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addSIBWSOutboundPort command

Use the addSIBWSOutboundPort command to add a service integration bus-enabled web services outbound port.

To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.

(iSeries) (iSeries) The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. (iSeries) See Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .

Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:

After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:


This command adds the configuration for an OutboundPort to an OutboundService.

Target object

ObjectName of the OutboundService with which the port is to be associated.

If an OutboundPort for the OutboundService by the given name already exists, or the name of the port does not correspond to a port in the service element of the service provider WSDL (as defined on the OutboundService) the command fails.

The command creates the port destination. If a destination with the specified or default name already exists, the command fails.

Either specify the node and server, or specify the cluster. If there is no messaging engine defined for the specified node and server or cluster, then the command fails.

If the WSDL is to be retrieved through a proxy server, the server on which the command is running must have the system properties that identify the proxy server set correctly. In addition, if the proxy server requires authentication, then the user ID and password can be set as parameters on the command.

If this is the first port for the OutboundService, then it is set as the default, and the service destination default routing is set to point to the port destination.

Required parameters


The name of the port in the service provider WSDL.

Conditional parameters


The node in which the port destination is localized.


The server in which the port destination is localized.


The cluster in which the port destination is localized.

Optional parameters


The name of the port destination.


The user ID used to retrieve the WSDL.

This parameter is no longer required. If we have existing scripts that provide this parameter, they will continue to work.


The password used to retrieve the WSDL.

This parameter is no longer required. If we have existing scripts that provide this parameter, they will continue to work.
