modifySIBJMSQueue command
Use the modifySIBJMSQueue command to change the properties of a JMS queue for the default messaging provider at a specific scope.
To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
(iSeries) (iSeries) The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. (iSeries) See Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .
Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:
- For a list of the available service integration bus JMS commands in Jython and a brief description of each command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:
- For overview help on a given command, enter at the wsadmin prompt:
After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:
The modifySIBJMSQueue command changes the properties of a JMS queue for the default messaging provider at a specific scope.
Target object
A JMS queue.
Required parameters
Optional parameters
- -name
- The identifier by which this JMS queue is known for administrative purposes.
- -jndiName
- The JNDI name used to bind the queue into the application server namespace.
- -queueName
- The name of the service integration bus destination to which the JMS queue maps.
- -description
- An optional description for the bus, for administrative purposes.
- -deliveryMode Application | NonPersistent | Persistent
- The delivery mode to be used by MessageProducers for messages sent to this queue.
- -timeToLive
- The default length of time from its dispatch time that a message sent to this queue should be retained by the system, where 0 indicates that time to live value does not expire. Value from the producer is used if this parameter is not supplied.
- -priority
- The priority for messages sent to this queue. The value from the producer is used if not completed. In the range 0 to 9 where 0 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest priority
- -readAhead AsConnection | AlwaysOn | AlwaysOff
- Used to control read-ahead optimization during message delivery. The default is AsConnection.
- -busName
- The name of the service integration bus that the bus destination, identified by queueName, is configured on. If not set, the bus that the application is connected to is used.
- -scopeToLocalQP TRUE | FALSE
- Indicates whether the underlying service integration bus queue destination is scoped to a local queue point when addressed using this JMS queue. A local queue point is a queue point configured on the messaging engine to which the JMS application is connected. The option applies when using this JMS queue to send and receive messages and when setting a reply queue in a request message. When a reply queue is set in a request message, the local queue point is on the messaging engine to which the application setting the reply queue is connected, not the messaging engine to which the application using the reply queue sends the reply message. If the connected messaging engine does not have a queue point for the destination this option is ignored. The default is FALSE.
Change the default setting of this option is supported only when used by a JMS application running with a WebSphere Application Server v7.0 or later server or client, and that is connected to a messaging engine running on a WAS v7.0 or later server. Use on previous versions of WAS results in an exception to the application.
- -producerBind TRUE | FALSE
- Indicates how JMS producers bind to queue points of the clustered queue. The default is FALSE.
Change the default setting of this option is supported only when used by a JMS application running with a WAS v7.0 or later server or client, and that is connected to a messaging engine running on a WAS v7.0 or later server. Use on previous versions of WAS results in an exception to the application.
- The messaging system selects a queue point when the session is opened. All messages produced by the session are sent to the chosen queue point. The messaging system uses the producerPreferLocal setting when selecting the queue point.
- The messaging system selects a queue point each time a message is sent, potentially workload balancing the messages across all available queue points. The messaging system uses the producerPreferLocal setting when selecting the queue point.
- -producerPreferLocal TRUE | FALSE
- Indicates whether a queue point local to the producer is preferred to other available queue points when the messaging system selects a queue point to produce messages to. A local queue point is a queue point configured on the messaging engine to which the JMS application is connected. The default is TRUE.
Change the default setting of this option is supported only when used by a JMS application running with a WAS v7.0 or later server or client, and that is connected to a messaging engine running on a WAS v7.0 or later server. Use on previous versions of WAS results in an exception to the application.
- -consumerGatherMessages TRUE | FALSE
- A JMS consumer or browser is attached to a single queue point of the service integration bus destination by the messaging system. This parameter indicates whether a JMS consumer or browser take messages from any available queue points of the service integration bus destination (TRUE), or the single queue point to which it is attached (FALSE). The default is FALSE. Gathering messages from multiple queue points results in an increased performance cost and message order cannot be maintained.
Change the default setting of this option is supported only when used by a JMS application running with a WAS v7.0 or later server or client, and that is connected to a messaging engine running on a WAS v7.0 or later server. Use on previous versions of WAS results in an exception to the application.
- Use Jython:
wsadmin>AdminConfig.getid("/Node:9994GKCNode01" ) '9994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1)' wsadmin>AdminTask.modifySIBJMSQueue("jmsq2(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/ 9994GKCNode01|resources.xml#J2CAdminObject_1098737234986)", ["-queueName", "q2forjms"]) 'jmsq2(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|resources.xml# J2CAdminObject_1098737234986)'- Use Jacl:
wsadmin>$AdminConfig getid /Node:9994GKCNode01 9994GKCNode01(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|node.xml#Node_1) wsadmin>$AdminTask modifySIBJMSQueue jmsq2(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|resources.xml# J2CAdminObject_1098737234986) {-queueName q2forjms} jmsq2(cells/9994GKCNode01Cell/nodes/9994GKCNode01|resources.xml# J2CAdminObject_1098737234986)