Configure an embedded test server environment


Installing in an embedded test server environment requires a few additional procedures and steps after installation. If you are installing on IBM Rational Development Environment Studio Application Developer in an embedded test environment (application server or portal server), complete the following procedures. Parent topic: Installing and configuring WebSphere Dashboard Framework


Turning off validation

Validating all the HTML and XML files in a project can take a long time. You may want to turn validation off before refreshing your project. This procedure applies to all projects in the workspace. To disable validation for WebSphere Dashboard Framework projects only, disable the settings listed below.

Follow these steps to turn off validation.

  1. In Rational Developer, select Window > Preferences.

  2. Select Validation and click the Deselect all button.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. In the left pane, select: Web Tools > Links > Validation > Refactoring.

  5. De-select the Enable LinksBuilder check box.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Click OK to close the Preferences window.


Configuring the test server

This step publishes the application and starts the test server.

  1. Right-click the Web application project and select Run on Server.

  2. Select the WebSphere® Application Server version and configuration desired, then click OK. If you have not specified a server configuration, the default WebSphere Application Server server configuration can be used.

    Note that Attaching to a remote server has not been tested.


Modifying the method compiler classPath setting

In order to use builders that utilize code in third-party JAR files, you may need to change the bowstreet.methods.classPath property in your file.

Follow these steps to change the classPath property

  1. Using a text editor, open the project_name/ WebContent /WEB-INF/config/ file.

  2. Find the property called bowstreet.methods.classPath.

  3. Append the path to the appropriate j2ee.jar file to this property's value.

    For example, to use the j2ee12.jar file that ships with Portlet Factory, use the following as the value to append to this property: ${ bowstreet.rootDirectory} / clientLibs /j2ee12.jar . (This file is stored in: bowstreet_root_directory /WEB-INF/ clientlibs )

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Restart Rational Application Developer to apply the changes to this property.


Opening and running a model

After you have completed all the preceding steps, we can start using Portlet Factory to run applications on the embedded test server.

  1. Double-click a model in the WebContent\WEB-INF\models directory to open the model in Portlet Factory Designer.

  2. Choose Run > Run Last Launched or click the "Run" icon in the toolbar to run the model.

When you run a model, the embedded server you configured is used.

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Last updated: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:57am EST

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