Custom alert definitions
Custom alert definitions declare that an existing Java class or IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory model should be used as an alert evaluator.
Use a custom alert definition if you know that either a Java class or a Portlet Factory model exists in the project and that the class or model has been designed to provide the alert evaluation logic we need. Java classes and WebSphere Portlet Factory models used for alert evaluation are typically created by programmers during application development. Java class- or Portlet Factory model-based alert evaluators provide the logic for the conditions under which alerts should be generated, as well as all other values and properties of those alerts. These classes and models can then be used after the application is deployed to create new alert definitions using the Manage Alerts portlet.
The model or Java that functions as the alert evaluator must conform to a set of specifications. At a minimum, this model or Java class must have a method called "evaluate" which accepts the AlertID, CategoryID, a Locale object, and a Map of properties and returns a list of alert instances.
Model-based definitions use a Portlet Factory model for evaluating the state of alerts. If we need to leverage the features of Portlet Factory or WebSphere Dashboard Framework to evaluate alerts (such as performing special or complex data access using one or more integration builders), use the model-based alert definition because we can add builders to the model to give you the features we need. For model-based custom alert definitions, enter the path and filename of the model-based Alert Evaluator implementation. This value must include the path and filename starting immediately beneath the WEB-INF folder in the Web Application Project. If the model-based Alert Evaluator includes a particular profile that should be used when the model is regenerated by the Alerts Engine prior to being called to evaluate alerts, indicate that profile name using a profile set : profile name pair separated by a colon. For example, if the profile to be used is in the AlertExamples profile set and is called DemoProfile, the value for this field would be AlertExamples: DemoProfile. If no profile is specified, then the model is regenerated as-is.
Class-based alert definitions use a Java class as the alert evaluator. For class-based custom alert definitions, the class name must be specified in the fully qualified "dotted" name format for Java classes. For example, this field contains the string "" for the "Example_JBE" definition. The name of the evaluator class is Sample and it resides in the package Parent topic: Types of alert definitions
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Last updated: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:57am EST
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