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createWMQTopic command

Use the createWMQTopic command to create a JMS topic destination for the IBM MQ messaging provider at a specific scope.

To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.

(iSeries) The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. See topic "Configure Qshell to run WAS scripts".

This command is valid only when it is used with WAS v7 and later application servers. Do not use it with earlier versions.

For a list of the available IBM MQ messaging provider administrative commands, plus a brief description of each command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:

print AdminTask.help('WMQAdminCommands')

For overview help on a given command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:

print AdminTask.help('command_name')

After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration. For example.


Use the createWMQTopic command to create a IBM MQ messaging provider topic type destination at a specific scope.

We cannot create a IBM MQ messaging provider topic type destination under either of the following conditions:

Target object

The scope of the IBM MQ messaging provider at which the IBM MQ messaging provider topic type destination is to be created.

Required parameters


The administrative name assigned to this IBM MQ messaging provider topic type destination.


The name used to bind this object into WebSphere JNDI.


The name of the IBM MQ topic where publications are received from, or sent to, when this destination definition is used.

Optional parameters


An administrative description assigned to the topic type destination.


This parameter determines the level of persistence used to store messages sent to this destination.

Enter one of the following case-sensitive values:

  • APP
  • TDEF
  • PERS
  • NON

APP is the default value.


The priority level to assign to messages sent to this destination.

Enter one of the following values:

  • APP

    (APP is case-sensitive.)

  • QDEF

    (QDEF is case-sensitive.)

  • <A positive integer in the range 0 to 9 (inclusive)>

Enter one of the following values:

  • APP

    (APP is case-sensitive.)

  • QDEF

    (QDEF is case-sensitive.)

  • <A positive integer in the range 0 to 9 (inclusive)>

The default is APP .


The length of time following which messages sent to this destination expire and are dealt with according to their disposition options.

Enter one of the following values:

  • APP

    (APP is case-sensitive.)


    (UNLIM is case-sensitive.)

  • <Any positive integer>

The default is APP.


The coded character set identifier (CCSID).

The value of this parameter must be a positive integer or blank. See the IBM MQ messaging provider queue and topic advanced properties settings for more details.

The default is 1208.


Specify whether to use native encoding or not. It can take a value true or false.

If it is set to true, the values of the -integerEncoding, -decimalEncoding and -floatingPointEncoding attributes are ignored.

If it is set to false, the encoding is specified by the -integerEncoding, -decimalEncoding and -floatingPointEncoding attributes.


The integer encoding setting for this queue.

Enter one of the following case-sensitive values: Normal, Reversed.

Normal is the default value.


The decimal encoding setting for this queue.

Enter one of the following case-sensitive values: Normal, Reversed.

The default is Normal.


The floating point encoding setting for this queue.

Enter one of the following case-sensitive values: IEEENormal, IEEEReversed, z/OS

The default is IEEENormal.


This parameter determines whether an RFH version 2 header is appended to messages sent to this destination, also know as targetClient..

Enter one of the following case-sensitive values: true or false (equivalent to JMS or MQ targetClient, respectively).

Default is true (JMS targetClient).


This parameter determines whether messages can be sent to this destination without queue manager acknowledging that they have arrived.

Enter one of the following case-sensitive values: YES, NO or TDEF.

The default is YES.


This parameter determines whether messages for non-persistent consumers can be read ahead and cached.

Enter one of the following case-sensitive values: YES, NO or TDEF.

The default is YES.


This property determines the behavior that occurs when closing a message consumer that is receiving messages asynchronously using a message listener from a destination with the readAhead parameter set to True.

When a value of deliverAll is specified, all read-ahead messages are delivered before closing the consumer.

When a value of deliverCurrent is specified, only in-progress messages are delivered before closing the consumer.

The default is deliverCurrent.


This parameter determines which sets of characters are interpreted as topic wildcards.

Valid values are Topic or Char.

The default is Topic.


The name of the queue, defined to the queue manager, from which a connection consumer receives non-durable subscription messages.

The value of this parameter must be a valid queue name or left blank



The name of the queue, defined to the queue manager, from which a connection consumer receives durable subscription messages.

The value of this parameter must be a valid queue name or left blank



The name of the queue, defined to the queue manager, to which publication messages are sent.

The value of this parameter must be a valid queue name or left blank



The name of the queue manager on which the broker is running.

The value of this parameter must be a valid queue manager name or left blank

There is no default value.


This parameter determines the level of functionality required for publish/subscribe operations.

The value of this parameter must be V1 or V2.

The default is V1.


Specify custom properties to be passed to the IBM MQ messaging provider topic type destination implementation. Typically, custom properties are used to set attributes of the topic type destination that are not directly supported through the WebSphere administration interfaces.

Each custom property is specified using name and value table step parameters. Since these are table steps, the order of the two parameters is fixed, so we must always specify the name first and the value second:

  • In Jython: [name value]
  • In Jacl: {name value}

In the following examples, code blocks beginning with wsadmin> show code that is entered by the user. Lines that do not begin with wsadmin> show code that has been returned by the console. The following example creates a topic definition by specifying the minimum number of parameters.

  • wsadmin AdminTask
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client
  • deleteWMQTopic command
  • listWMQTopics command
  • modifyWMQTopic command
  • showWMQTopic command
  • IBM MQ messaging provider queue and topic advanced properties settings
  • Mapping of administrative console panel names to command names and IBM MQ names