System Administration Guide



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  1. Introduction
  2. Introduction to WebSphere MQ
  3. WebSphere MQ and message queuing
  4. Time-independent applications
  5. Message-driven processing
  6. Messages and queues
  7. What is a message?
  8. Message lengths
  9. How do applications send and receive messages?
  10. What is a queue?
  11. Predefined queues and dynamic queues
  12. Retrieving messages from queues
  13. Objects
  14. Object names
  15. Managing objects
  16. Object attributes
  17. WebSphere MQ queues
  18. Define queues
  19. Queues used by WebSphere MQ
  20. WebSphere MQ queue managers
  21. Process definitions
  22. Clusters
  23. Namelists
  24. Authentication information objects
  25. Channels
  26. Client connection channels
  27. Listeners
  28. Services
  29. System default objects
  30. Clients and servers
  31. WebSphere MQ applications in a client-server environment
  32. Extending queue manager facilities
  33. User exits
  34. API exits
  35. Installable services
  36. Security
  37. Object Authority Manager (OAM) facility
  38. User-written or third party channel exits
  39. Channel security using SSL
  40. Transactional support
  41. Use WebSphere MQ for Windows
  42. Use WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems
  43. The calls MQCONN and MQCONNX
  44. Summary of changes
  45. Changes for this edition (plug-in version
  46. Changes for the previous editions (plug-in version and (SC34.6584.01 and SC34.6584.02)
  47. An introduction to WebSphere MQ administration
  48. WebSphere MQ Explorer
  49. Windows Default Configuration application
  50. Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS)
  51. WebSphere MQ file names
  52. Queue manager name transformation
  53. Object name transformation
  54. Administration using WebSphere MQ commands
  55. Managing queue managers
  56. Use control commands
  57. Use control commands on Windows systems
  58. Use control commands on UNIX systems
  59. Use the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  60. Creating a queue manager
  61. Guidelines for creating queue managers
  62. Creating a default queue manager
  63. Making an existing queue manager the default
  64. Windows and WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86 platform) systems
  65. UNIX systems
  66. Backing up configuration files after creating a queue manager
  67. Windows and WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86 platform) systems
  68. UNIX systems
  69. Starting a queue manager
  70. Starting a queue manager automatically
  71. Stopping a queue manager
  72. Quiesced shutdown
  73. Immediate shutdown
  74. Preemptive shutdown
  75. If you have problems shutting down a queue manager
  76. Restarting a queue manager
  77. Delete a queue manager
  78. Administering local WebSphere MQ objects
  79. Supporting application programs that use the MQI
  80. Performing local administration tasks using MQSC commands
  81. WebSphere MQ object names
  82. Case-sensitivity in MQSC commands
  83. Standard input and output
  84. Use MQSC commands interactively
  85. Feedback from MQSC commands
  86. Ending interactive input of MQSC commands
  87. Run MQSC commands from text files
  88. MQSC command files
  89. MQSC command reports
  90. Run the supplied MQSC command files
  91. Use runmqsc to verify commands
  92. Run MQSC commands from batch files
  93. Resolving problems with MQSC commands
  94. Work with queue managers
  95. Display queue manager attributes
  96. Altering queue manager attributes
  97. Work with local queues
  98. Define a local queue
  99. Define a dead-letter queue
  100. Display default object attributes
  101. Copying a local queue definition
  102. Changing local queue attributes
  103. Clear a local queue
  104. Delete a local queue
  105. Browsing queues
  106. Monitoring local queues with the Windows Performance Monitor
  107. Enabling large queues
  108. Work with alias queues
  109. Define an alias queue
  110. Use other commands with alias queues
  111. Work with model queues
  112. Define a model queue
  113. Use other commands with model queues
  114. Work with services
  115. Define a service object
  116. Managing services
  117. Additional environment variables
  118. Replaceable inserts on service definitions
  119. Common tokens
  120. Examples on using service objects
  121. Use a server service object
  122. Use a command service object
  123. Use a command service object when a queue manager ends only
  124. More on passing arguments
  125. Autostarting a Service
  126. Managing objects for triggering
  127. Define an application queue for triggering
  128. Define an initiation queue
  129. Define a process
