To automatically propagate the generated plugin-cfg.xml file, run...
To use, either...
- Configure the Plugin config change script using the administrative console
- Use the custom property ODCPluginCfgUpdateScript_<definitionID>
The script file supports two operations:
- copyToRepository <localPath> <remoteRepositoryPath> [<remoteRepositoryPath> ...]
Copies a locally generated plugin-cfg.xml file into one or more locations in the deployment manager configuration repository, and performs a node synchronization to push plugin-cfg.xml to all remote nodes.
Usage example...
- <WAS_HOME>/bin/ -f <WAS_HOME>/bin/ -lang jython copyToRepository /tmp/plugin-cfg.xml cells/myCell/nodes/myIHSNode/servers/myIHSServer/plugin-cfg.xml
- <WAS_HOME>/bin/ -f <WAS_HOME>/bin/ -lang jython copyToRepository /tmp/plugin-cfg.xml cells/myCell/nodes/myIHSNode1/servers/myIHSServer1/plugin-cfg.xml cells/myCell1/nodes/myIHSNode2/servers/myIHSServer2/plugin-cfg.xml
- uploadToIHSAdminServer url uid pwd localPath remotePath
Uploads a local plugin-cfg.xml file to a remote IBM HTTP Server (IHS) administration server.
localPath absolute path to the local file that is to be copied or uploaded. remoteRepsitoryPath relative path in the repository where the local file can be copied to. remotePath absolute path of the file on the IHS administration server. url IHS administration server URL of the form <protocol>://<host>:<port> uid user name identifier to use in authenticating to the IHS administration server. pwd password to use in authenticating to the IHS administration server.
Usage example...
WAS_HOME/bin/ -f WAS_HOME/bin/ -lang jython https://myIHSHost:8192 ihsusr ihspasswd /tmp/plugin-cfg.xml /opt/IHS/plugins/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
We can also automatically propagate the generated plugin-cfg.xml file to web servers using the autoPropagate keyword option in the administrative console. Read about propagating plugin-cfg.xml to web servers using the autoPropagate keyword option for more information.
Configure an ODR to dynamically update the web server plug-in configuration Generate the plug-in configuration in a high availability environment Propagating plugin-cfg.xml to web servers