Adding resource manager configuration information for Oracle
The next step is to modify the configuration information for the queue manager, as described in Adding configuration information to the queue manager, to declare Oracle as a participant in global units of work.
- On Windows and Linux (x86 platform) systems use the WebSphere MQ Explorer. Specify the details of the switch load file in the queue manager properties panel, under XA resource manager.
- On all other systems specify the details of the switch load file in the XAResourceManager stanza in the queue manager's qm.ini file.
Figure 1 is a UNIX sample showing an XAResourceManager entry. It is recommend that you add a LogDir to the XA open string so that all error and tracing information is logged to the same place.
Figure 1. Sample XAResourceManager entry for Oracle on UNIX platformsXAResourceManager: Name=myoracle SwitchFile=oraswit XAOpenString=Oracle_XA+Acc=P/myuser/mypasswd+SesTm=35+LogDir=/tmp+threads=true ThreadOfControl=THREAD
- In Figure 1, the xa_open string has been used with four parameters. Additional parameters can be included as described in Oracle's documentation.
- When using Oracle with WebSphere MQ V5.3 for AIX, add the +SqlNet clause to the xa_open string. WebSphere MQ V5.3 for AIX, uses AIX extended shared memory facilities and the +SqlNet client/server connectivity solution must be used to enable Oracle's client library to reach the Oracle server. Additional text must be added to the Oracle listener and tnsnames files, see Oracle's XA and Net9 documentation for details.
- When using the WebSphere MQ parameter ThreadOfControl=THREAD you must use the Oracle parameter +threads=true in the XAResourceManager stanza.
See the Oracle8 Server Application Developer’s Guide for more information on the xa_open string.
Parent topic:
Oracle configuration