  130. Display attributes of a process definition
  131. Automating administration tasks
  132. PCF commands
  133. PCF object attributes
  134. Escape PCFs
  135. Use the MQAI to simplify the use of PCFs
  136. Active Directory Services Interfaces
  137. Client connection channels in the Active Directory
  138. Administering remote WebSphere MQ objects
  139. Channels, clusters, and remote queuing
  140. Remote administration using clusters
  141. Remote administration from a local queue manager
  142. Preparing queue managers for remote administration
  143. Preparing channels and transmission queues for remote administration
  144. Define channels, listeners, and transmission queues
  145. Starting the listeners and channels
  146. Automatic definition of channels
  147. Managing the command server for remote administration
  148. Starting the command server
  149. Display the status of the command server
  150. Stopping a command server
  151. Issuing MQSC commands on a remote queue manager
  152. Work with queue managers on z/OS
  153. Recommendations for issuing commands remotely
  154. If you have problems using MQSC commands remotely
  155. Creating a local definition of a remote queue
  156. Understanding how local definitions of remote queues work
  157. Example
  158. Purpose
  159. How it works
  160. An alternative way of putting messages on a remote queue
  161. Use other commands with remote queues
  162. Define a transmission queue
  163. Default transmission queues
  164. Use remote queue definitions as aliases
  165. Queue manager aliases
  166. Reply-to queue aliases
  167. Data conversion
  168. When a queue manager cannot convert messages in built-in formats
  169. File ccsid.tbl
  170. Default data conversion
  171. Converting messages in user-defined formats
  172. Changing the queue manager CCSID
  173. Administration using the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  174. Administration using the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  175. What we can do with the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  176. Remote queue managers
  177. Deciding whether to use the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  178. Set up the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  179. Prerequisite software
  180. Required definitions for administration
  181. Cluster membership
  182. Security
  183. Authorization to use the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  184. Security for connecting to remote queue managers
  185. Use a security exit
  186. Use SSL security
  187. Use the WebSphere MQ Explorer to connect to a remote queue manager using SSL enabled MQI channels
  188. Connecting through another queue manager
  189. Data conversion
  190. Use the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  191. Showing and hiding queue managers and clusters
  192. Use the WebSphere MQ Taskbar application (Windows only)
  193. Use the WebSphere MQ alert monitor application (Windows only)
  194. Starting the WebSphere MQ Explorer in Rich Client Platform (RCP) mode
  195. Security on Windows
  196. Use Active directory (Windows only)
  197. User rights required for AMQMSRVN
  198. Changing the user name associated with WebSphere MQ Services
  199. Controlling access (Windows only)
  200. Use DCOMCNFG.EXE to change access permissions
  201. Changing the password of the AMQMSRVN user account
  202. Extending the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  203. Who this chapter is for
  204. What we need to know to understand this chapter
  205. Introduction
  206. Importing the simple Eclipse plug-in
  207. Writing an Eclipse plug-in for the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  208. Accessing Javadoc
  209. Utilizing extension points
  210. Register
  211. Enabling and disabling a plug-in
  212. Notify events
  213. Add tree node
  214. Add content page
  215. Add context menu item
  216. Applying plug-ins to the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  217. Configuring WebSphere MQ
  218. Configuring WebSphere MQ
  219. Changing configuration information on Windows systems
  220. Viewing configuration information
  221. Changing configuration information on UNIX systems
  222. Editing configuration files
  223. When do we need to edit a configuration file?
  224. Configuration file priorities
  225. The WebSphere MQ configuration file, mqs.ini
  226. Queue manager configuration files, qm.ini
  227. Attributes for changing WebSphere MQ configuration information
  228. All queue managers
  229. Client exit path
  230. Default queue manager
  231. Exit properties
  232. Log defaults for WebSphere MQ
  233. Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)
