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Use the IBM MQ administrative commands to manage JMS resources for the IBM MQ messaging provider.

We can configure JMS resources for the IBM MQ messaging provider through the IBM MQ administrative commands, or we can configure JMS resources for the IBM MQ messaging provider through the administrative console.

To run these commands, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client. Each command acts on multiple objects in one operation. The commands are provided to allow us to make the most commonly-required types of update in a consistent manner, where modifying the underlying objects directly would be error-prone.

(iSeries) The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. See topic "Configure Qshell to run WAS scripts".

These commands are valid only when they are used with WAS v7 and later application servers. Do not use them with earlier versions.

For a list of the available IBM MQ messaging provider administrative commands, plus a brief description of each command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:

print AdminTask.help('WMQAdminCommands')

For overview help on a given command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:

print AdminTask.help('command_name')

After using these commands, save the changes to the master configuration. For example, use the following command:


The following commands are available for the WMQAdminCommands group of the AdminTask object:

  • wsadmin AdminTask
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client
  • Mapping of administrative console panel names to command names and IBM MQ names