WebSphere Dashboard Framework v6.0.1
- WebSphere Dashboard Framework
- Product overview
- Installation
- Software requirements
- Install and configuring WebSphere Dashboard Framework
- Run the installation program
- Create a project after installation
- Configure your environment after installation
- Configure an embedded test server environment
- Set up native language support
- Upgrade plug-in files, projects, and portlets
- Upgrade plug-in files after installation
- Upgrade projects
- Upgrade portlets to the Java Standard Portlet API
- Remove IBM WebSphere Dashboard Framework
- Get started
- Learning from tutorials and samples
- Create portlets: A high-level overview
- Understand key concepts
- Create a project and model
- Add builders to a model
- View builder code
- Add profiling to personalize portlets
- Deploying a portlet
- Define requirements for an application
- Create your first project
- Deployment
- Verify successful deployment of a project
- Deployment tips
- Troubleshooting unsuccessful deployments
- Enable IBM Tivoli License Manager tracking
- Deploying projects on a remote WebSphere server
- Create data services
- Benefits of using builders for Service-Oriented Architecture
- Create a Service Provider model
- Additional data services features
- Developing the user interface for your application
- Create a Service Consumer model
- Choosing the appropriate design-pattern builder
- Bullet Graph
- Hierarchy Drilldown
- Map
- Record List and Detail
- Status Page
- Summary and Drilldown
- View & Form
- Web Charts - Enhanced
- Customize the user interface and styles
- Selecting builders for common tasks
- Create services
- Create the initial portlet user interface
- Add dashboard-specific features
- Work with tables, columns, and data layout
- Work with variables and schemas
- Controlling the validation, formatting, labels, and behavior of data fields
- Set up actions and events
- Add navigation and page actions
- Controlling page elements
- Integrating WebSphere Portal features
- Share functionality or resources across models
- Supporting translation and localized strings
- Incorporating additional dashboard features
- Developing customizers that let users change their own portlets
- Debugging tips
- Best practices
- Additional information
- Set up dashboard features
- Set up the sample application
- Set up alerts
- Set up annotations
- Set up a calendar
- Selecting a persistence manager
- Set up a database for a dashboard application
- Copying the sample application files to the application server
- Set up a Cloudscape database
- Set up a DB2 database
- Create the database
- Connecting to the database
- Prepare the database for sample application data
- Prepare the database for alert, annotation, and calendar data
- Create a data source
- Create a data source (WebSphere Application Server 6)
- Create a data source (WebSphere Application Server 5.1)
- Troubleshooting the connection
- Set up an Oracle database
- Set up a SQL Server database
- Configure a database persistence manager
- Overriding default project settings
- Additional configuration for alerts
- Share a persistence manager between projects
- Set up automated alert notifications
- Log alerts statistics
- Configure pages to launch as portlets
- Testing your configuration settings
- Tutorials
- Add the tutorials to a project
- Introductory tutorial
- Filtering tutorial
- Add a product selection form
- Add filtering to the Service Provider model
- Add filtering to the Service Consumer model
- Alerts tutorial
- Add alerting to the Service Provider model
- Add alerting to the Service Consumer model
- Add an alert definition
- Sample application
- Log on to the sample application
- Explore builders in the sample application
- Sample application: Home page
- Sample application: Customers page
- Sample application: Human Resources page
- Sample application: Sales page
- Work with alerts
- Use the alerts module
- Alerts engine architecture
- Alert definitions
- Types of alert definitions
- Data selection
- Parameters
- Features of alert definitions
- Migrating XML-based alert definitions to a database persistence manager
- Alert evaluators
- Developing alert evaluators
- Common themes in evaluator development
- Type-specific evaluator requirements
- Understand alert instance content
- Alert field semantics
- Handling special alert fields
- Set the Alert ID field
- Set the Category ID Field
- Set the Creation Date field
- Set the Expiration Date Field
- Set the Vfield
- Create a simple class-based alert evaluator
- Create the stub evaluator class
- Create an unpopulated alert instance and returning it in the list
- Populating required fields in the alert instance
- Add business logic to an alert evaluator
- Set localized text
- Create the alert definition
- Testing the new alert definition and evaluator
- Create a model-based evaluator
- Examine the LJO's source file
- Create the evaluator model
- Examine the XML of the sample alert model-based evaluator
- Learning about alerts from tutorials and samples
- Work with the sample Sales Orders portlet
- Use the sample Sales Orders portlet
- Examine the Sales Orders portlet model
- Examine the Sales Order service provider model
- View the example alert definitions
- Work with the My Alerts portlet
- Work with the Manage Alerts portlet
- User contexts
- Renaming and deleting user contexts
- Managing user contexts with the XML-file persistence manager
- Managing user contexts with the database persistence manager
- Add alerts to a portlet
- Prepare to add alerts to a portlet
- Create data service providers
- Define alert evaluation properties
- Implement the alert evaluator
- Enable the Alert definition
- Create a data portlet
- Design guidelines for data portlets
- Add an Alert Data builder to the Service Provider model
- Add a Status Indicator builder to the data portlet model
- Create a My Alerts portlet
- Alerts directories
- Work with collaborative features
- Dashboard builder catalog
- Alert Customizer builder
- Alert Data builder
- Annotation builder
- Bullet Graph builder
- Contextual Information builder
- Use the Contextual Information builder
- Specify inputs for the builder
- Objects created by the builder
- Excel Import - Enhanced builder
- Hierarchy Drilldown builder
- ID Gatherer builder
- Use the ID Gatherer builder
- Presenting a blank splash page with the ID Gatherer builder
- Presenting an input page to gather an ID
- Gathering an ID using a method
- Specify inputs for the builder
- Objects created by the builder
- Map builder
- ODS Export builder
- Query Filter builder
- Query Filter Form builder
- Query Filter Observer builder
- Record List and Detail builder
- Snapshot Report builder
- Status Indicator builder
- Status Indicator Legend builder
- Status Page builder
- Summary and Drilldown builder
- Summary Row builder
- Table Customizer builder
- Web Charts - Enhanced builder