

C declaration


typedef struct tagMQAXP MQAXP;
struct tagMQAXP {
   MQCHAR4    StrucId;           /* Structure identifier */
   MQLONG     Version;           /* Structure version number */
   MQLONG     ExitId;            /* Type of exit */
   MQLONG     ExitReason;        /* Reason for invoking exit */
   MQLONG     ExitResponse;      /* Response from exit */
   MQLONG     ExitResponse2;     /* Secondary response from exit */
   MQLONG     Feedback;          /* Feedback */
   MQLONG     APICallerType;     /* API caller type */
   MQBYTE16   ExitUserArea;      /* Exit user area */
   MQCHAR32   ExitData;          /* Exit data */
   MQCHAR48   ExitInfoName;      /* Exit information name */
   MQBYTE48   ExitPDArea;        /* Problem determination area */
   MQCHAR48   QMgrName;          /* Name of local queue manager */
   PMQACH     ExitChainAreaPtr;  /* Address of first MQACH
                                    structure in chain */
   MQHCONFIG  Hconfig;           /* Configuration handle */
   MQLONG     Function;          /* API function identifier */


Parent topic:

MQAXP – API exit parameter


