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wsgridConfig.py batch script

Use the wsgridConfig.py script to configure the three steps required for configuring the external scheduler interface.

The wsgridConfig.py script performs the following three steps required for configuring the external scheduler interface:

  1. Installs JobSchedulerMDI.ear.

  2. Configures the service integration bus.

  3. Configures JMS artifacts.

At installation, wsgridConfig.py is copied onto the installation target machines in the app_server_root/bin directory.

The wsadmin.sh command to run wsgridConfig.py can only be run from the Deployment Manager's <was-home>/bin.


To configure WSGrid on a scheduler cluster.

wsadmin.sh -user username -password userpassword -f ../bin/wsgridConfig.py
  -install -cluster clusterName -providers providerList
where clusterName is the scheduler cluster name.

To configure WSGrid on a single scheduler server.

wsadmin.sh -user username -password userpassword -f ../bin/wsgridConfig.py
  -install -node nodeName -server serverName -providers providerList

where nodeName is the node name of the scheduler server.

providerList identifies a list of provider endpoints in the format hostname1,portnumber1[;hostname2,portnumber2...], where portnumber identifies the SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS or SIB_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS port of the scheduler server, and hostname1 and hostname2 identifies the host name of the servers in the scheduler cluster.

To remove WSGrid configurations.:

wsadmin.sh -user username -password userpassword -f ../bin/wsgridConfig.py
 -remove -cluster clusterName
wsadmin.sh -user username -password userpassword -f ../bin/wsgridConfig.py
 -remove -node nodeName -server serverName

  • Set up the external scheduler interface using the default messaging provider
  • Script for batch applications