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Commands for the AdminApp object using wsadmin

Use the AdminApp object to install, modify, and administer applications. The AdminApp object interacts with the WebSphere Application Server management and configuration services to make application inquiries and changes. This interaction includes installing and uninstalling applications, listing modules, exporting, and so on.

In a dmgr environment, configuration updates are available only if a scripting client is connected to a dmgr. When connected to a node agent or a managed application server, we are not able to update the configuration because the configuration for these server processes are copies of the master configuration which resides in the deployment manager. The copies are created on a node machine when a configuration synchronization occurs between the deployment manager and the node agent. Make configuration changes to the server processes by connecting a scripting client to a dmgr. For this reason, to change a configuration, do not run a scripting client in local mode on a node machine. It is not a supported configuration.

The following commands are available for the AdminApp object:

.xmi vs. .xml

For IBM extension and binding files, the .xmi or .xml file name extension is different depending on whether we are using a pre-Java EE 5 application or module or a Java EE 5 or later application or module. An IBM extension or binding file is named ibm-*-ext.xmi or ibm-*-bnd.xmi where * is the type of extension or binding file such as app, application, ejb-jar, or web. The following conditions apply:

However, a Java EE 5 or later module can exist within an application that includes pre-Java EE 5 files and uses the .xmi file name extension.

The ibm-webservices-ext.xmi, ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi, ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi, ibm-webservicesclient-ext.xmi, and ibm-portlet-ext.xmi files continue to use the .xmi file extensions.


Delete users or groups for all roles, and to delete user IDs and passwords for all of the RunAs roles defined in the application.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None.



Edit an application or module in batch mode. The edit command changes the application specified by the application name argument using the options specified by the options argument. No options are required for the edit command.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None.



Edit an application or module in interactive mode. The editInteractive command changes the application deployment. Specify these changes in the options parameter. No options are required for the editInteractive command.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None.



Export the application name parameter to a file specified by the file name.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:



Extract the data definition language (DDL) from the application name parameter to the directory name parameter that a directory specifies. The options parameter is optional.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:



Export the contents of a single file specified by the uniform resource identifier (URI) from the application of interest.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None.



Display the deployment status of the application. After installing or updating a large application, use this command to display detailed status information for application binary file expansion. We cannot start the application until the system extracts the application binaries.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None.


Running the getDeployStatus command where myApplication is DefaultApplication results in status information about DefaultApplication resembling the following:


Display general help information about the AdminApp object.

Target object: None.

Required parameters: None.

Optional parameters:

Sample output

The following output is returned if we do not specify an argument:

The following output is returned if we specify uninstall as the operation name argument:





Install an application in non-interactive mode, given a fully qualified file name and a string of installation options. The options parameter is optional.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:


any options are available for this command. We can obtain a list of valid options for an EAR file with the following command:



We can also obtain help for each object with the following command:




Install an application in interactive mode, given a fully qualified file name and a string of installation options. The options parameter is optional.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:



Determine if the specified application has been distributed and is ready to be run. Returns a value of true if the application is ready, or a value of false if the application is not ready. A script that invokes isAppReady typically installs or updates an application, and then loops around the call until the call returns a value of true before starting the application. This command is not supported when wsadmin.sh is not connected to a server.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Sample output

The following sample output is returned if we specify the application name parameter:

The following sample output is returned if we specify the application name and ignoreUnknownState parameters:


The following examples only specify the application name parameter:

The following examples specify the application name and ignoreUnknownState parameters:


List the applications installed in the configuration.

Target object: None.

Required parameters: None.

Optional parameters:

Sample output


The following examples specify a value for the target parameter:


List the modules in an application.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Sample output

The following example is the concatenation of appname, #, module URI, +, and DD URI. We can pass this string to the edit and editInteractive AdminApp commands.



Display a list of options for installing an EAR file.

Target object: None.

Required parameters: None.

Optional parameters:

Sample output


The following example options command returns the valid options for an EAR file:

The following example options command returns the valid options for an application:

The following example options command returns the valid options for an application module:

The following example options command returns the valid options for the operation that is requested with the input file:


Publish WSDL files for the application specified in the application name parameter to the file specified in the file name parameter.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Sample output

The publishWSDL command does not return output.


The following example publishWSDL command specifies the application name and the file name:

The following example publishWSDL command specifies the application name, file name, and SOAP address prefixes parameter values:


List applications that refer to the JNDI name on a specific node.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Sample output


The following example assumes an installed application named MyApp has a JNDI name of eis/J2CCF1:


Provide information about a particular task option for an application file. Many task names changed between V5.x and V6.x for a similar or the exact same operation. We might need to update existing scripts if we are migrating from V5.x to V6.x.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters None.

Sample output



Uninstall an existing application.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Sample output



Update an application in non-interactive mode. This command supports the addition, removal, and update of application subcomponents or the entire application. Provide the application name, content type, and update options.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Sample output



Update the access ID information for users and groups that are assigned to various roles defined in the application. The system reads the access IDs from the user registry and saves the IDs in the application bindings. This operation improves runtime performance of the application. Use this command after installing an application or after editing security role-specific information for an installed application. This method cannot be invoked when the -conntype option for wsadmin.sh is set to NONE. We must be connected to a server to invoke this command.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:



Add, remove, and update application subcomponents or an entire application. When we update an application module or an entire application using interactive mode, the steps used to configure binding information are similar to those that apply to the installInteractive command. If we update a file or a partial application, the steps used to configure the binding information are not available. In this case, the steps are the same as the ones we use with the update command.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Sample output



View the task specified by the task name parameter for the application or module specified by the application name parameter. Use -tasknames as the option to get a list of valid task names for the application. Otherwise, specify one or more task names as the option.

Target object: None.

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Sample output

The command returns the following information if we specify the taskoptions value for the task name parameter:

The command returns the following information if we specify the mapModulesToServers task for the task name parameter:


The following view command example lists each available task name:

The following view command example returns information for the mapModulesToServer task:

The following view command example returns information for the AppDeploymentOptions task:

The following view command example returns the build version for the DefaultApplication application:

Local mode

We can start the scripting client when no server is running, if we want to use only local operations. To run in local mode, use the -conntype NONE option to start the scripting client. You receive a message that we are running in the local mode. Running the AdminApp object in local mode when a server is currently running is not recommended. This is because any configuration changes made in local mode will not be reflected in the running server configuration and vice versa. If we save a conflicting configuration, we could corrupt the configuration.

If we are deploying an application in the local mode using wsadmin -conntype NONE, we must modify the wsadmin.bat or wsadmin.sh command file in install_root/bin. Complete the following steps:

  1. Make a backup copy of the install_root/bin/wsadmin.bat or install_dir/bin/wsadmin.bat file.

  2. Add the following lines of code to the wsadmin file right after the call to the setupCmdLine.bat or setupCmdLine.sh file:


      export LIBPATH EXTSHM


      export SHLIB_PATH

    (Linux) (Solaris)

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH



    Do not specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the preceding export statement. Specifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 on that export statement overrides any LD_LIBRARY_PATH values that exist in other scripts.

  3. Save the updated wsadmin.bat or wsadmin.sh file.

  4. Deploy the application.

  • Pattern matching
  • wsadmin AdminApp