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WSAddressing policy and binding properties

Use the -attributes parameter for the setPolicyType and setBinding commands to specify additional configuration information for the WSAddressing policy and policy set binding. Application and system policy sets use the WSAddressing policy and binding.

WSAddressing is an interoperability standard for addressing Web services and providing addressing information in messages. See W3C Candidate Recommendation (CR) versions of the WS-Addressing core and SOAP specifications.

Use the following commands in the PolicySetManagement group of the AdminTask object to customize your policy set configuration.

If a property name or value supplied with the -attributes parameter is not valid, then the setPolicyType and setBinding commands fail with an exception. The property that is not valid is logged as an error or warning in the SystemOut.log file. However, the command exception might not contain the detailed information for the property that caused the exception. When the setPolicyType and setBinding commands fail, examine the SystemOut.log file for any error and warning messages that indicate that the input for the -attributes parameter contains one or multiple properties that are not valid.

IBM recommends using the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace infrastructure . We view HPEL log and trace information using the logViewer .

For transitioning users: In WAS v7.0 and later, the security model was enhanced to a domain-centric security model instead of a server-based security model. The configuration of the default global security (cell) level and default server level bindings has also changed in this version of the product. In the WAS v6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services, we can configure one set of default bindings for the cell and optionally configure one set of default bindings for each server. In v7.0 and later, we can configure one or more general service provider bindings and one or more general service client bindings. After we have configured general bindings, we can specify which of these bindings is the global default binding. We can also optionally specify general binding used as the default for an application server or a security domain. trns

To support a mixed-cell environment, WAS supports v7.0 and v6.1 bindings. General cell-level bindings are specific to v7.0 and later Application-specific bindings remain at the version that the application requires. When the user creates an application-specific binding, the application server determines the required binding version to use for application.

WSAddressing policy properties

Configure the WSAddressing policy by specifying the following properties with the setPolicyType command:


Specifies whether a WS-Addressing SOAP header is included on messages. Using one of the following values:


WS-Addressing is mandatory. Servers return an error if they receive a message that does not contain a WS-Addressing header. Clients always include WS-Addressing headers in SOAP messages.


WS-Addressing is not mandatory. Servers do not generate an error if they receive a message that does not contain a WS-Addressing header. Clients might not include WS-Addressing headers in SOAP messages, for example, if WS-Policy is enabled and the server does not specify that WS-Addressing is mandatory.


Messaging style that this policy set supports. Using one of the following values:


Response messages must be targeted at the WS-Addressing anonymous URI.


Response messages must not be targeted at the WS-Addressing anonymous URI.


The targeting of response messages is not restricted.
The following example uses the setPolicyType command to set WS-Addressing to mandatory, and the messaging style to synchronous, for the policy set myPolicySet:.
AdminTask.setPolicyType('[-policySet "myPolicySet" -policyType WSAddressing 
-attributes "[[usingaddressing required][wsaMode WSA_SYNC]]"]')

WSAddressing binding properties

Configure the WSAddressing policy by specifying the following property with the setBinding command:


Specifies whether to prevent workload management for references to endpoints that were created by the application programming interface (API) in a cluster environment. Messages that target Endpoint References (EPRs) within a cluster environment are workload managed by default.

Preventing workload management routes messages that target EPRs to the node or server on which the EPR was created. We might disable workload management if the endpoint maintains the in-memory state, which has not been replicated across other nodes or servers within the cluster.

For example, the following command prevents workload management for a cell-wide general binding, from the WSAddressing policy.

AdminTask.setBinding('[-bindingLocation "" -bindingName cellWideBinding2 -policyType
 WSAddressing -attributes "[preventWLM true]"]')


  • WSAddressing default policy set
  • Configure application and system policy sets for web services
  • Use High Performance Extensible Logging to troubleshoot applications
  • PolicySetManagement
  • http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing