AuditEventFactoryCommands for the AdminTask object
Use the Jython scripting language to configure the security auditing system with the wsadmin tool. Use the commands and parameters in the AuditEventFactoryCommands group to configure the default or a third-party audit event factory.
Use the following commands to configure the default audit event factory or a third-party audit event factory:
- createAuditEventFactory
- deleteAuditEventFactoryByName
- deleteAuditEventFactoryByRef
- getAuditEventFactory
- getAuditEventFactoryClass
- getAuditEventFactoryFilters
- getAuditEventFactoryName
- getAuditEventFactoryProvider
- listAuditEventFactories
- modifyAuditEventFactory
- setAuditEventFactoryFilters
The createAuditEventFactory command creates an audit event factory in our security auditing system configuration. Use the default implementation of the audit event factory or use a third-party implementation. To configure a third-party implementation, use the optional -customProperties parameter to specify any properties necessary to configure the audit event factory implementation.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -uniqueName
- Unique name that identifies the audit event factory. (String, required)
- -className
- Class implementation of the audit event factory interface. (String, required)
- -provider
- Reference to a predefined audit service provider implementation. (String, required)
- -auditFilters
- Reference or a group of references to predefined audit filters, using the following format: reference, reference, reference (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -customProperties
- Specifies any custom properties necessary to configure a third-party implementation. (String, optional)
Return value.
The command returns the shortened reference ID for the newly created audit event factory.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createAuditEventFactory('-uniqueName myeventfactory -className com.mycompany.myeventfactoryclass -provider AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608 -customProperties a=b -auditFilters AuditSpecification_1184598886859')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createAuditEventFactory(['-uniqueName', 'myeventfactory', '-className', 'com.mycompany.myeventfactoryclass', '-provider', 'AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608', '-customProperties', 'a=b', '-auditFilters', 'AuditSpecification_1184598886859'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The deleteAuditEventFactoryByName command deletes the audit event factory implementation in the audit.xml file that matches a specific unique name identifier.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -uniqueName
- Unique name of the audit event factory implementation. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully deletes the audit event factory.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.deleteAuditEventFactoryByName('-uniqueName myeventfactory')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteAuditEventFactoryByName(['-uniqueName', 'myeventfactory'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The deleteAuditEventFactoryByRef command deletes the audit event factory implementation that matches the reference ID of interest.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -eventFactoryRef
- Specifies an audit event factory implementation. This parameter can be a reference to the event factory object. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully deletes the audit event factory.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.deleteAuditEventFactoryByRef('-eventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1184688293515')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteAuditEventFactoryByRef(['-eventFactoryRef', 'AuditEventFactory_1184688293515'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The getAuditEventFactory command retrieves the list of attributes for the audit event factory implementation in the audit.xml file for a specific reference id.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -eventFactoryRef
- Specifies an audit event factory implementation. This parameter can be a reference to the event factory object. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns an attribute list for the audit event factory implementation of interest, as the following example output displays:
{{name myeventfactory} {properties {{{validationExpression {}} {name a} {description {}} {value b} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Id cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#Property_1184688593531} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Type Property} {required false}}}} {className com.mycompany.myeventfactoryclass} {auditServiceProvider auditServiceProviderImpl_1(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608)} {auditSpecifications DefaultAuditSpecification_1(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825608)} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Id cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditEventFactory_1184688293515} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Type AuditEventFactory}}Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactory('-eventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1184688293515')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactory(['-eventFactoryRef', 'AuditEventFactory_1184688293515'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The getAuditEventFactoryClass command retrieves the class name of the audit event factory implementation that matches a specific reference ID in the audit.xml configuration file.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -eventFactoryRef
- Specifies an audit event factory implementation. This parameter can be a reference to the event factory object. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns the class name of the audit event factory of interest, as the following sample output displays:
com.mycompany.myeventfactoryclassBatch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactoryClass('-eventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1184688293515')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactoryClass(['-eventFactoryRef', 'AuditEventFactory_1184688293515'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The getAuditEventFactoryFilters command retrieves a list of defined filters for the passed-in event factory.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -eventFactoryRef
- Specifies an audit event factory implementation. This parameter can be a reference to the event factory object. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns a list of the defined filters for the event factory reference of interest in a shortened format, as the following sample output displays:
