deleteWSGWGatewayService command
Use the deleteWSGWGatewayService command to delete a gateway service configuration.
We can delete a gateway service configuration using the wsadmin tool, or using the administrative console as described in Deleting gateway service configurations.
To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
(iSeries) (iSeries) The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. (iSeries) See Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .
Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:
- For a list of the available gateway commands, plus a brief description of each command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:
- For overview help on a given command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:
After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:
This command deletes a gateway service.
Target Object
ObjectName of the GatewayService object
The command deletes the following objects:
- The gateway destination.
- The corresponding reply destination, InboundService and InboundPort enablement objects.
- All associated TargetService objects.
Destinations associated with the target services are not deleted.
- Use Jython:
AdminTask.deleteWSGWGatewayService(gwService)- Use Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteWSGWGatewayService $gwService