Use the script to perform Intelligent Management functions.
To learn more about the Intelligent Management capabilities, read about configuring Intelligent Management for web servers.
The script is in app_server_root/bin. Before running this script, ensure that we have the environment variable WAS_HOME configured to point to the WebSphere directory.
- addRemoteCell <webServerNode>:<webServerName> <remoteCellHost> <remoteCellPort> <importCertificates> [-u <remoteCellUserId>] [-w <remoteCellPassword>] [-e <enableRemoteCellConnectors>] [-r <remoteCellId>]
Adds a remote cell to the list of cells for this web server. This operation enables a web server to extend the Intelligent Management service to multiple cells.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) <remoteCellHost> Host name for the remote cell. <remoteCellPort> Port for the remote cell. <importCertificates> Specifies whether to import certificates. Valid values are true or false. <remoteCellUserId> User ID for the remote cell. <remoteCellPassword> Password for the remote cell. <enableRemoteCellConnectors> Enable Intelligent Management remote cell connectors. True or false. <remoteCellId> Unique cell identifier. The default is the cell host name. Example:
./ -f -lang jython addRemoteCell myNode:myWebserver remoteHostname 8879 true
Adds the remote cell managed by the server at remoteHostname:8879 to the list of cells that myWebserver can communicate with via Intelligent Management.
- deleteRemoteCell <webServerNode>:<webServerName> <remoteHost> <remotePort> <deleteCertificates>
Remove a remote cell from the list of cells for this web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) <remoteHost> Host name for the remote cell. <remotePort> Port for the remote cell. <deleteCertificates> Delete certificates. True or false. Example:
./ -f -lang jython deleteRemoteCell myNode:myWebserver remoteHostname 8879 true
Remove the remote cell managed by the server at remoteHostname:8879 from the list of cells that myWebserver can communicate with via Intelligent Management.
- disable <webServerNode>:<webServerName>
Disables Intelligent Management for this web server if Intelligent Management is not required.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) Example:
./ -f -lang jython disable myNode:myWebserver
Disables the Intelligent Management service for myWebServer.
- enable <webServerNode>:<webServerName>[-i <retryInterval>] [-r <maxRetries>] [-x <cellId>]
Enable Intelligent Management for a web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) <retryInterval> Time interval (in seconds) between connection attempts. <maxRetries> Maximum number of retries for enabling the Intelligent Management service. Valid values are: zero, positive integer numbers, and infinite. <cellId> Unique cell identifier. Example:
./ -f -lang jython enable myNode:myWebserver
Enable the Intelligent Management service for myWebServer.
- listRemoteCells <webServerNode>:<webServerName>
List the remote cells for a web server. These remote cells are available for Intelligent Management service.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) Example:
./ -f -lang jython listRemoteCells myNode:myWebserver
List the remote cells that the Intelligent Management service on myWebserver can reach.
- modify<webServerNode>:<webServerName> [-i <retryInterval>] [-r <maxRetries>] [-x <cellId>]
Modify Intelligent Management properties for a web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) <retryInterval> Time interval (in seconds) between connection attempts. <maxRetries> Maximum number of retries for enabling the Intelligent Management service. Valid values are: zero, positive integer numbers, and infinite. <cellId> Unique cell identifier. Example:
./ -f -lang jython modify myNode:myWebserver -i 10 -r 5
Change the settings for communicating with the Intelligent Management service on myWebserver to retry connecting a maximum of five times, with a 10-second wait after a failure.
- modifyRemoteCell<webServerNode>:<webServerName> <remoteCellHost> <remoteCellPort> [-e <enableRemoteCellConnectors>] [-r <remoteCellId>]
Modify a remote cell for a web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) <remoteCellHost> Host name for the remote cell. <remoteCellPort> Port for the remote cell. <enableRemoteCellConnectors> Enable Intelligent Management remote cell connectors. True or false. <remoteCellId> Unique cell identifier. Example:
./ -f -lang jython modifyRemoteCell myNode:myWebserver remoteHostname 8879 -u username -w password
Changes the login credentials for the remote cell managed by the server at remoteHostname:8879 to username and password.
- refreshLocalCell<webServerNode>:<webServerName>
Refresh the local cell connectors for our web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) Example:
./ -f -lang jython refreshLocalCell myNode:myWebserver
Refreshes the local cell connectors on myWebserver.
- refreshRemoteCell<webServerNode>:<webServerName> <remoteCellHost> <remoteCellPort> [-u <remoteCellUserId>] [-w <remoteCellPassword>]
Refresh the remote cell connectors for our web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) <remoteCellHost> Host name for the remote cell. <remoteCellPort> Port for the remote cell. <remoteCellUserId> User ID of the remote cell. <remoteCellPassword> Password for the remote cell. Example:
./ -f -lang jython refreshRemoteCell myNode:myWebserver remoteHostname 8879
Refreshes the local information about remoteHostname:8879.
- addConditionalTraceRule<webServerNode>:<webServerName>[-x <traceCondition>] [-s <traceSpecification>]
Set the conditional trace specification for a web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) <traceCondition> Trace condition. <traceSpecification> Indicates the trace specification. For each trace specification, we can indicate one of the following levels:
- emerg
- alert
- critical
- error
- warning
- notice
- info
- debug
- off
- all
The default level is notice.
./ -f addConditionalTraceRule unmanagednode1:ws1 -x "port=3" -s "control.mapper:INFO"
Adds the rule control.mapper:INFO with the condition port=3 on a web server ws1.
- setDefaultTraceRule<webServerNode>:<webServerName>[-s <traceSpecification>]
Sets the default trace rule for a web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) <traceSpecification> Indicates the trace specification. For each trace specification, we can indicate one of the following levels:
- emerg
- alert
- critical
- error
- warning
- notice
- info
- debug
- off
- all
The default level is notice.
./ -f setDefaultTraceRule unmanagednode1:ws1 -s "control.mapper:ERROR"
Set the default rule control.mapper:ERROR for a web server ws1.
- removeConditionalTraceRule<webServerNode>:<webServerName>
Remove a conditional trace rule from the web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) Example:
./ -f removeConditionalTraceRule unmanagednode1:ws1
Remove the conditional trace rules on the web server ws1.
- listTraceRules<webServerNode>:<webServerName>
List the trace rules for a web server. These trace rules are set on the web server.
Argument Description <webServerNode> The web server node name. (String, required) <webServerName> The web server name. (String, required) Example:
./ -f listTraceRules unmanagednode1:ws1 default control.mapper:ERROR true
List trace rules on web server ws1. The output of the command is default control.mapper:ERROR true.
- generatePlugin<dmgrRoot> <cellName> nodeName <webServerName>
Generate a plug-in required by the web server. The plug-in configuration file stores all the Intelligent Management settings.
Argument Description <dmgrRoot> The deployment manager profile directory. <cellName> Name of the cell which contains the web server to be configured. nodeName Name of the node which contains the web server to be configured. <webServerName> Name of the web server to be configured. Example:
./ -f -lang jython generatePlugin /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01 myCell myNode myWebserver
Generate the Intelligent Management files that are required by myWebserver.
Configure Intelligent Management for web servers Configure Intelligent Management properties for web servers Configure trace on the WebSphere plug-in Intelligent Management: administrative tasks for web servers