  234. API exits
  235. Queue managers
  236. Changing queue manager configuration information
  237. Installable services
  238. Service components
  239. Queue manager logs
  240. Restricted mode
  241. XA resource managers
  242. Channels
  243. LU62, NETBIOS, TCP, and SPX
  244. Exit path
  245. API exits
  246. Queue manager error logs
  247. Queue manager default bind type
  248. WebSphere MQ security
  249. Authority to administer WebSphere MQ
  250. Managing the mqm group
  251. Authority to work with WebSphere MQ objects
  252. When security checks are made
  253. How access control is implemented by WebSphere MQ
  254. Identifying the user ID
  255. Principals and groups
  256. Windows security identifiers (SIDs)
  257. Alternate-user authority
  258. Context authority
  259. Connecting to WebSphere MQ using Terminal Services
  260. Configuring additional authority for Windows applications connecting to WebSphere MQ
  261. Creating and managing groups
  262. Windows 2000
  263. Creating a group and adding users
  264. Display who is in a group
  265. Removing a user from a group
  266. Windows XP and Windows 2003
  267. Creating a group
  268. Adding a user to a group
  269. Display who is in a group
  270. Removing a user from a group
  271. HP-UX
  272. Creating a group
  273. Adding a user to a group
  274. Display who is in a group
  275. Removing a user from a group
  276. AIX
  277. Creating a group
  278. Adding a user to a group
  279. Display who is in a group
  280. Removing a user from a group
  281. Solaris
  282. Creating a group
  283. Adding a user to a group
  284. Display who is in a group
  285. Removing a user from a group
  286. Linux
  287. Creating a group
  288. Adding a user to a group
  289. Display who is in a group
  290. Removing a user from a group
  291. Use the OAM to control access to objects
  292. Giving access to a WebSphere MQ object
  293. Examples of using the command
  294. Use the command with a different authorization service
  295. Use OAM generic profiles
  296. Use wildcard characters
  297. Profile priorities
  298. Dumping profile settings
  299. Display access settings
  300. Changing and revoking access to a WebSphere MQ object
  301. Preventing security access checks
  302. Channel security
  303. Protecting channel initiator definitions
  304. Transmission queues
  305. Channel exits
  306. Protecting channels with SSL
  307. How authorizations work
  308. Authorizations for MQI calls
  309. Authorizations for MQSC commands in escape PCFs
  310. Authorizations for PCF commands
  311. Guidelines for Windows 2000 and Windows 2003
  312. When you get a 'group not found' error
  313. When you have problems with WebSphere MQ and domain controllers
  314. Windows 2000 domain with non-default, or Windows 2003 domain with default, security permissions
  315. Configuring WebSphere MQ Services to run under a domain user
  316. Applying security template files
  317. Nested groups
  318. Transactional support
  319. Introducing units of work
  320. Scenario 1: Queue manager performs the coordination
  321. Database coordination
  322. Restrictions
  323. Switch load files
  324. Configuring your system for database coordination
  325. Installing and configuring the database product
  326. Database connections
  327. Client/server configuration
  328. Creating switch load files
  329. Adding configuration information to the queue manager
  330. Writing and modifying your applications
  331. Testing the system
  332. DB2 configuration
  333. Checking the DB2 environment variable settings
  334. Creating the DB2 switch load file
  335. Adding resource manager configuration information for DB2
  336. Changing DB2 configuration parameters
  337. Oracle configuration
  338. Checking the Oracle environment variable settings
  339. Creating the Oracle switch load file
  340. Adding resource manager configuration information for Oracle
  341. Changing Oracle configuration parameters
  342. Informix configuration
  343. Ensuring Informix databases are created correctly
  344. Checking the Informix environment variable settings
  345. Creating the Informix switch load file
  346. Adding resource manager configuration information for Informix
  347. Sybase configuration
  348. Checking the Sybase environment variable settings
  349. Enabling Sybase XA support
  350. Creating the Sybase switch load file
  351. Adding resource manager configuration information for Sybase
  352. Use multi-threaded programs with Sybase
  353. Multiple database configurations
  354. Security considerations
  355. Administration tasks
  356. In-doubt units of work
  357. Display outstanding units of work with the dspmqtrn command
  358. Resolving outstanding units of work with the rsvmqtrn command
  359. Mixed outcomes and errors
  360. Changing configuration information
  361. Removing database manager instances
  362. XA dynamic registration
  363. Error conditions
  364. Summarizing XA calls
  365. Scenario 2: Other software provides the coordination
  366. External syncpoint coordination
  367. The WebSphere MQ XA switch structure
  368. Use CICS
  369. The CICS two-phase commit process
  370. Requirements of the two-phase commit process
  371. Switch load files
  372. Building libraries for use with CICS
  373. WebSphere MQ XA support and Tuxedo
  374. Enabling the CICS two-phase commit process
  375. Enabling CICS user exits
  376. Sample task termination exit
  377. Use the Microsoft Transaction Server (COM+)
  378. The WebSphere MQ dead-letter queue handler
  379. Invoking the DLQ handler
  380. The sample DLQ handler, amqsdlq
  381. The DLQ handler rules table
  382. Control data
  383. Rules (patterns and actions)
  384. The pattern-matching keywords
  385. The action keywords
  386. Rules table conventions
  387. How the rules table is processed
  388. Ensuring that all DLQ messages are processed
  389. An example DLQ handler rules table
  390. Supporting the Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS)
  391. Introducing MSCS clusters
  392. Set up WebSphere MQ for MSCS clustering
  393. Setup symmetry
  394. MSCS security
  395. Use multiple queue managers with MSCS
  396. Cluster modes
  397. Active/Passive mode
  398. Active/Active mode
  399. Creating a queue manager for use with MSCS
  400. Creating a queue manager from a command prompt
  401. Creating a queue manager using the WebSphere MQ Explorer
  402. Moving a queue manager to MSCS storage
  403. Putting a queue manager under MSCS control
  404. Removing a queue manager from MSCS control
  405. Taking a queue manager offline from MSCS
  406. Returning a queue manager from MSCS storage
  407. Hints and tips on using MSCS
  408. Verifying that MSCS is working
  409. Use the IBM MQSeries Service
  410. Manual startup
  411. MSCS and queue managers
  412. Creating a matching queue manager on the other node
  413. Default queue managers
  414. Delete a queue manager
  415. Support for existing queue managers
  416. Telling MSCS which queue managers to manage
