Use Jython or Jacl scripting to manage proxy configurations. Use the commands in the ProxyManagement group to configure proxy servers for web modules.
The ProxyManagement commands include:
The createWebModuleProxyConfig command creates a proxy server configuration for a web module. Target object:Specify the deployment object that represents the application for which the system creates the web module proxy configuration.
Required parameters:
- -deployedObjectProxyConfigName
- Name of the web module of interest. (String)
Optional parameters:
- -enableProxy
- Specifies whether the system enables the proxy server. Specify true to enable the proxy server. (Boolean)
- -transportProtocol
- Protocol that the proxy server uses to communicate with the web module. The valid values are HTTP, HTTPS, and ClientProtocol. (String)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createWebModuleProxyConfig myApplication {-deployedObjectProxyConfigName MyWebModule -enableProxy true -transportProtocol HTTPS}- Jython string:
AdminTask.createWebModuleProxyConfig('myApplication', '[-deployedObjectProxyConfigName MyWebModule -enableProxy true -transportProtocol HTTPS]')- Jython list:
AdminTask.createWebModuleProxyConfig(myApplication, ['-deployedObjectProxyConfigName', 'MyWebModule', '-enableProxy', 'true', '-transportProtocol', 'HTTPS'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createWebModuleProxyConfig {-interactive}- Jython:
The deleteWebModuleProxyConfig command removes the proxy server configuration for a web module. Target object:Specify the deployment object that represents the application from which the system deletes the web module proxy configuration.
Required parameters:
- -deployedObjectProxyConfigName
- Name of the web module of interest. (String)
Optional parameters: None
Sample output
The command does not return output.Examples
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteWebModuleProxyConfig myApplication {-deployedObjectProxyConfigName MyWebModule}- Jython string:
AdminTask.deleteWebModuleProxyConfig('myApplication', '[-deployedObjectProxyConfigName MyWebModule]')- Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteWebModuleProxyConfig(myApplication, ['-deployedObjectProxyConfigName', 'MyWebModule'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteWebModuleProxyConfig {-interactive}- Jython:
The getServerSecurityLevel command displays the current security level of the secure proxy server. Target object:Specify the configuration ID of the secure proxy server of interest.
Optional parameters:
- -proxyDetailsFormat
- Format of the details to display about the security level of the proxy server. Specify levels to display details as a security level for each setting. Specify values to display details as the actual setting for each proxy server. (String)
Sample output
The command returns the security level of the secure proxy server. If we specify the optional parameter, the command displays additional information about the security level of the server of interest.
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask getServerSecurityLevel myProxyServer {-proxyDetailsFormat levels}- Jython string:
AdminTask.getServerSecurityLevel('myProxyServer', '[-proxyDetailsFormat levels]')- Jython list:
AdminTask.getServerSecurityLevel(myProxyServer, ['-proxyDetailsFormat', 'levels'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask getServerSecurityLevel {-interactive}- Jython:
The setServerSecurityLevel command modifies the server security level for a secure proxy server. Target object:Specify the configuration ID of the secure proxy server of interest.
Optional parameters:
- -proxySecurityLevel
- Level of security to apply to the proxy server. Valid values include High, Medium, and Low. (String)
We can also use this parameter to specify custom security settings by specifying the security setting ID and value, as defined in the following table:
ID Description Valid values administration Sets the administration security setting. Specify local to allow local administration. Specify remote to allow remote administration. routing Sets the routing security setting. Using static routing specifies routing is performed through a flat configuration file using routing precedence that is inherent to the ordering of the directives. Requests can also be routed dynamically through a best match mechanism that determines the installed application or routing rule that corresponds to a specific request. Specify static to use static routing, or specify dynamic to use dynamic routing. startupPermissions Sets the startup permissions. The overall security level of the secured proxy server can be hardened by reverting the server process to run as an unprivileged user after startup. Although the secured proxy server must be started as a privileged user, changing the server process to run as an unprivileged user provides additional protection for local operating resources. Specify unprivileged to run the server process as an unprivileged user, or specify privileged to run the server process as a privileged user. errorPageHandling Sets the error page handling. We can define a custom error page for each error code or a group of error codes on errors generated by the proxy server or the application server. This is done using HTTP status codes in responses to generate uniform customized error pages for the application. For security reasons, we can ensure that the error pages are read from the local file system instead of being forwarded to a custom remote application. Specify local to read error pages from the local file system, or specify remote to allow the system to read error pages from remote applications. Sample output
The command does not return output.Examples
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setServerSecurityLevel proxyServerID {-proxySecurityLevel administration=local;routing=static;startupPermissions=unprivileged ;errorPageHandling=local}- Jython string:
AdminTask.setServerSecurityLevel('proxyServerID', '[-proxySecurityLevel administration=local;routing=static;startupPermissions=unprivileged ;errorPageHandling=local]'))- Jython list:
AdminTask.setServerSecurityLevel(proxyServerID, ['-proxySecurityLevel', 'administration=local;routing=static;startupPermissions=unprivileged ;errorPageHandling=local'])
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setServerSecurityLevel {-interactive}- Jython:
DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS administration options DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS routing considerations DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS start up user permissions Error handling security considerations for the DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS wsadmin AdminTask Configure secure routing for a DMZ Secure Proxy Server ServerManagement Commands for the AdminTask object