

Moving a queue manager to MSCS storage


This procedure configures an existing queue manager to make it suitable for putting under MSCS control. To achieve this, you move the log files and data files to shared disks to make them available to the other computer in the event of a failure. For example, the existing queue manager might have paths such as C:\WebSphere MQ\log\<QMname> and C:\WebSphere MQ\qmgrs\<QMname>. Do not try to move the files by hand; use the utility program supplied as part of WebSphere MQ MSCS Support as described below.

If the queue manager being moved uses SSL connections and the SSL key repository is in the queue manager data directory on the local machine, then the key repository will be moved with the rest of the queue manager to the shared disk. By default, the queue manager attribute that specifies the SSL key repository location, SSLKEYR, is set to <mqmtop>\qmgrs\QMGRNAME\ssl\key, which is under the queue manager data directory. The hamvmqm command does not modify this queue manager attribute. In this situation modify the queue manager attribute, SSLKEYR, using the WebSphere MQ Explorer or the MQSC command ALTER QMGR, to point to the new SSL key repository file.

The procedure is:

  1. Shut down the queue manager, and check that there are no errors.

  2. If the queue manager's log files or queue files are already stored on a shared disk, skip the rest of this procedure and proceed directly to Putting a queue manager under MSCS control.

  3. Make a full media backup of the queue files and log files and store the backup in a safe place (see Queue manager log files for why this is important).

  4. If you already have a suitable shared disk resource proceed to step 6. Otherwise, using the MSCS Cluster Administrator to create a resource of type shared disk with sufficient capacity to store the queue manager log files and data (queue) files.

  5. Test the shared disk by using the MSCS Cluster Administrator to move it from one cluster node to the other and back again.

  6. Make sure that the shared disk is online on the cluster node where the queue manager log and data files are stored locally.

  7. Run the utility program to move the queue manager as follows:
     hamvmqm /m qmname /dd "e:\WebSphere MQ" /ld e:\WebSphere MQ\log"
    substituting your queue manager name for qmname, your shared disk drive letter for e, and your chosen directory for WebSphere MQ. The directories are created if they do not already exist.

  8. Test the queue manager to ensure that it works, using the WebSphere MQ Explorer. For example:

    1. Right-click the queue manager tree node, then select Start. The queue manager starts.

    2. Right-click the Queues tree node, then select New->Local Queue..., and give the queue a name.

    3. Click Finish.

    4. Right-click the queue, then select Put Test Message.... The Put Test Message panel is displayed.

    5. Type some message text, then click Put Test Message, and close the panel.

    6. Right-click the queue, then select Browse Messages.... The Message Browser panel is displayed.

    7. Ensure your message is on the queue, then click Close . The Message Browser panel closes.

    8. Right-click the queue, then select Clear Messages.... The messages on the queue are cleared.

    9. Right-click the queue, then select Delete.... A confirmation panel is displayed, click OK. The queue is deleted.

    10. Right-click the queue manager tree node, then select Stop.... The End Queue Manager panel is displayed.

    11. Click OK. The queue manager stops.

  9. As WebSphere MQ Administrator ensure that the startup attribute of the queue manager is set to manual. In the WebSphere MQ Explorer, set the Startup field to manual in the queue manager properties panel.

  10. Proceed to Putting a queue manager under MSCS control.


Parent topic:

Supporting the Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS)