  417. Queue manager log files
  418. Multiple queue managers
  419. Always use MSCS to manage clusters
  420. Work in Active/Active mode
  421. PostOnlineCommand and PreOfflineCommand
  422. Use preferred nodes
  423. Performance benchmarking
  424. WebSphere MQ MSCS support utility programs
  425. Recovery and problem determination
  426. Recovery and restart
  427. Making sure that messages are not lost (logging)
  428. What logs look like
  429. The log control file
  430. Types of logging
  431. Circular logging
  432. Linear logging
  433. Use checkpointing to ensure complete recovery
  434. Checkpointing with long-running transactions
  435. Calculating the size of the log
  436. Managing logs
  437. What happens when a disk gets full
  438. Managing log files
  439. Log file location
  440. Use the log for recovery
  441. Recovering from power loss or communications failures
  442. Recovering damaged objects
  443. Media recovery
  444. Recovering from media images
  445. Recovering damaged objects during start up
  446. Recovering damaged objects at other times
  447. Protecting WebSphere MQ log files
  448. Backing up and restoring WebSphere MQ
  449. Backing up queue manager data
  450. Restoring queue manager data
  451. Use a backup queue manager
  452. Creating a backup queue manager
  453. Updating a backup queue manager
  454. Starting a backup queue manager
  455. Recovery scenarios
  456. Disk drive failures
  457. Damaged queue manager object
  458. Damaged single object
  459. Automatic media recovery failure
  460. Dumping the contents of the log using the dmpmqlog command
  461. Problem determination
  462. Preliminary checks
  463. Has WebSphere MQ run successfully before?
  464. Are there any error messages?
  465. Does the Windows Application Event Log show any WebSphere MQ errors? (Windows only)
  466. Are there any return codes explaining the problem?
  467. Can you reproduce the problem?
  468. Have any changes been made since the last successful run?
  469. Has the application run successfully before?
  470. If the application has not run successfully before
  471. Common programming errors
  472. Problems with commands
  473. Does the problem affect specific parts of the network?
  474. Does the problem occur at specific times of the day?
  475. Is the problem intermittent?
  476. Have you applied any service updates?
  477. Looking at problems in more detail
  478. Have you obtained incorrect output?
  479. Messages that do not appear on the queue
  480. Messages that contain unexpected or corrupted information
  481. Problems with incorrect output when using distributed queues
  482. Have you failed to receive a response from a PCF command?
  483. Are some of your queues failing?
  484. Are you receiving an error code when creating or starting a queue manager? (Windows only)
  485. Does the problem affect only remote queues?
  486. Is your application or system running slowly?
  487. Tuning performance for nonpersistent messages on AIX
  488. Application design considerations
  489. Effect of message length
  490. Effect of message persistence
  491. Searching for a particular message
  492. Queues that contain messages of different lengths
  493. Frequency of syncpoints
  494. Use of the MQPUT1 call
  495. Number of threads in use
  496. Error logs
  497. Error log files
  498. Early errors
  499. An example of an error log
  500. Error log access restrictions under UNIX systems
  501. Ignoring error codes under UNIX systems
  502. Ignoring error codes under Windows systems
  503. Operator messages
  504. Dead-letter queues
  505. Configuration files and problem determination
  506. Tracing
  507. Tracing WebSphere MQ for Windows
  508. Selective component tracing on WebSphere MQ for Windows
  509. Trace files
  510. An example of WebSphere MQ for Windows trace data
  511. Tracing WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems
  512. Selective component tracing on WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems
  513. Example trace data for WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems
  514. Trace files
  515. Tracing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) iKeyman and iKeycmd functions
  516. Tracing with the AIX system trace
  517. Selective component tracing on WebSphere MQ for AIX
  518. SSL trace
  519. An example of WebSphere MQ for AIX trace data
  520. First-failure support technology (FFST)
  521. FFST: WebSphere MQ for Windows
  522. FFST: WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems
  523. Problem determination with WebSphere MQ clients
  524. Terminating clients
  525. Java diagnostics
  526. Use
  527. Java trace and FFDC files
  528. WebSphere MQ control commands
  529. How to use WebSphere MQ control commands
  530. Names of WebSphere MQ objects
  531. Example syntax diagram
  532. Syntax help
  533. Examples
  534. The control commands
  535. amqccert (check certificate chains)
  536. amqmdain (WebSphere MQ services control)
  537. amqtcert (transfer certificates)
  538. List the contents of certificate stores
  539. Manually migrating certificate stores
  540. Automatically migrating certificate stores
  541. List the contents of registry entries
  542. Removing state information
  543. crtmqcvx (data conversion)
  544. crtmqm (create queue manager)
  545. dltmqm (delete queue manager)
  546. dmpmqaut (dump authority)
  547. dmpmqlog (dump log)
  548. dspmq (display queue managers)
  549. dspmqaut (display authority)
  550. dspmqcsv (display command server)
  551. dspmqfls (display files)
  552. dspmqrte (WebSphere MQ display route application)
  553. dspmqtrc (display formatted trace output)
  554. dspmqtrn (display transactions)
  555. dspmqver (display version information)
  556. endmqcsv (end command server)
  557. endmqlsr (end listener)
  558. endmqdnm (stop .NET monitor)
  559. endmqm (end queue manager)
  560. endmqtrc (end trace)
  561. mqftapp (run File Transfer Application GUI)
  562. mqftrcv (receive file on server)
  563. mqftrcvc (receive file on client)
  564. mqftsnd (send file from server)
  565. mqftsndc (send file from client)
  566. rcdmqimg (record media image)
  567. rcrmqobj (recreate object)
  568. rsvmqtrn (resolve transactions)
  569. runmqchi (run channel initiator)
  570. runmqchl (run channel)
  571. runmqdlq (run dead-letter queue handler)
  572. runmqdnm (run .NET monitor)
  573. runmqlsr (run listener)
  574. runmqsc (run MQSC commands)
  575. runmqtmc (start client trigger monitor)
  576. runmqtrm (start trigger monitor)
  577. setmqaut (grant or revoke authority)
  578. Authorizations for MQI calls
  579. Authorizations for context
  580. Authorizations for commands
  581. Authorizations for generic operations
  582. setmqcrl (set certificate revocation list (CRL) LDAP server definitions)
  583. setmqprd (enroll production license)
  584. setmqscp (set service connection points)
  585. strmqcfg (start WebSphere MQ Explorer)
  586. strmqcsv (start command server)
  587. strmqm (start queue manager)
  588. strmqtrc (Start trace)
