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Cluster configuration scripts

The scripting library provides script procedures to automate the application server configurations. Use the scripts in this topic to configure clusters with or without cluster members, using a template, and to remove clusters from the configuration. We can run each script individually, or combine procedures to create custom automation scripts.

The AdminClusterManagement script procedures are located in the app_server_root/scriptLibraries/server/V70 directory.

Use the following script procedures to configure clusters in the environment:

Use the following script procedures remove clusters and cluster members from the configuration:


This script assigns a server cluster member to a specific cluster. When creating the first cluster member, a copy of that member is stored as part of the cluster data and becomes the template for all additional cluster members that we create.

Argument Description
clusterName Name of the cluster to which the system adds the cluster member.
nodeName Name of the node on which the application server resides.
newMemberName Name to assign to the cluster member.


AdminClusterManagement.createClusterMember(clusterName, nodeName, newMemberName)

Example usage

AdminClusterManagement.createClusterMember("myCluster", "myNode", "clusterMember1")


Create a New cluster configuration and adds the first cluster member to the cluster. Use clusters to manage a group of application servers as a single unit, and distribute client requests among the application servers that are members of the cluster. Create a cluster to balance the client requests across multiple application servers and to provide a highly available environment for the applications.

Argument Description
clusterName Name to assign to the new cluster.
clusterType Type of cluster to create. We can specify a value of APPLICATION_SERVER, GENERIC_SERVER, or WEB_SERVER.
nodeName Name of the node on which the cluster resides.
serverName Name of the server to add to the cluster.


AdminClusterManagement.createClusterWithFirstMember(clusterName, clusterType,
 nodeName, serverName)

Example usage

AdminClusterManagement.createClusterWithFirstMember("myCluster", "APPLICATION_SERVER", 
"myNode", "myServer")


Create a New cluster configuration in the environment. Use clusters to manage a group of application servers as a single unit, and distribute client requests among the application servers that are members of the cluster. Create a cluster to balance the client requests across multiple application servers and to provide a highly available environment for the applications.

Argument Description
clusterName Name to assign to the new cluster.



Example usage



This script uses a template to add the first server cluster member to a specific cluster. A copy of the first cluster member that we create is stored in the cluster scope as a template. Create the first cluster member using any existing server as a template or a default server template. We can also create a first cluster member when we create the cluster by converting a server to a cluster. When we create a first cluster member, the template of the cluster member is stored in the scope of the cluster. Additional cluster members are created using the cluster member template stored in the cluster scope

Argument Description
clusterName Name of the cluster of interest.
nodeName Name of the node on which the application server resides.
newMemberName Name to assign to the cluster member.
templateName Name of the template to use to create the cluster member.


nodeName, newMemberName, templateName)

Example usage

AdminClusterManagement.createFirstClusterMemberWithTemplate("myCluster", "myNode",
 "myClusterMember", "default")


This script uses a node with an existing application server as a template to create a new cluster member in the configuration. When we create the first cluster member, a copy of that member is stored as part of the cluster data and becomes the template for all additional cluster members that we create.

Argument Description
clusterName Name of the cluster to which the system adds the cluster member.
nodeName Name of the node on which the application server resides.
newMemberName Name to assign to the cluster member.
templateNodeName Name of the node with an existing application server to use as the template when creating the new cluster member.
templateServerName Name of the existing application server to use as the model when creating the new cluster member.


 nodeName, newMemberName, newMemberName, 
templateNodeName, templateServerName)

Example usage

"myNode", "newClusterMember", "myTemplateNode", "myTemplateServer")


This script deletes the configuration of a server cluster. A server cluster consists of a group of application servers that are referred to as cluster members. The script deletes the server cluster and each of its cluster members.

Argument Description
clusterName Name of the cluster to remove from the configuration.



Example usage



This script removes a cluster member from your cluster configuration. A cluster member is a server that belongs to a cluster.

Argument Description
clusterName Name of the cluster from which to remove the cluster member.
nodeName Name of the node associated with the cluster member to delete.
clusterMemberName Name of the cluster member to remove from the configuration.


AdminClusterManagement.deleteClusterMember(clusterName, nodeName,

Example usage

AdminClusterManagement.deleteClusterMember("myCluster", "myNode", "clusterMember1")

  • Use the script library to automate the application serving environment
  • Automating server administration
  • Clustering servers with wsadmin scripting
  • Balancing workloads
  • Cluster query scripts
  • Cluster configuration scripts