Dashboard builder catalog
This section provides reference information on each of the builders that come with WebSphere Dashboard Framework.
The following topics describe how to work with the Dashboard builders.
- Alert Customizer builder
Use this builder to allow users to customize and save their own alert settings.
- Alert Data builder
Use this builder, in conjunction with other Alerts feature set components, to identify the data needed by the alerts engine.
- Annotation builder
Use this builder to enable users to add comments, responses, and file attachments to a chart, table, or table data for others to see.
- Bullet Graph builder
Use this builder to create a bullet graph, which is a horizontal bar chart that uses color variations to mark actual and target values.
- Contextual Information builder
Use this builder to provide context-sensitive details that help users understand a specific element on a page.
- Excel Import - Enhanced builder
Use this builder to import Excel spreadsheets, including categorized data, for use in any page or chart.
- Hierarchy Drilldown builder
Use this builder to allow users to click elements on a page to see more detailed information.
- ID Gatherer builder
Use this builder to gather configuration information from other portlets on the page.
- Map builder
Use this builder to create a map that contains color-coded regions showing status information from dynamic sources.
- ODS Export builder
Use this builder to allow users to export the content of a variable or method call to an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ODS) file.
- Query Filter builder
Use this builder, in conjunction with one or more Query Filter Form builders, to implement an inter-portlet communication across multiple portlets on multiple pages.
- Query Filter Form builder
Use this builder as a base for adding a number of query filters to a page.
- Query Filter Observer builder
Use this builder, in conjunction with a Query Filter Form builder, to implement inter-portlet communication across multiple portlets on multiple pages.
- Record List and Detail builder
Use this to create pages that display list of records or record details.
- Snapshot Report builder
Use this builder to create a printable "snapshot" report of the top-level pages in a portlet.
- Status Indicator builder
Use this builder to automate the highlighting and styling of data values to show status or alerts based on some logic.
- Status Indicator Legend builder
Use this builder to add a legend to a Status Indicator to provide an explanation of visual indicators on a page.
- Status Page builder
Use this builder to create Status pages that display a visual measure of performance against a goal.
- Summary and Drilldown builder
Use this builder to create summary pages, which display data summarized by a field, such as department, customer, or time period.
- Summary Row builder
Use this builder to place in a Data Page table a row that totals (summarizes) the values in each column.
- Table Customizer builder
Use this builder to create a customizer portlet in which we can edit Data Column Modifier data, as well as paging data. You might want to do this if you have a model that is using page automation with a Data Column Modifier builder. We can also use this builder to enable or disable category views or add choices for drilldown links.
- Web Charts - Enhanced builder
Use this builder to add charts and graphs, including scatter and bubble charts, to a page.
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Last updated: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:57am EST
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