  589. Managing keys and certificates
  590. Preparing to use the gsk7cmd and gsk7capicmd commands
  591. gsk7cmd, runmqckm, and gsk7capicmd commands
  592. Commands for a CMS key database only
  593. Commands for CMS or PKCS #12 key databases
  594. Commands for cryptographic device operations
  595. gsk7cmd, runmqckm, and gsk7capicmd options
  596. WebSphere MQ installable services and the API exit
  597. Installable services and components
  598. Why installable services?
  599. Functions and components
  600. Entry-points
  601. Return codes
  602. Component data
  603. Initialization
  604. Primary initialization
  605. Secondary initialization
  606. Primary termination
  607. Secondary termination
  608. Configuring services and components
  609. Service stanza format
  610. Service stanza format for Windows systems
  611. Service component stanza format
  612. Creating your own service component
  613. Use multiple service components
  614. Example of using multiple components
  615. What the components do
  616. How the component is used
  617. Omitting entry points when using multiple components
  618. Example of entry points used with multiple components
  619. Authorization service
  620. Object authority manager (OAM)
  621. Define the service to the operating system
  622. Refreshing the OAM after changing a user's authorization
  623. Migrating from MQSeries V5.1
  624. Authorization service on UNIX systems
  625. Configuring authorization service stanzas: UNIX systems
  626. Authorization service on Windows systems
  627. Configuring authorization service stanzas: Windows systems
  628. Authorization service interface
  629. Name service
  630. How the name service works
  631. Name service interface
  632. Installable services interface reference information
  633. How the functions are shown
  634. Parameters and data types
  635. MQZEP . Add component entry point
  636. Syntax
  637. Parameters
  638. Hconfig (MQHCONFIG) . input
  639. Function (MQLONG) . input
  640. EntryPoint (PMQFUNC) . input
  641. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  642. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  643. C invocation
  644. MQHCONFIG . Configuration handle
  645. C declaration
  646. PMQFUNC . Pointer to function
  647. C declaration
  648. MQZ_AUTHENTICATE_USER . Authenticate user
  649. Syntax
  650. Parameters
  651. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  652. SecurityParms (MQCSP) . input
  653. ApplicationContext (MQZAC) . input
  654. IdentityContext (MQZIC) . input/output
  655. CorrelationPtr (MQPTR) . output
  656. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  657. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  658. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  659. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  660. C invocation
  661. MQZ_CHECK_AUTHORITY . Check authority
  662. Syntax
  663. Parameters
  664. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  665. EntityName (MQCHAR12) . input
  666. EntityType (MQLONG) . input
  667. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  668. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  669. Authority (MQLONG) . input
  670. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  671. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  672. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  673. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  674. C invocation
  675. MQZ_CHECK_AUTHORITY_2 . Check authority (extended)
  676. Syntax
  677. Parameters
  678. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  679. EntityData (MQZED) . input
  680. EntityType (MQLONG) . input
  681. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  682. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  683. Authority (MQLONG) . input
  684. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  685. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  686. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  687. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  688. C invocation
  689. MQZ_COPY_ALL_AUTHORITY . Copy all authority
  690. Syntax
  691. Parameters
  692. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  693. RefObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  694. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  695. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  696. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  697. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  698. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  699. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  700. C invocation
  701. MQZ_DELETE_AUTHORITY . Delete authority
  702. Syntax
  703. Parameters
  704. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  705. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  706. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  707. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  708. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  709. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  710. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  711. C invocation
  712. MQZ_ENUMERATE_AUTHORITY_DATA . Enumerate authority data
  713. Syntax
  714. Parameters
  715. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  716. StartEnumeration (MQLONG) . input
  717. Filter (MQZAD) . input
  718. AuthorityBufferLength (MQLONG) . input
  719. AuthorityBuffer (MQZAD) . output
  720. AuthorityDataLength (MQLONG) . output
  721. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  722. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  723. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  724. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  725. C invocation
  726. MQZ_FREE_USER . Free user
  727. Syntax
  728. Parameters
  729. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  730. FreeParms (MQZFP) . input
  731. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  732. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  733. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  734. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  735. C invocation
  736. MQZ_GET_AUTHORITY . Get authority
  737. Syntax
  738. Parameters
  739. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  740. EntityName (MQCHAR12) . input
  741. EntityType (MQLONG) . input
  742. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  743. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  744. Authority (MQLONG) . output
  745. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  746. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  747. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  748. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  749. C invocation
  750. MQZ_GET_AUTHORITY_2 . Get authority (extended)
  751. Syntax
  752. Parameters
  753. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  754. EntityData (MQZED) . input
  755. EntityType (MQLONG) . input
  756. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  757. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  758. Authority (MQLONG) . output
  759. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  760. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  761. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  762. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  763. C invocation
