

C invocation


MQ_INQ_EXIT (&ExitParms, &ExitContext, &Hconn, &Hobj,
            &SelectorCount, &pSelectors, &IntAttrCount,
            &pIntAttrs, &CharAttrLength, &pCharAttrs,
            &CompCode, &Reason);

The parameters passed to the exit are declared as follows:

PMQAXP    pExitParms;       /* Exit parameter structure */
PMQAXC    pExitContext;     /* Exit context structure */
PMQHCONN  pHconn;           /* Connection handle */
PMQHOBJ   pHobj;            /* Object handle */
PMQLONG   pSelectorCount;   /* Count of selectors */
PPMQLONG  ppSelectors;      /* Array of attribute selectors */
PMQLONG   pIntAttrCount;    /* Count of integer attributes */
PPMQLONG  ppIntAttrs;       /* Array of integer attributes */
PMQLONG   pCharAttrLength;  /* Length of character attributes buffer */
PPMQCHAR  ppCharAttrs;      /* Character attributes */
PMQLONG   pCompCode;        /* Completion code */
PMQLONG   pReason;          /* Reason code qualifying CompCode */


Parent topic:

MQ_INQ_EXIT – Inquire object attributes


