Java diagnostics
For Java™ components of WebSphere MQ, for example the WebSphere MQ Explorer and the Java implementation of WebSphere MQ Transport for SOAP, diagnostic information is output using the standard WebSphere MQ diagnostic facilities or by Java diagnostic classes. Diagnostic information in this context consists of trace, first-failure data capture (FFDC) and error messages.
We can choose to have this information produced using WebSphere MQ facilities or the Java classes. You should generally use the WebSphere MQ diagnostic facilities if they are available on the local system.
You might want to use the Java diagnostics in the following circumstances:
- On a system on which queue managers are available, if the queue manager is managed separately from the software you are running.
- To reduce performance overhead of WebSphere MQ trace.
To request and configure diagnostic output, two system properties are used when starting a WebSphere MQ Java process:
- System property com.ibm.mq.commonservices specifies a standard Java property file, which contains a number of lines which are used to configure the diagnostic outputs. Each line of code in the file is free-format, and is terminated by a new line character.
- System property com.ibm.mq.commonservices.diagid associates trace and FFDC files with the process which created them.
Parent topic:
Problem determination