  764. MQZ_GET_EXPLICIT_AUTHORITY . Get explicit authority
  765. Syntax
  766. Parameters
  767. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  768. EntityName (MQCHAR12) . input
  769. EntityType (MQLONG) . input
  770. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  771. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  772. Authority (MQLONG) . output
  773. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  774. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  775. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  776. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  777. C invocation
  778. MQZ_GET_EXPLICIT_AUTHORITY_2 . Get explicit authority (extended)
  779. Syntax
  780. Parameters
  781. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  782. EntityData (MQZED) . input
  783. EntityType (MQLONG) . input
  784. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  785. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  786. Authority (MQLONG) . output
  787. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  788. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  789. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  790. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  791. C invocation
  792. MQZ_INIT_AUTHORITY . Initialize authorization service
  793. Syntax
  794. Parameters
  795. Hconfig (MQHCONFIG) . input
  796. Options (MQLONG) . input
  797. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  798. ComponentDataLength (MQLONG) . input
  799. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  800. V(MQLONG) . input/output
  801. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  802. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  803. C invocation
  804. MQZ_INQUIRE . Inquire authorization service
  805. Syntax
  806. Parameters
  807. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  808. SelectorCount (MQLONG) . input
  809. Selectors (MQLONG×electorCount) . input
  810. IntAttrCount (MQLONG) . input
  811. IntAttrs (MQLONG×ntAttrCount) . output
  812. CharAttrCount (MQLONG) . input
  813. CharAttrs (MQLONG×harAttrCount) . output
  814. SelectorReturned (MQLONG×electorCount) . input
  815. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  816. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  817. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  818. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  819. C invocation
  820. MQZ_REFRESH_CACHE . Refresh all authorizations
  821. Syntax
  822. Parameters
  823. C invocation
  824. MQZ_SET_AUTHORITY . Set authority
  825. Syntax
  826. Parameters
  827. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  828. EntityName (MQCHAR12) . input
  829. EntityType (MQLONG) . input
  830. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  831. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  832. Authority (MQLONG) . input
  833. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  834. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  835. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  836. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  837. C invocation
  838. MQZ_SET_AUTHORITY_2 . Set authority (extended)
  839. Syntax
  840. Parameters
  841. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  842. EntityData (MQZED) . input
  843. EntityType (MQLONG) . input
  844. ObjectName (MQCHAR48) . input
  845. ObjectType (MQLONG) . input
  846. Authority (MQLONG) . input
  847. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  848. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  849. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  850. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  851. C invocation
  852. MQZ_TERM_AUTHORITY . Terminate authorization service
  853. Syntax
  854. Parameters
  855. Hconfig (MQHCONFIG) . input
  856. Options (MQLONG) . input
  857. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  858. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  859. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  860. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  861. C invocation
  862. MQZAC . Application context
  863. Fields
  864. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  865. V(MQLONG)
  866. ProcessId (MQPID)
  867. ThreadId (MQTID)
  868. ApplName (MQCHAR28)
  869. UserID (MQCHAR12)
  870. EffectiveUserID (MQCHAR12)
  871. Environment (MQLONG)
  872. CallerType (MQLONG)
  873. AuthenticationType (MQLONG)
  874. BindType (MQLONG)
  875. C declaration
  876. MQZAD . Authority data
  877. Fields
  878. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  879. V(MQLONG)
  880. ProfileName (MQCHAR48)
  881. ObjectType (MQLONG)
  882. Authority (MQLONG)
  883. EntityDataPtr (PMQZED)
  884. EntityType (MQLONG)
  885. Options (MQAUTHOPT)
  886. C declaration
  887. MQZED . Entity descriptor
  888. Fields
  889. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  890. V(MQLONG)
  891. EntityNamePtr (PMQCHAR)
  892. EntityDomainPtr (PMQCHAR)
  893. SecurityId (MQBYTE40)
  894. CorrelationPtr (MQPTR)
  895. C declaration
  896. MQZIC . Identity context
  897. Fields
  898. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  899. V(MQLONG)
  900. UserIdentifier (MQCHAR12)
  901. AccountingToken (MQBYTE32)
  902. ApplIdentityData (MQCHAR32)
  903. C declaration
  904. MQZFP . Free parameters
  905. Fields
  906. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  907. V(MQLONG)
  908. Reserved (MQBYTE8)
  909. CorrelationPtr (MQPTR)
  910. C declaration
  911. MQZ_DELETE_NAME . Delete name
  912. Syntax
  913. Parameters
  914. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  915. QName (MQCHAR48) . input
  916. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  917. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  918. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  919. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  920. C invocation
  921. MQZ_INIT_NAME . Initialize name service
  922. Syntax
  923. Parameters
  924. Hconfig (MQHCONFIG) . input
  925. Options (MQLONG) . input
  926. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  927. ComponentDataLength (MQLONG) . input
  928. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  929. V(MQLONG) . input/output
  930. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  931. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  932. C invocation
  933. MQZ_INSERT_NAME . Insert name
  934. Syntax
  935. Parameters
  936. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  937. QName (MQCHAR48) . input
  938. ResolvedQMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  939. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  940. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  941. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  942. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  943. C invocation
  944. MQZ_LOOKUP_NAME . Lookup name
  945. Syntax
  946. Parameters
  947. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  948. QName (MQCHAR48) . input
  949. ResolvedQMgrName (MQCHAR48) . output
  950. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  951. Continuation (MQLONG) . output
  952. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  953. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  954. C invocation
