Running the installation program


This topic describes how to run the install program to set up your development environment. Follow these steps to install Portlet Factory Designer and IBM® WebSphere® Dashboard Framework.

  1. Launch the installation program (install.bat).

  2. In the Language Selection screen, select the language used to display the license text. Click OK.

  3. Review the Introduction screen, quit any open programs running on the system, and click Next.

  4. In the License Agreement screen, read the End User License Agreement, select "I accept the terms of the License Agreement" to proceed with installation. Click Next.

    Note that If you do not accept the license terms, you will be prompted to Quit the installation.

  5. In the Choose Install Location screen, specify the location where the WebSphere Dashboard Framework files will be located. The default is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Portlet Factory. Click Next.

  6. In the Specify Install Items screen, select an installation choice and click Next. We can choose one of the following options:


    • Into existing IBM Rational Application Developer - Select this option if you want to continue to use the Rational Development Environment. The installation program will add menu items specific to the current version of your Rational Development Environment.


    • Into existing Eclipse - Select this option if you want to continue to use the version of the Eclipse-based IDE already installed. The installation program adds menu items specific to the current version of your Eclipse IDE. If you are upgrading, see the note at the end of this topic about upgrading Designer plug-in files.


    • And Eclipse - Select this option if you do not have an IDE. If this option is selected, the installation program installs Eclipse as the IDE when it installs WebSphere Dashboard Framework. This option is only visible if there is an file in the same directory as the install program.

  7. In the Specify IDE screen, specify the IDE location. Click Next.

  8. Review the Pre-Installation Summary screen. If all information is correct, click Install.

    Alternately, use the Previous button to return to a screen and change a selection.

  9. An Install progress screen is displayed and, once installation is complete, the Install Complete screen is displayed. Click Done to close the install program.

    An install log is created in the install location.

If you have upgraded into an existing Eclipse-based installation, update Designer plug-in files. See "Upgrading plug-in files after installation" for more information. Parent topic: Installing and configuring WebSphere Dashboard Framework

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Last updated: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:57am EST

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