Queue manager error logs
Use the Extended queue manager properties page from the WebSphere MQ Explorer, or the QMErrorLog stanza in the qm.ini file to tailor the operation and contents of queue manager error logs.
- ErrorLogSize=maxsize
- Specifies the size of the queue manager error log at which it is copied to the backup. maxsize must be between 32768 and 2147483648 bytes. If ErrorLogSize is not specified, the default value of 262144 bytes (256KB) is used.
- ExcludeMessage=msgIds
- Specifies messages that are not to be written to the queue manager error log. msqIds contain a comma separated list of message id's from the following:
- 7163 - Job started message (iSeries™ only)
- 7234 - Number of messages loaded
- 9001 - Channel program ended normally
- 9002 - Channel program started
- 9202 - Remote host not available
- 9208 - Error on receive from host
- 9209 - Connection closed
- 9228 - Cannot start channel responder
- 9508 - Cannot connect to queue manager
- 9524 - Remote queue manager unavailable
- 9528 - User requested closure of channel
- 9558 - Remote Channel is not available
- 9999 - Channel program ended abnormally
- SuppressMessage=msgIds
- Specifies messages that will be written to the queue manager error log once only in a specified time interval. The time interval is specified by SuppressInterval. msqIds contain a comma separated list of message id's from the following:
- 7163 - Job started message (iSeries only)
- 7234 - Number of messages loaded
- 9001 - Channel program ended normally
- 9002 - Channel program started
- 9202 - Remote host not available
- 9208 - Error on receive from host
- 9209 - Connection closed
- 9228 - Cannot start channel responder
- 9508 - Cannot connect to queue manager
- 9524 - Remote queue manager unavailable
- 9528 - User requested closure of channel
- 9558 - Remote Channel is not available
- 9999 - Channel program ended abnormally
If the same message id is specified in both SuppressMessage and ExcludeMessage, the message is excluded.
- SuppressInterval=length
- Specifies the time interval, in seconds, in which messages specified in SuppressMessage will be written to the queue manager error log once only. length must be between 1 and 86400 seconds. If SuppressInterval is not specified, the default value of 30 seconds is used.
Parent topic:
Changing queue manager configuration information