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Use commands in the JobManagerNode group to register targets that do not contain an administrative agent with the job manager.

Use commands that have "Target" in the command names: cleanupTarget, queryTargets, getTargetProperties, modifyTargetProperties, and getTargetKeys. These commands replace deprecated commands that have ManagedNode in the command names, including cleanupManagedNode, queryManagedNodes, getManagedNodeProperties, modifyManagedNodeProperties, and getManagedNodeKeys.

cleanupManagedNode (deprecated)

Clean up registration information for a managed node. If the system fails when removing a node from the job manager, use this command to explicitly clean up the registration information on the job manager. The command does not remove the job history for the node. Jobs in progress continue to run, but new jobs do not start for the node.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Return value: UUID of the job manager the system cleaned up.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Cleans up registration information for a target.

If the system fails when removing a target from the job manager, use this command to explicitly clean up the registration information on the job manager. The command does not remove the job history for the target. Jobs in progress continue to run, but new jobs do not start for the target.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Return value UUID of the job manager the system cleaned up.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Display all contexts in the management model, including nodes and servers.

Target object: None.

Required parameters: None.

Return value: List of all context paths.

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Interactive mode example usage

getManagedNodeKeys (deprecated)

Display the keys to use to query for managed nodes, including the name, alias, and uuid keys.

Target object: None.

Optional parameters:

Return value: List of the keys.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Display the keys to use to query for targets, including the name, alias, and uuid keys.

Target object: None.

Optional parameters:

Return value: List of the keys.

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Interactive mode example usage

getManagedNodeProperties (deprecated)

Display the properties for one or more managed or unmanaged nodes.

Target object: None.

Optional parameters:

Return value: List of properties for each node specified with the -managedNodeNameList parameter.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Display the properties for one or more targets.

Target object: None.

Optional parameters:

Return value: List of properties for each target specified with the -targetNameList parameter.

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Display the properties of one or more managed resources. Managed resources are instances within a node context or server context. For example, within a server context we can have the managed resources server1, server2, or server3.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Return value: List of properties for each managed resource.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Display the property keys for a specific type of managed resources.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Return value: List of managed resource keys for the specific resource type.

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Display each of the managed resource types.

Target object: None.

Required parameters: None.

Return value: List of managed resource types.

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Interactive mode example usage

modifyManagedNodeProperties (deprecated)

Eeplace properties in a managed node configuration. If the managed node has an administrative agent, the command only modifies the alias property. If the managed node does not have an administrative agent, the command replaces all properties.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value: The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Replace properties in a target configuration. If the target has an administrative agent, the command only modifies the alias property. If the target does not have an administrative agent, the command replaces all properties.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value: The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage

queryManagedNodes (deprecated)

Searche for managed nodes based on a query expression. If we do not specify a query expression, the command returns all managed nodes.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value: Number of matches the query found. Secondly, the command returns a list of the managed nodes that met the search query criterion.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Search for targets based on a query expression. If we do not specify a query expression, the command returns all targets.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value: Number of matches the query found. Also, the command returns a list of the targets that met the search query criterion.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


The queryManagedResources command queries your managed resources for specific managed nodes based on a query expression.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value: Number of matches the query found. Secondly, the command returns a list of UUIDs of the managed nodes that met the search query criterion.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


The registerHost command defines a remote host target to the job manager. Use the registerHost command to:

We can work with remote host targets the same as those that are registered using registerWithJobManager, but the types of jobs available to a remote host target are different.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Use the registerHost command to specify paths for Liberty variables; for example:

AdminTask.registerHost('-host hostname -hostProps [ [username admin][password password][saveSecurity true] [WLP_WORKING_DIR C:/working][WLP_SHARED_DIR C:/shared][WLP_ADDITIONAL_DIRS C:/addl] ]')

Return value: Inventory of the remote host.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


The unregisterHost command removes the remote host from the job manager. Use the unregisterHost command to unregister a remote host target from the job manager. After a host is unregistered, the job manager cannot run jobs on the target.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None

Return value: None

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage

  • Administer jobs in a flexible management environment
  • Registering nodes with the job manager
  • Grouping nodes
  • Running administrative jobs
  • Running administrative jobs across multiple nodes
  • Scheduling future administrative jobs
  • Manage administrative jobs
  • AdministrativeJobs .
  • ManagedNodeGroup using wsadmin.sh (deprecated)
  • ManagedNodeAgent .
  • TargetGroup .