  955. MQZ_TERM_NAME . Terminate name service
  956. Syntax
  957. Parameters
  958. Hconfig (MQHCONFIG) . input
  959. Options (MQLONG) . input
  960. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) . input
  961. ComponentData (MQBYTE×omponentDataLength) . input/output
  962. CompCode (MQLONG) . output
  963. Reason (MQLONG) . output
  964. C invocation
  965. API exits
  966. Why use API exits
  967. How you use API exits
  968. How to configure WebSphere MQ for API exits
  969. How to write an API exit
  970. What happens when an API exit runs?
  971. Configuring API exits
  972. Configuring API exits on UNIX systems
  973. Attributes for all stanzas
  974. Sample stanzas
  975. Changing the configuration information
  976. Configuring API exits on Windows systems
  977. API exit reference information
  978. General usage notes
  979. MQACH . API exit chain header
  980. Fields
  981. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  982. V(MQLONG)
  983. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  984. ChainAreaLength (MQLONG)
  985. ExitInfoName (MQCHAR48)
  986. NextChainAreaPtr (PMQACH)
  987. C declaration
  988. MQAXC . API exit context
  989. Fields
  990. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  991. V(MQLONG)
  992. Environment (MQLONG)
  993. UserId (MQCHAR12)
  994. SecurityId (MQBYTE40)
  995. ConnectionName (MQCHAR264)
  996. LongMCAUserIdLength (MQLONG)
  997. LongRemoteUserIdLength (MQLONG)
  998. LongMCAUserIdPtr (MQPTR)
  999. LongRemoteUserIdPtr (MQPTR)
  1000. ApplName (MQCHAR28)
  1001. ApplType (MQLONG)
  1002. ProcessId (MQPID)
  1003. ThreadId (MQTID)
  1004. C declaration
  1005. MQAXP . API exit parameter
  1006. Fields
  1007. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  1008. V(MQLONG)
  1009. ExitId (MQLONG)
  1010. ExitReason (MQLONG)
  1011. ExitResponse (MQLONG)
  1012. ExitResponse2 (MQLONG)
  1013. Feedback (MQLONG)
  1014. APICallerType (MQLONG)
  1015. ExitUserArea (MQBYTE16)
  1016. ExitData (MQCHAR32)
  1017. ExitInfoName (MQCHAR48)
  1018. ExitPDArea (MQBYTE48)
  1019. QMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  1020. ExitChainAreaPtr (PMQACH)
  1021. Hconfig (MQHCONFIG)
  1022. Function (MQLONG)
  1023. C declaration
  1024. MQXEP . Register entry point
  1025. Syntax
  1026. Parameters
  1027. Hconfig (MQHCONFIG) . input
  1028. ExitReason (MQLONG) . input
  1029. Function (MQLONG) . input
  1030. EntryPoint (PMQFUNC) . input
  1031. Reserved (MQPTR) . input
  1032. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . output
  1033. pReason (PMQLONG) . output
  1034. C invocation
  1035. MQ_BACK_EXIT . Back out changes
  1036. Syntax
  1037. Parameters
  1038. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1039. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1040. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1041. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1042. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1043. C invocation
  1044. MQ_BEGIN_EXIT . Begin unit of work
  1045. Syntax
  1046. Parameters
  1047. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1048. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1049. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1050. ppBeginOptions (PPMQBO) . input/output
  1051. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1052. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1053. C invocation
  1054. MQ_CLOSE_EXIT . Close object
  1055. Syntax
  1056. Parameters
  1057. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1058. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1059. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1060. ppHobj (PPMQHOBJ) . input/output
  1061. pOptions (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1062. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1063. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1064. C invocation
  1065. MQ_CMIT_EXIT . Commit changes
  1066. Syntax
  1067. Parameters
  1068. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1069. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1070. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1071. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1072. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1073. C invocation
  1074. MQ_CONNX_EXIT . Connect queue manager (extended)
  1075. Syntax
  1076. Parameters
  1077. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1078. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1079. pQMgrName (PMQCHAR48) . input/output
  1080. ppConnectOpts (PPMQCNO) . input/output
  1081. ppHconn (PPMQHCONN) . input/output
  1082. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1083. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1084. Usage notes
  1085. C invocation
  1086. MQ_DISC_EXIT . Disconnect queue manager
  1087. Syntax
  1088. Parameters
  1089. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1090. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1091. ppHconn (PPMQHCONN) . input/output
  1092. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1093. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1094. C invocation
  1095. MQ_GET_EXIT . Get message
  1096. Syntax
  1097. Parameters
  1098. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1099. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1100. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1101. pHobj (PMQHOBJ) . input/output
  1102. ppMsgDesc (PPMQMD) . input/output
  1103. ppGetMsgOpts (PPMQGMO) . input/output
  1104. pBufferLength (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1105. ppBuffer (PPMQVOID) . input/output
  1106. ppDataLength (PPMQLONG) . input/output
  1107. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1108. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1109. Usage notes
  1110. C invocation
  1111. MQ_INIT_EXIT . Initialize exit environment
  1112. Syntax
  1113. Parameters
