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BLAManagement wsadmin scripting

  1. Overview
  2. deleteAsset
  3. editAsset
  4. exportAsset
  5. importAsset
  6. listAssets
  7. updateAsset
  8. viewAsset
  9. addCompUnit
  10. deleteCompUnit
  11. editCompUnit
  12. listCompUnits
  13. setCompUnitTargetAutoStart
  14. viewCompUnit
  15. createEmptyBLA
  16. deleteBLA
  17. editBLA
  18. getBLAStatus
  19. listBLAs
  20. listControlOps
  21. startBLA
  22. stopBLA
  23. viewBLA


Use the Jython scripting language to administer business-level applications with wsadmin.sh. Use the commands in the BLAManagement group to create, edit, export, delete, and query business-level applications in the configuration.

To administer business-level applications use the Configurator administrative role.

An asset represents one or more application binary files stored in an asset repository. Typical assets include application business logic such as enterprise archives, library files, and other resource files.

A business-level application is a configuration artifact that consists of zero or more composition units or other business-level applications. Business-level applications are administrative models that define an application, and can contain EAR files, shared libraries, PHP applications, and more.

A composition unit represents an asset in a business-level application. A composition unit enables the asset contents to interact with other assets in the application. It also enables the product run time to load and run asset contents.


Remove an asset from a business-level application configuration. Before using this command, verify that no composition units are associated with the asset of interest. The command fails if the asset is associated with composition units.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value.

The command returns the configuration ID of the deleted asset:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Modify additional asset configuration options. Use this command to modify the description, destination URL, asset relationships, file permissions, and validation settings.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional steps

For optional steps, use the .* characters to specify a read-only argument in the command syntax. Specify an empty string with the "" characters to keep the existing value of the argument. If we do not specify a value or an empty string for a writable argument, the command resets the argument to a null value.

Return value.

The command returns the configuration ID of the asset of interest.

Batch mode example usage

Use the following examples to edit a non-enterprise asset:

Use the following examples to edit an enterprise asset:

Interactive mode example usage


Export an asset configuration to a file.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Return value. The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Import an asset configuration to the asset repository. After importing assets, we can add the assets to business-level applications as composition units.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Optional steps

For optional steps, use the .* characters to specify a read-only argument in the command syntax. Specify an empty string with the "" characters to keep the existing value of the argument. If we do not specify a value or an empty string for a writable argument, the command resets the argument to a null value.

Return value.

The command returns the configuration ID of the asset the system creates:

Batch mode example usage

Use the following examples to import a non-enterprise asset:

Use the following examples to import a non-enterprise asset, set asset2.zip as the asset name, save the metadata binaries in the asset repository, and set the destination directory of the binaries to deploy:

Use the following examples to import a non-enterprise asset, and specifies asset relationships with the a.jar and b.jar assets:

Use the following examples to import an enterprise asset:

Interactive mode example usage


Display the configuration ID of each asset within the cell.

Target object: None

Optional parameters:

Return value.

The command returns a list of configuration IDs for the assets of interest. Depending on the parameter values specified, the command might display the description and deployable composition units for each asset:

Batch mode example usage

Use the following examples to list each asset in the cell:

Use the following examples to list each asset in the cell:

Use the following examples to list each asset, asset description, and deployable composition units in the cell:

Interactive mode example usage


Modify one or more files or module files of an asset. The command updates the asset binary file, but does not update the composition units the system deploys with the asset as a backing object.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Optional steps

For optional steps, use the .* characters to specify a read-only argument in the command syntax. Specify an empty string with the "" characters to keep the existing value of the argument. If we do not specify a value or an empty string for a writable argument, the command resets the argument to a null value.

Return value.

The command returns the configuration ID of the asset of interest.

Batch mode example usage

The following example replaces the contents of a non-enterprise asset:

The following example partially updates the files of a non-enterprise asset:

The following example updates an enterprise asset with an EJB module file:

The following example replaces an enterprise asset and its associated composition units using a replace operation:

The following example updates an enterprise asset and its associated composition units using a merge operation:

Interactive mode example usage


Display additional asset configuration options and configured values.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None

Return value.

The command returns configuration data for the asset of interest:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Add a composition unit to a specific business-level application. A composition unit represents an asset in a business-level application, and enables the asset contents to interact with other assets in the application. It also enables the product run time to load and run asset contents.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Optional steps

We can also specify values for optional steps to set additional properties for the new composition unit. These steps do not apply to enterprise assets. For optional steps, use the .* characters to specify a read-only argument in the command syntax. Specify an empty string with the "" characters to keep the existing value of the argument. If we do not specify a value or an empty string for a writable argument, the command resets the argument to a null value.

Return value.

