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deleteWSNTopicNamespace command

Use the deleteWSNTopicNamespace command to delete a WS-Notification permanent topic namespace and the associated resources. A topic namespace is a grouping of topics that allows information to be shared between applications. We use a permanent topic namespace to statically define the association between a WS-Notification topic namespace URI and a service integration bus topic space destination.

We can delete WS-Notification permanent topic namespaces using the wsadmin tool as described in this topic, or using the administrative console as described in Deleting WS-Notification permanent topic namespaces.

Deleting the topic namespace mapping used to establish a (currently active) subscription has the same effect as deleting the underlying service integration bus topic space, and subscriptions that were created using this namespace mapping are deleted. For more information about the effect that deleting a topic namespace has upon new and existing WS-Notification applications, see Failures as a result of changes in topic space and topic namespace configurations.

To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.

(iSeries) (iSeries) The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. (iSeries) See Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .

Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:

After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:


This command deletes all the objects associated with the specified WS-Notification topic namespace, including any linked topic namespace documents.

Target object

WSNTopicNamespace and associated objects.

Required parameters


Conditional parameters


Optional parameters


TRUE or FALSE. Indicates whether the associated service integration bus topic space is deleted with this object if the WS-Notification topic namespace was responsible for creating it. If the bus topic space existed before the WS-Notification topic namespace was created then this parameter has no effect and the bus topic space is not deleted.


Delete the WS-Notification topic namespace newTopicNamespace created in the example from the topic about creating a new permanent WS-Notification topic namespace .