to the queue manager. The value is compared with the distinguished name present in the peer's certificate.
- -rcvExit
- A comma-separated list of receive exit class names.
- -rcvExitInitData
- Initialization data to pass to the receive exit.
Do not specify this parameter unless we specify the -rcvExit parameter.
- -sendExit
- A comma-separated list of send exit class names.
- -sendExitInitData
- Initialization data to pass to the send exit.
Do not specify this parameter unless we specify the -sendExit parameter.
- -secExit
- A security exit class name.
- -secExitInitData
- Initialization data to pass to the security exit.
Do not specify this parameter unless we specify the -secExit parameter.
- -compressHeaders
- This parameter determines if message headers are compressed.
Enter one of the following values:
The default is NONE.
- -compressPayload
- This parameter determines if message payloads are compressed.
Enter one of the following values:
The default is NONE.
- -msgRetention
- This parameter determines if the connection consumer keeps unwanted messages on the input queue.
Enter one of the following values:
- NO
where YES specifies that the connection consumer keeps unwanted messages on the input queue, and NO specifies that the messages are disposed of according to their disposition options.
The default is YES.
- -pollingInterval
- This property is applicable in the client container only.
- If each message listener within a session has no suitable message on its queue, this parameter is the maximum interval, in milliseconds, that elapses before each message listener tries again to get a message from its queue. If it frequently happens that no suitable message is available for any of the message listeners in a session, consider increasing the value of this parameter.
The default is 5000.
- -rescanInterval
- When a message consumer in the point-to-point domain uses a message selector to select which messages it is to receive, the JMS client searches the IBM MQ queue for suitable messages in the sequence determined by the MsgDeliverySequence attribute of the queue. When the client finds a suitable message and delivers it to the consumer, the client resumes the search for the next suitable message from its current position in the queue. The client continues to search the queue in this way until it reaches the end of the queue, or until the interval of time in milliseconds, as determined by the value of this -rescanInterval parameter has expired. In each case, the client returns to the beginning of the queue to continue its search, and a new time interval commences
This parameter must be a positive integer value.
The default is 5000.
- -ccsid
- The coded character set identifier (CCSID) to be used on connections.
The value of this parameter must be a positive integer. See the IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory advanced properties for more details.
The default is 819.
- -failIfQuiescing
- This parameter determines the behavior of certain calls to the queue manager when the queue manager is put into quiescing state.
The value of this parameter must be true or false.
true specifies that calls to certain methods fail if the queue manager is in a quiescing state. If an application detects that the queue manager is quiescing, the application can complete its immediate task and close the connection, allowing the queue manager to stop.
false specifies that no methods fail if the queue manager is in a quiescing state. If we specify this value, an application cannot detect that the queue manager is quiescing. The application might continue to perform operations against the queue manager, and therefore prevent the queue manager from stopping.
Default is true.
- -brokerCtrlQueue
- The name of the broker control queue to use if this connection factory is to subscribe to a topic.
- -brokerSubQueue
- The name of the queue to use for obtaining subscription messages if this connection factory is to subscribe to a topic.
- -brokerCCSubQueue
- The name of the queue from which non-durable subscription messages are retrieved for a ConnectionConsumer.
- -brokerVersion
- The value of this parameter determines the level of functionality required for publish/subscribe operations.
Valid values are 1 and 2.
The default is 1.
- -msgSelection
- This parameter determines where message selection occurs.
Valid values are CLIENT and BROKER.
The default is CLIENT.
- -subStore
- This parameter determines where IBM MQ messaging provider stores persistent data relating to active subscriptions.
Valid values are MIGRATE, QUEUE and BROKER.
The default is MIGRATE.
- -stateRefreshInt
- The interval, in milliseconds, between refreshes of the long running transaction that detects when a subscriber loses its connection to the queue manager. This parameter is relevant only if -subStore parameter has the value QUEUE.
The value of this parameter must be a positive integer.
The default is 60,000.
- -cleanupLevel
- The cleanup level for BROKER or MIGRATE subscription stores
Valid values are SAFE, NONE, ASPROP, and STRONG.
The default is SAFE.
- -cleanupInterval
- The interval between background executions of the publish/subscribe cleanup utility.
The value of this parameter must be a positive integer.
The default is 3,600,000.
- -wildcardFormat
- This parameter determines which sets of characters are interpreted as topic wildcards.
Valid values are Topic or Char.
The default is Topic.
- -sparseSubs
- This parameter controls the message retrieval policy of a TopicSubscriber object.
The value of this parameter must be true or false
The default is false.
- -brokerQmgr
- The name of the queue manager running the broker, if it is not the same as the queue manager to which the connection factory connects.
There is no default value.
- -clonedSubs
- This parameter determines whether two or more instances of the same durable topic subscriber can run simultaneously
The value of this parameter must be ENABLED or DISABLED
The default is DISABLED.
- -customProperties
- Specify custom properties to be passed to the IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory implementation. Typically, custom properties are used to set attributes of the connection factory that are not directly supported through the WebSphere administration interfaces.
Each custom property is specified using name and value table step parameters. Since these are table steps, the order of the two parameters is fixed, so we must always specify the name first and the value second:
- In Jython: [name value]
- In Jacl: {name value}
- -qmgrSvrconnChannel
- The SVRCONN channel to use when connecting to IBM MQ.
Use this parameter to create an explicitly defined connection factory.
The default is SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN.
Do not specify this parameter in conjunction with the following parameters: -ccdtUrl or -ccdtQmgrName.
- -support2PCProtocol
- This parameter determines if the connection factory acts as a resource that is capable of participation in distributed two-phase commit processing.
