Alert escalation


This topic describes how to add the "Alert escalation" feature to an alert definition so that alerts can be escalated to increasing levels of management when a critical condition persists.

Some business performance indicators or critical failure conditions are so important to an organization that increasing levels of management should be notified if these conditions persist. For example, if a customer service request by a key customer or business partner exists for more than four hours without resolution, the Customer Service Manager should probably be notified. Escalation of this type of alert can help ensure a business does not let an important opportunity pass by without devoting the proper amount of attention to it.

These are the options we can set when you select "Alert escalation" in an alert definition. The project must contain notifier definitions to support notifications.


  • Escalation Approach - Choose from the list of pre-defined alert escalation handlers. By default, there is only one: Escalate Based Upon Alert Age.

    If a developer has added any custom alert escalation handlers to the project, they will also be included in this list. The list is generated by the escalationHandlers.xml file in the WEB-INF\solutions\alerting\config folder in the project.


  • Acknowledgment Handling - Choose whether or not Alert Escalation stops when an alert owner acknowledges the alert.

    Selecting this option causes the alert escalation to stop when the alert has been acknowledged. An acknowledgment means that an alert owner received the alert, opened it, and pressed the Acknowledge button to let the alerts engine know an owner is aware of the escalation event, even if the condition has not been resolved. If you do not select this option, escalation continues until the conditions causing the alert are resolved.


  • Elapsed Time Units - If Alert Escalation is time-based, use this field to declare the time interval used for escalation.


  • Alert Owners - Designate the users or groups that will become owners of the alert at each successive escalation.

Although alert escalation is usually time-based, escalation rules can be based on any logic, such as the number of events that must occur before the next set of owners is assigned and notified. This logic is coded in a Java class designed as an alert escalation handler. Parent topic: Features of alert definitions

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Last updated: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:57am EST

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