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AdministrationReports command group for the AdminTask object using wsadmin.sh

Use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to troubleshoot the configuration with the wsadmin tool. The commands in the AdministrationReports group can be used to create a report of inconsistencies in the system configuration or a report that describes the port usage in the system.

The following commands are available for the AdministrationReports group of the AdminTask object:


Create a report of inconsistencies in the system configuration.

Target object: None

Required parameters and return values

Interactive mode example usage

Example output

Configuration consistency report for cell yardbirdCell cells/yardbirdCell/test.xml is a zero
 length file. cells/yardbirdCell/nodes/DummyNode does not contain a serverindex.xml document.
 cells/yardbirdCell/applications/Test. ear/deployments/Test does not contain a deployment.xml document.
 3 consistency problems were found. 


Create a report of all the ports configured in the cell.

Target object: None

Required parameters and return values

Interactive mode example usage

Example ouput

Ports configured in cell yardbirdCell Node yardbirdCellMgr / Server dmgr yardbird:7283 
CELL_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS yardbird:9809 BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS ...  Node dizzyNode1 / Server server1 
dizzy:2813 BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS dizzy:8880 SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS ...  Node dizzyNode1 / Server 
nodeagent dizzy:2814 BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS dizzy:9904 ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS 

  • wsadmin AdminTask
  • Commands for the AdminTask object