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wsadmin scripting tool

The wsadmin tool runs scripts. Use wsadmin.sh to manage application servers as well as the configuration, application deployment, and server runtime operations.

(ZOS) We can run wsadmin commands from WebSphere Application Server on a distributed platform and use that distributed command to administer WAS on a z/OS operating system.

Important: All users who run commands from a specific profile must have authority to modify files created by other users that use the same profile. Otherwise, we might see a permission denied error in the log files. To avoid this issue, consider one of the following policies:

The options for wsadmin.sh are case insensitive. If we specify an empty string in place of a command options, wsadmin.sh displays general help information.

Use the following command-line invocation syntax for the wsadmin scripting client:

The element script parameters represents any argument other than the ones listed previously. The argc variable contains the number of arguments, and the argv variable contains a list of arguments in the order that they were coded.


In the following syntax examples, mymachine is the name of the host in the wsadmin.properties file specified by the com.ibm.ws.scripting.port property:

  • Save wsadmin configuration changes
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client