  1114. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1115. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1116. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1117. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1118. Usage notes
  1119. C invocation
  1120. MQ_INQ_EXIT . Inquire object attributes
  1121. Syntax
  1122. Parameters
  1123. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1124. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1125. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1126. pHobj (PMQHOBJ) . input/output
  1127. pSelectorCount (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1128. ppSelectors (PPMQLONG) . input/output
  1129. pIntAttrCount (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1130. ppIntAttrs (PPMQLONG) . input/output
  1131. pCharAttrLength (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1132. ppCharAttrs (PPMQCHAR) . input/output
  1133. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1134. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1135. C invocation
  1136. MQ_OPEN_EXIT . Open object
  1137. Syntax
  1138. Parameters
  1139. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1140. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1141. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1142. ppObjDesc (PPMQOD) . input/output
  1143. pOptions (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1144. ppHobj (PPMQHOBJ) . input/output
  1145. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1146. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1147. C invocation
  1148. MQ_PUT_EXIT . Put message
  1149. Syntax
  1150. Parameters
  1151. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1152. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1153. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1154. pHobj (PMQHOBJ) . input/output
  1155. ppMsgDesc (PPMQMD) . input/output
  1156. ppPutMsgOpts (PPMQPMO) . input/output
  1157. pBufferLength (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1158. ppBuffer (PPMQVOID) . input/output
  1159. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1160. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1161. Usage notes
  1162. C invocation
  1163. MQ_PUT1_EXIT . Put one message
  1164. Syntax
  1165. Parameters
  1166. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1167. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1168. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1169. ppObjDesc (PPMQOD) . input/output
  1170. ppMsgDesc (PPMQMD) . input/output
  1171. ppPutMsgOpts (PPMQPMO) . input/output
  1172. pBufferLength (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1173. ppBuffer (PPMQVOID) . input/output
  1174. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1175. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1176. C invocation
  1177. MQ_SET_EXIT . Set object attributes
  1178. Syntax
  1179. Parameters
  1180. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1181. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1182. pHconn (PMQHCONN) . input/output
  1183. pHobj (PMQHOBJ) . input/output
  1184. pSelectorCount (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1185. ppSelectors (PPMQLONG) . input/output
  1186. pIntAttrCount (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1187. ppIntAttrs (PPMQLONG) . input/output
  1188. pCharAttrLength (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1189. ppCharAttrs (PPMQCHAR) . input/output
  1190. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1191. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1192. C invocation
  1193. MQ_TERM_EXIT . Terminate exit environment
  1194. Syntax
  1195. Parameters
  1196. pExitParms (PMQAXP) . input/output
  1197. pExitContext (PMQAXC) . input/output
  1198. pCompCode (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1199. pReason (PMQLONG) . input/output
  1200. Usage notes
  1201. C invocation
  1202. System and default objects
  1203. Windows default configuration objects
  1204. Directory structure (Windows systems)
  1205. Directory structure (UNIX systems)
  1206. Stopping and removing queue managers manually
  1207. Stopping a queue manager manually
  1208. Stopping queue managers in WebSphere MQ for Windows
  1209. Stopping queue managers in WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems
  1210. Removing queue managers manually
  1211. Removing queue managers in WebSphere MQ for Windows
  1212. Removing queue managers from the automatic startup list
  1213. Removing queue managers in WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems
  1214. File Transfer Application
  1215. Introduction
  1216. Advantages
  1217. Components
  1218. Installing and configuring
  1219. Installing the File Transfer Application on a WebSphere MQ server
  1220. During the initial installation
  1221. Modifying the installation
  1222. Installing the File Transfer Application on a WebSphere MQ client
  1223. During the initial installation
  1224. Modifying the installation
  1225. Setup tasks
  1226. Sending files between remote queue managers
  1227. Sending files between a queue manager and a remote WebSphere MQ client
  1228. Configuring the GUI
  1229. File Transfer Application channel security
  1230. Use the File Transfer Application
  1231. Sending a file
  1232. Receiving a file
  1233. List all sent and received files
  1234. File status
  1235. Use the command line
  1236. Comparing command sets
  1237. Queue manager commands
  1238. Command server commands
  1239. Authority commands
  1240. Cluster commands
  1241. Authentication information commands
  1242. Channel commands
  1243. Listener commands
  1244. Namelist commands
  1245. Process commands
  1246. Queue commands
  1247. Service commands
  1248. Other commands
  1249. WebSphere MQ and UNIX System V IPC resources
  1250. Clear WebSphere MQ shared memory resources
  1251. Shared memory on AIX
  1252. WebSphere MQ and UNIX Process Priority
  1253. Common Criteria
  1254. Trademarks