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createSIBWMQServer command

Use the createSIBWMQServer command to create a new IBM MQ server at cell scope.

Create a new IBM MQ server using the wsadmin tool, or using the administrative console as described in Create an IBM MQ server definition.

To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.

(iSeries) (iSeries) The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. (iSeries) See Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .

Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:

After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:


An IBM MQ server represents an IBM MQ queue manager or (for IBM MQ for z/OS) queue-sharing group. This command creates a new IBM MQ server at cell scope, and uses the supplied values to populate its parameters.

When creating an IBM MQ server, it is important to understand the significance of the -name and -serverName parameters. For example, if WAS administration created an IBM MQ server object with the name "My European area server" that represented an IBM MQ queue manager with the serverName QM1. WAS administration could then create a second IBM MQ server object with the name "My UK country server", that also represented the same IBM MQ queue manager with the serverName QM1.

Target object

A WAS cell.

Required parameters


The name of the IBM MQ server. This value is for administrative purposes only and can be decided by the administrator. The name is only meaningful inside WAS administration, and must be unique at cell level. There is no default value. This parameter cannot be modified.


The name of the queue manager or queue-sharing group. This value is the name by which the queue manager or queue-sharing group is identified, and is allocated by IBM MQ administration to that IBM MQ object. The WAS administrator must always use the name allocated by IBM MQ administration.


The host to which a connection is established for communicating with a queue manager or queue-sharing group. This value is the host name or the IP address of the queue manager or queue-sharing group, that this IBM MQ server represents. The value is a string and must be one of the following:

  • symbolic host name
  • IPv4 address
  • IPv6 address


The channel framework outbound transport chain to use when establishing a connection with IBM MQ. If we do not specify this option, a default value of OutboundBasicWMQClient is assumed.

Conditional parameters


Optional parameters

The optional host, port, channel, and authentication alias attributes together specify the connection access path to this IBM MQ server, for messaging applications running in service integration. See IBM MQ server: Connection and authentication.


The TCP/IP port number on which the queue manager or queue-sharing group that this IBM MQ server represents listens. The default is 1414.


The IBM MQ client channel name to use when connecting to the queue manager or queue-sharing group that this IBM MQ server represents. This value is the name allocated by IBM MQ administration to the IBM MQ object, and must always be used by WAS administration. The default is SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN.


A short description of the IBM MQ server. This value is used for administrative purposes only.


The authentication alias to use when connecting to a queue manager or queue-sharing group. This parameter should not be confused with the discovery authentication alias.


Determines whether user IDs received in messages from IBM MQ are passed on with the messages by the service integration bus. The application user ID is always set from the jsAppUserId RFH2 value. If this is not present (either because the key/value pair is not present in the RFH2 header, or because the message does not have a RFH2 header), this field is not set. If we set this value to FALSE, the user ID is overwritten with the IBM MQ server name. This parameter has two possible values:


User IDs are propagated into messages.


User IDs are not propagated into messages.
The default is TRUE.


Determines whether automated discovery of IBM MQ resources is performed. This parameter has two possible values:


Automated discovery is used.


Automated discovery is not used.
The default is TRUE.


The authentication alias to use when establishing a resource discovery connection to the queue manager or queue-sharing group. This value should not be confused with the security authentication alias.


The reply-to queue to use for resource discovery. This value is the name allocated by IBM MQ administration to the IBM MQ object, and must be the name of a model queue for a temporary dynamic queue. The WAS administrator must always use the name allocated by IBM MQ administration. The default is SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE.


Determines whether the IBM MQ server object is either a queue manager or a queue-sharing group, as determined by WAS administration. This parameter had two possible values:


The IBM MQ server represents a queue manager. If we select this value, the resource discovery process retrieves queue names that belong to queue managers.


The IBM MQ server represents a queue-sharing group. If we select this value, the resource discovery process retrieves queue names that belong to queue-sharing groups.


Determines whether bindings transport mode connections are used when connecting to a queue manager or queue-sharing group. Bindings mode connection is available if the application server and the queue manager are on the same node. It is only possible to connect to a single queue manager in bindings mode, even if multiple queue managers exist on the same node. This parameter has two possible values:


Bindings mode is used if available. If we select this option and bindings mode is not available, the connections mechanism defaults to client transport mode.


Client mode is always used.