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactoryFilters('-eventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1184688293515')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactoryFilters(['-eventFactoryRef', 'AuditEventFactory_1184688293515'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The getAuditEventFactoryName command retrieves the unique name of the audit event factory implementation that matches a specific reference ID in the audit.xml configuration file.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -eventFactoryRef
- Specifies an audit event factory implementation. This parameter can be a reference to the event factory object. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns the name of the audit event factory, as the following sample output displays:
myeventfactoryBatch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactoryName('-eventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1184688293515')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactoryName(['-eventFactoryRef', 'AuditEventFactory_1184688293515'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The getAuditEventFactoryProvider command retrieves the object name of the audit service provider that a specific audit event factory implementation uses in the audit.xml configuration file.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -eventFactoryRef
- Specifies an audit event factory implementation. This parameter can be a reference to the event factory object. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns the object name of the audit service provider for the audit event factory of interest, as the following sample output displays:
auditServiceProviderImpl_1(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608)Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactoryProvider('-eventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1184688293515')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.getAuditEventFactoryProvider(['-eventFactoryRef', 'AuditEventFactory_1184688293515'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The listAuditEventFactories command retrieves a list of audit event factory objects and their attributes defined in the audit.xml file.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns an array list of audit event factories and attributes, as the following example output displays:
{{auditSpecifications DefaultAuditSpecification_1(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825608) DefaultAuditSpecification_2(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825609) DefaultAuditSpecification_3(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825610) DefaultAuditSpecification_4(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825611)} {name auditEventFactoryImpl_1} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Id cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditEventFactory_1173199825608} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Type AuditEventFactory} {auditSpecRef4 AuditSpecification_1173199825611} {properties {}} {auditSpecRef3 AuditSpecification_1173199825610} {className} {auditServiceProvider auditServiceProviderImpl_1(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608)} {auditSpecRef2 AuditSpecification_1173199825609} {auditSpecRef1 AuditSpecification_1173199825608} {auditEventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1173199825608} {emitterRef AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608}} {{auditSpecifications myfilter(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1184598886859)} {name myeventfactory} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Id cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditEventFactory_1184688293515} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Type AuditEventFactory} {className com.mycompany.myeventfactoryclass} {auditServiceProvider auditServiceProviderImpl_1(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608)} {properties {{{validationExpression {}} {name a} {description {}} {value b} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Id cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#Property_1184688293546} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Type Property} {required false}}}} {auditSpecRef1 AuditSpecification_1184598886859} {auditEventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1184688293515} {emitterRef AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608}}Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.listAuditEventFactories()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
The modifyAuditEventFactory command modifies the attributes of the audit event factory implementation that the command references with the reference id.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -eventFactoryRef
- Specifies an audit event factory implementation. This parameter can be a reference to the event factory object. (String, required)
Optional parameters:
- -provider
- Reference ID of an audit service provider implementation. (String, optional)
- -className
- Name of the class that implements the audit event factory interface. (String, optional)
- -customProperties
- One or more custom properties to associate with the audit event factory of interest. Use the following format: name=value, name=value (String, optional)
- -auditFilters
- List of references to audit filters that exist in the configuration. We can separate each item in the list with a comma (,), a semicolon (;), or a space. (String, optional)
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully updates the security auditing system configuration.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.modifyAuditEventFactory('-eventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1184688293515 -provider AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608 -customProperties b=c')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.modifyAuditEventFactory(['-eventFactoryRef', 'AuditEventFactory_1184688293515', '-provider', 'AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608', '-customProperties', 'b=c'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The setAuditEventFactoryFilters command sets the filters for an audit event factory implementation.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -eventFactoryRef
- Specifies an audit event factory implementation. This parameter can be a reference to the event factory object. (String, required)
- -filtersRef
- List of references to defined audit filters. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully sets the filters for the audit event factory.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.setAuditEventFactoryFilters('-eventFactoryRef AuditEventFactory_1184688293515 -filtersRef AuditSpecification_1173199825608')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.setAuditEventFactoryFilters(['-eventFactoryRef', 'AuditEventFactory_1184688293515', '-filtersRef', 'AuditSpecification_1173199825608'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AuditKeyStoreCommands AuditEmitterCommands for the AdminTask object AuditSigningCommands AuditEncryptionCommands AuditFilterCommands AuditNotificationCommands AuditPolicyCommands AuditEventFormatterCommands