

Use wildcard characters


What makes a profile generic is the use of special characters (wildcard characters) in the profile name. For example, the ? wildcard character matches any single character in a name. So, if you specify ABC.?EF, the authorization you give to that profile applies to any objects with the names ABC.DEF, ABC.CEF, ABC.BEF, and so on.

The wildcard characters available are:


Use the question mark (?) instead of any single character. For example, AB.?D would apply to the objects AB.CD, AB.ED, and AB.FD.


Use the asterisk (*) as:

  • A qualifier in a profile name to match any one qualifier in an object name. A qualifier is the part of an object name delimited by a period. For example, in ABC.DEF.GHI, the qualifiers are ABC, DEF, and GHI.

    For example, ABC.*.JKL would apply to the objects ABC.DEF.JKL, and ABC.GHI.JKL. (Note that it would not apply to ABC.JKL; * used in this context always indicates one qualifier.)

  • A character within a qualifier in a profile name to match zero or more characters within the qualifier in an object name.

    For example, ABC.DE*.JKL would apply to the objects ABC.DE.JKL, ABC.DEF.JKL, and ABC.DEGH.JKL.


Use the double asterisk (**) once in a profile name as:

  • The entire profile name to match all object names. For example if you use -t prcs to identify processes, then use ** as the profile name, you change the authorizations for all processes.

  • As either the beginning, middle, or ending qualifier in a profile name to match zero or more qualifiers in an object name. For example, **.ABC identifies all objects with the final qualifier ABC.

When using wildcard characters on UNIX systems, enclose the profile name in quotes.


Parent topic:

Using OAM generic profiles


