Use the Jython scripting language to manage the security auditing system with Use the commands in the AuditPolicyCommands group to enable and configure the security auditing system.
Use the following commands to configure, query, and manage the security auditing system:
- disableAudit
- disableVerboseAudit
- enableAudit
- enableVerboseAudit
- getAuditPolicy
- getAuditSystemFailureAction
- getAuditorId
- isAuditEnabled
- isVerboseAuditEnabled
- mapAuditGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup
- modifyAuditPolicy
- setAuditSystemFailureAction
- resetAuditSystemFailureAction
- setAuditorId
- setAuditorPwd
The disableAudit command disables security auditing in the audit.xml configuration file.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully disables security auditing.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.disableAudit()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The disableVerboseAudit command disables the verbose capture of audit data for the security auditing system.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully disables the verbose capture of audit data.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.disableVerboseAudit()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
The enableAudit command enables security auditing in the audit.xml configuration file. By default, security auditing is disabled.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully enables security auditing.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.enableAudit()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The enableVerboseAudit command sets the security auditing system to perform verbose capture of audit data.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully sets the security auditing system to perform verbose capture of audit data.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.enableVerboseAudit()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The getAuditPolicy command retrieves each attribute associated with the audit policy in the audit.xml configuration file.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns a list of attributes for the security auditing system, as the following sample output displays:
{{auditEventFactories {{{name auditEventFactoryImpl_1} {properties {}} {className} {auditServiceProvider auditServiceProviderImpl_1(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608)} {auditSpecifications DefaultAuditSpecification_1(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825608) DefaultAuditSpecification_2(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825609) DefaultAuditSpecification_3(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825610) DefaultAuditSpecification_4(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825611)} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Id cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditEventFactory_1173199825608} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Type AuditEventFactory}}}} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Id cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditPolicy_1173199825608} {auditServiceProviders {{{auditSpecifications DefaultAuditSpecification_1(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825608) DefaultAuditSpecification_2(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825609) DefaultAuditSpecification_3(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825610) DefaultAuditSpecification_4(cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditSpecification_1173199825611)} {name auditServiceProviderImpl_1} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Id cells/Node04Cell|audit.xml#AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608} {maxFileSize 1} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Type AuditServiceProvider} {fileLocation ${PROFILE_ROOT}/logs/server1} {className} {properties {}} {eventFormatterClass {}} {maxLogs 100}}}} {securityXmlSignerCertAlias auditSignCert} {properties {}} {securityXmlSignerScopeName (cell):Node04Cell:(node):Node04} {auditorPwd SweetShadowsPwd} {_WebSphere_Config_Data_Type AuditPolicy} {securityXmlSignerKeyStoreName NodeDefaultSignersStore} {verbose false} {auditPolicy WARN} {encrypt false} {managementScope {}} {encryptionCert {}} {batching false} {auditorId SweetShadow} {auditEnabled false} {sign true}}Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAuditPolicy()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The getAuditSystemFailureAction command displays the action that the application server takes if a failure occurs in the security auditing subsystem.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns a string that describes the action that the application server takes if the security auditing subsystem fails. Possible values are WARN, NOWARN, or FATAL.
Action Description WARN That the application server should notify the auditor, stop security auditing, and continue to run the application server process. NOWARN That the application server should not notify the auditor, but should stop security auditing and continue to run the application server process FATAL That the application server should notify the auditor, stop security auditing, and stop the application server process. Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAuditSystemFailureAction()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The getAuditorId command retrieves the name of the user who is assigned as the auditor.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns the name of the user who is assigned as the auditor.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.getAuditorId()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The isAuditEnabled command determines whether the security auditing is enabled in the configuration. By default, auditing is not enabled in the audit.xml configuration file.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if security auditing is enabled in the environment. If the command returns a value of false, security auditing is disabled.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.isAuditEnabled()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The isVerboseAuditEnabled command determines whether or not the security auditing system verbosely captures audit data.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the security auditing system is configured to verbosely capture audit data.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.isVerboseAuditEnabled()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The mapAuditGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup command maps the special subjects to users in the registry.
The user must have the monitor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.mapAuditGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The modifyAuditPolicy command modifies the audit policy attributes in the audit.xml configuration file. Use this command to modify one or multiple attributes.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Optional parameters:
- -auditEnabled
- Specifies whether security auditing is enabled in the configuration. (Boolean, optional)
- -auditPolicy
- Action that the application server takes if the security auditing subsystem fails. (String, optional)
Value Description WARN That the application server should notify the auditor, stop security auditing, and continue to run the application server process. NOWARN That the application server should not notify the auditor, but should stop security auditing and continue to run the application server process FATAL That the application server should notify the auditor, stop security auditing, and stop the application server process.
- -auditorId
- Name of the user the system assigns as the auditor. (String, optional)
- -auditorPwd
- Password for the auditor id. (String, optional)
- -sign
- Specifies whether to sign audit records. Use the AuditSigningCommands command group to configure signing settings. (Boolean, optional)
- -encrypt
- Specifies whether to encrypt audit records. Use the AuditEncryptionCommands command group to configure encryption settings. (Boolean, optional)
- -verbose
- Capture verbose audit data. (Boolean, optional)
- -encryptionCert
- Reference ID of the certificate to use for encryption. Specify if we set the -encrypt parameter to true. (String, optional)
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully updates the security auditing system policy.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.modifyAuditPolicy('-auditEnabled true -auditPolicy NOWARN -auditorId testuser -auditorPwd testuserpwd -sign false -encrypt false -verbose false')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.modifyAuditPolicy(['-auditEnabled', 'true', '-auditPolicy', 'NOWARN', '-auditorId', 'testuser', '-auditorPwd', 'testuserpwd', '-sign', 'false', '-encrypt', 'false', '-verbose', 'false'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The setAuditSystemFailureAction command sets the action that the application server takes if the security auditing subsystem fails.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -action
- Action to take if the security auditing subsystem fails. (String, required)
Value Description WARN That the application server should notify the auditor, stop security auditing, and continue to run the application server process. NOWARN That the application server should not notify the auditor, but should stop security auditing and continue to run the application server process FATAL That the application server should notify the auditor, stop security auditing, and stop the application server process. Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully updates the security auditing system policy.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.setAuditSystemFailureAction('-action NOWARN')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.setAuditSystemFailureAction(['-action', 'NOWARN'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The resetAuditSystemFailureAction command sets the action that the application server takes if the security auditing system fails to the NOWARN setting.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully updates the configuration.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.resetAuditSystemFailureAction()- Use Jython list:
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
The setAuditorId command sets the name of the user to assign as the auditor.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -name
- Name of the user to assign as the auditor. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully updates the configuration.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTAsk.setAuditorId('-name myAdmin')- Use Jython list:
AdminTAsk.setAuditorId(['-name', 'myAdmin'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
The setAuditorPwd command sets the password for the auditor.
The user must have the auditor administrative role to run this command.
Target object: None.
Required parameters:
- -password
- Password for the user assigned as the auditor. (String, required)
Return value.
The command returns a value of true if the system successfully updates the configuration.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.setAuditorPwd('-password myAdminPassword')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.setAuditorPwd(['-password', 'myAdminPassword'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython:
AuditKeyStoreCommands AuditEmitterCommands for the AdminTask object AuditSigningCommands AuditEncryptionCommands AuditEventFactoryCommands for the AdminTask object AuditFilterCommands AuditNotificationCommands AuditEventFormatterCommands