Active/Active mode
In Active/Active mode, computers A and B both have running applications, and the groups on each computer are set to use the other computer as backup. If a failure is detected on computer A, MSCS transfers the state data to computer B, and reinitiates the application there. computer B then runs its own application and A's.
For this setup we need at least two shared disks. We can configure MSCS with A as the preferred computer for A's applications, and B as the preferred computer for B's applications. After failover and repair, each application automatically ends up back on its own computer.
For WebSphere MQ this means that you could, for example, run two queue managers, one on each of A and B, with each exploiting the full power of its own computer. After a failure on computer A, both queue managers would run on computer B. This would mean sharing the power of the one computer, with a reduced ability to process large quantities of data at speed. However, your critical applications would still be available while you find and repair the fault on A.
Parent topic:
Cluster modes