

Attributes for all stanzas


All these stanzas have the following attributes:


The descriptive name of the API exit passed to it in the ExitInfoName field of the MQAXP structure.

This name must be unique, no longer than 48 characters, and contain only valid characters for the names of WebSphere MQ objects (for example, queue names).


The name of the function entry point into the module containing the API exit code. This entry point is the MQ_INIT_EXIT function.

The length of this field is limited to MQ_EXIT_NAME_LENGTH.


The module containing the API exit code.

If this field contains the full path name of the module it is used as is.

If this field contains just the module name, the module is located using the ExitsDefaultPath attribute in the ExitPath in qm.ini.

On platforms that support separate threaded libraries (AIX, HP/UX, and Linux), provide both a non-threaded and a threaded version of the API exit module. The threaded version must have an _r suffix. The threaded version of the WebSphere MQ application stub implicitly appends _r to the given module name before it is loaded.

The length of this field is limited to the maximum path length the platform supports.


Data to be passed to the API exit in the ExitData field of the MQAXP structure.

If you include this attribute, leading and trailing blanks are removed, the remaining string is truncated to 32 characters, and the result is passed to the exit. If you omit this attribute, the default value of 32 blanks is passed to the exit.

The maximum length of this field is 32 characters.


The sequence in which this API exit is called relative to other API exits. An exit with a low sequence number is called before an exit with a higher sequence number. There is no need for the sequence numbering of exits to be contiguous; a sequence of 1, 2, 3 has the same result as a sequence of 7, 42, 1096. If two exits have the same sequence number, the queue manager decides which one to call first. We can tell which was called after the event by putting the time or a marker in ExitChainArea indicated by the ExitChainAreaPtr in MQAXP or by writing your own log file.

This attribute is an unsigned numeric value.


Parent topic:

Configuring API exits on UNIX systems


