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Properties for web services endpoint URL fragments using property files

Use properties files to work with web services endpoint URL fragments.

The web services endpoint URL fragment is a portion of the endpoint URL that we can specify in each web services module. In a published Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file, the URL fragment is used to create the actual endpoint URL that defines the target endpoint address, which is found in the location attribute of the port soap:address element.

The following property names exist for URL fragments:


This property is only applicable for JAX-RPC web services.

Specifies a URL fragment for web services accessed through an EJB module binding. The URL fragment value entered is a suffix that is appended to the initial part of the URL obtained by examining the deployment information of the web service. The following code snippet is an example of a URL fragment from the deployment information of an EJB:

In this case, by entering the following information in the URL fragment field,
the resulting URL becomes


This property is applicable for both JAX-WS and JAX-RPC web services.

Specifies a URL fragment for web services accessed through an HTTP transport. The URL fragment format is protocol://host_name:port_number, where the protocol is either http or https; for example, http://myHost:9045. The URL fragment is a prefix that is followed by the context-root of the module and the web services url-pattern specified in the published WSDL file; for example, http://myHost:9045/services/myService.

If the web services in a module are accessed directly from the web services application server, use the host name for the application server and one of the ports from the virtual host for the module.

If the web services in a module are accessed through an intermediate node, such as the web services gateway or an IBM HTTP Server web server, specify the protocol, host, and port_number parameters of the intermediate service. This configuration specifies a custom HTTP URL prefix; therefore, we must also configure the custom JVM property, com.ibm.ws.webservices.enableHTTPPrefix, and set the value to true. Restart the application server for our changes to take effect.


This property is applicable for both JAX-WS and JAX-RPC web services.

Specifies a URL fragment for web services accessed through a JMS transport. The URL fragment is a prefix to which the targetService property is appended to form a complete JMS URL endpoint. The default is obtained by examining the deployment information of the installed service; for example: jms:jndi:jms/MyQueue&jndiConnectionFactoryName=jms/MyCF.

We can modify the URL fragment by adding properties; for example:

The URL fragment is then combined with the targetService property to form the complete URL; for example:


This property is applicable for both JAX-WS and JAX-RPC web services.

Module name containing the URL fragments for HTTP, EJB, and JMS protocols.

Ensure that we do not configure multiple URL prefix map sections for the same module. Configuring multiple URL prefix map sections that specify the same module creates ambiguity regarding which updates are being requested. .

  • Work with web services endpoint URL fragment property files
  • Configure endpoint URL information for HTTP bindings
  • Configure endpoint URL information for JMS bindings
  • Configure endpoint URL information to directly access enterprise beans
  • Provide HTTP endpoint URL information
  • Provide JMS and EJB endpoint URL information