Test your configuration settings
Launch the portlets that contain the features you want to test to verify your configuration settings. Follow these steps to verify that the features you configured are working correctly.
- Open WebSphere Portal and log in as an Administrator.
- (Alerts) Add the Manage Alerts and My Alerts portlets to a page and open that page.
- (Alerts) Examine the My Alerts portlet.
If you see the sample alerts, then you have successfully configured the alerts engine and the persistence manager.
- Launch other pages whose features you want to test.
- If a page displays an error message, use the error message to determine which configuration setting needs to be adjusted.
- Verify that the features are set up:
- For alerts: You should be able to create and save an alert definition using the Manage Alerts portlet.
- For annotations: You should be able to create and save annotations.
- For calendaring: You should be able to create and save events.
Troubleshooting tips
- Make sure there are no notification errors in the alerting log file.
- Make sure the scheduler process started up. The app server console log will have some text about the scheduler servlet being initialized.
- Make sure you specified the correct e-mail host name and that the server actually is willing to accept connections. Some servers require authentication, some do not.
- Look in the WEB-INF\solutions\alerting\xml_persistence\notifications directory. It contains a transcript of all the alerts sent by the system. If there are files in this directory, but no e-mails are received, then the e-mail server is misconfigured or unwilling to accept e-mail requests from the alerts engine.
Parent topic: Setting up dashboard features
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Last updated: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:57am EST
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