The value of this parameter must be True or False.
The default value True specifies that the connection factory acts as a resource that is capable of participation in distributed two-phase commit processing.
- -modelQueue
- The name of the IBM MQ model queue whose definition is used as a basis when creating JMS temporary destinations.
- -tempQueuePrefix
- The prefix to apply to IBM MQ temporary queues used to represent JMS temporary queue type destinations.
There is no default value.
- -tempTopicPrefix
- The prefix to apply to the names generated for temporary topics. Only valid for connection factories or topic connection factories.
There is no default value.
- -replyWithRFH2
- This parameter determines whether, when sending a reply message to the reply-to queue obtained from a message that does not include an RFH version 2 header, a RFH version 2 header is included in the reply message.
The value of this parameter must be ALWAYS or AS_REPLY_DEST
The default is AS_REPLY_DEST.
- -brokerPubQueue
- The name of the queue to which to send publication messages when using queue based brokering.
- -pubAckInterval
- The number of publications to send to a queue based broker before sending a publication that solicits an acknowledgement.
The value of this parameter must be a positive integer greater than zero.
The default is 25.
- -sslType
- This parameter determines the configuration, if any, to use when applying SSL encryption to the network connection to the queue manager.
The value of this parameter must be CENTRAL, SPECIFIC or NONE
The default is NONE.
The sslConfiguration parameter is not valid unless this parameter is set to the value SPECIFIC.
- -sslConfiguration
- The name of the SSL configuration to use when using SSL to secure network connections to the queue manager.
The value of this parameter must correspond to an SSL configuration.
Do not specify this parameter unless the parameter -sslType is assigned the value SPECIFIC.
- -localAddress
- Specify either or both of the following:
- the local network interface
- the local port, or range of local ports
Do not specify this parameter in conjunction with the following parameters: -ccdtUrl or -ccdtQmgrName.
- -mappingAlias
- The JAAS mapping alias used when determining which security credentials to use when establishing a connection to IBM MQ.
The default is DefaultPrincipleMapping.
- -xaRecoveryAuthAlias
- The authentication alias from which credentials are taken and used to connect to IBM MQ for XA recovery.
There is no default value.
Minimal connection factory definition
In the following examples, code blocks beginning with wsadmin> show code that is entered by the user. Lines that do not begin with wsadmin> show code that has been returned by the console.
The following example creates an connection factory, specifying the minimum number of parameters. Due to the default values assumed for the unspecified parameters, applications using this connection factory expect to be co-located with a queue manager installed on the same node.
- Use Jython:
wsadmin>AdminConfig.getid("/Node:9994GKCNode01")9994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)wsadmin>AdminTask.createWMQConnectionFactory("9994GKCNode01(cells/ 9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)", ["-name cf1 -jndiName 'jms/cf/cf2' -type CF"])cf1(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|resources.xml# QConnectionFactory_1205322636000)- Use Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminConfig getid /Node:9994GKCNode019994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)wsadmin>$AdminTask createWMQConnectionFactory 9994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1) {-name cf1 -jndiName "jms/cf/cf1" -type CF}cf1(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|resources.xml# QConnectionFactory_1205322636000)
Explicitly defined connection factory
The following example creates an connection factory for which the user must specify and maintain all the parameters used for establishing a connection to IBM MQ.
- Use Jython:
wsadmin>AdminConfig.getid("/Node:9994GKCNode01")9994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)wsadmin>AdminTask.createWMQConnectionFactory("9994GKCNode01(cells/ 9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)", ["-name cf2 -jndiName 'jms/cf/cf2' -type CF -description 'Must remember to keep each of these connection factories in sync with the IBM MQ queue manager to which they refer' -qmgrName QM1 -qmgrHostname -qmgrPortNumber 1415 -qmgrSvrconnChannel QM1.SVRCONN"])cf2(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|resources.xml# QConnectionFactory_120532263601)- Use Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminConfig getid /Node:9994GKCNode019994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)wsadmin>$AdminTask createWMQConnectionFactory 9994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1) {-name cf2 -jndiName "jms/cf/cf2" -type CF -description "Must remember to keep each of these connection factories in sync with the IBM MQ queue manager to which they refer" -qmgrName QM1 -qmgrHostname -qmgrPortNumber 1415 -qmgrSvrconnChannel QM1.SVRCONN}cf2(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|resources.xml# QConnectionFactory_120532263601)
Connection factory definition specifying a CCDT
The following example creates an connection factory that uses a CCDT to locate the queue manager to connect to.
- Use Jython:
wsadmin>AdminConfig.getid("/Node:9994GKCNode01")9994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)wsadmin>AdminTask.createWMQConnectionFactory("9994GKCNode01(cells/ 9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)", ["-name cf3 -jndiName 'jms/cf/cf3' -type CF -ccdtUrl 'http://myccdt:9080/ccdt/' -ccdtQmgrName QM3"])cf3(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|resources.xml# QConnectionFactory_120532263606)- Use Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminConfig getid /Node:9994GKCNode019994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)wsadmin>$AdminTask createWMQConnectionFactory 9994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1) {-name cf3 -jndiName "jms/cf/cf3" -type CF -ccdtUrl "http://myccdt:9080/ccdt/" -ccdtQmgrName QM3}cf3(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|resources.xml# QConnectionFactory_120532263606)
wsadmin AdminTask Start the wsadmin scripting client Configure the IBM MQ messaging provider with native libraries information deleteWMQConnectionFactory command listWMQConnectionFactories command modifyWMQConnectionFactory command showWMQConnectionFactory command IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory advanced properties Mapping of administrative console panel names to command names and IBM MQ names