The command returns the configuration IDs of the composition unit and the new composition unit created for the asset in the asset relationship:

Batch mode example usage

Use the following examples to add a non-enterprise asset:

Use the following examples to add a business-level application composition unit:

Use the following example to create an EBA composition unit and add it to a business-level application.

Use the following examples to add a composition unit for a non-enterprise asset and deploy the composition unit to multiple targets:

Use the following examples to add a composition unit that is a non-enterprise asset with a deployable unit:

Use the following examples to add a composition unit for a non-enterprise asset as a shared library:

Use the following examples to add a composition unit for a non-enterprise asset with a dependency. For this example, the cub composition unit exists as a shared library of the ourBLA business-level application:

Use the following examples to add an enterprise asset:

Interactive mode example usage


Eemove a composition unit. Both parameters for this command accept incomplete configuration IDs, as long as the system can match the string to a unique ID.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value.

The command returns the configuration ID of the composition unit the system deleted:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Modify additional composition unit options. Use this command to modify the starting weight of the composition unit, deployment targets, activation plan options, and relationship settings.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional steps

We can also specify values for optional steps to edit properties of the composition unit. These steps do not apply to enterprise assets. For optional steps, use the .* characters to specify a read-only argument in the command syntax. Specify an empty string with the "" characters to keep the existing value of the argument. If we do not specify a value or an empty string for a writable argument, the command resets the argument to a null value.

Return value.

The command returns the configuration ID of the composition unit the system edits.

Batch mode example usage

Use the following examples to edit a composition unit of an asset and replace the target from existing targets:

Use the following examples to edit a composition unit of an asset and its relationships:

Use the following examples to edit a composition unit by adding a new relationship to the existing relationship:

Use the following examples to edit an enterprise composition unit configuration:

Interactive mode example usage


Display each composition unit associated with a specific business-level application.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value.

The command returns a list of configuration IDs and the type for each composition unit:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Enable or disable automatic starting of composition units. If we enable this option, the system automatically starts the composition unit when the composition unit target starts.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Return value. The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Display configuration information for a composition unit that belongs to a specific business-level application.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None

Return value.

The command returns configuration information for the composition unit of interest:

If the composition unit contains an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) asset, the composition unit status is also displayed. This status is one of the following values:

Batch mode example usage

The following example displays configuration information for a non-enterprise asset:

The following example displays configuration information for an enterprise asset:

Interactive mode example usage


Create an empty business-level application. After creating a business-level application, we can add assets or other business-level applications as composition units to the application.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value.

The command returns the configuration ID of the new business-level application:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Remove a business-level application from the configuration. Before deleting a business-level application, use the deleteCompUnit command to remove each composition unit associated with the business-level application. Verify that no other business-level applications reference the business-level application to delete.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None

Return value.

The command returns the configuration ID of the deleted business-level application:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Modify the description of a business-level application.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional steps

For optional steps, use the .* characters to specify a read-only argument in the command syntax. Specify an empty string with the "" characters to keep the existing value of the argument. If we do not specify a value or an empty string for a writable argument, the command resets the argument to a null value.

Return value. The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Display whether a business-level application or composition unit is running or stopped.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value.

The command returns the status of the business-level application or composition unit of interest.

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Display the business-level applications in the configuration.

Target object: None

Optional parameters:

Return value.

The command returns a list of configuration IDs for each business-level application in the configuration:

Batch mode example usage

The following example lists each business-level application in the configuration:

Use the following examples to list each business-level application in the configuration:

Use the following examples to list each business-level application and the corresponding descriptions:

Interactive mode example usage


Display the control operations for a business-level application and the corresponding composition units.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return value.

The command returns a list of operations, operation descriptions, and parameter descriptions for the query scope:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Start the business-level application of interest.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Return value.

The command returns a status message if the business-level application starts. If the business-level application does not start, the command does not return output. The following example displays the status message output:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Stop the business-level application of interest.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Return value.

The command returns a status message if the business-level application stops. If the business-level application does not stop, the command does not return output. The following example displays the status message output:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


Display the name and description of the business-level application of interest.

Target object: None

Required parameters:

Optional parameters: None

Return value.

The command returns configuration information for the business-level application of interest, as the following example displays:

Batch mode example usage

Interactive mode example usage


  • Assets
  • Composition units
  • Business-level applications
  • Set up business-level applications
  • Delete business-level applications
  • Start business-level applications using scripting
  • Stop business-level applications using scripting
  • Manage assets
  • Update bundle versions for an EBA asset using the editAsset command
  • Add an EBA asset to a composition unit using the addCompUnit command
  • Modify the configuration of an EBA composition unit using the editCompUnit command
  • Check the update status of an EBA composition unit