

mqftrcvc (receive file on client)




The mqftrcvc command is available with the File Transfer Application on WebSphere MQ for Windows, and WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86 platform) clients only.

Use the mqftrcvc command to do one of the following:



>>-mqftrcvc-- -q --QueueName--+----------------+---------------->     '- -m --QMgrName-'    >--+----------------+--+-------------+--+----------------+------>    '- -c --CorrelId-' '- -u --MsgId-' '- -s --UserData-'        .- -a -----------.     >--+------+--+----------------+--+----------------+------------->    '- -v -' +- -l -----------+ '- -r --FileName-'        +- -i -----------+         +- -o -----------+         +- -d -----------+         +- -g --+------+-+         | '- -y -' |         '- -e --+------+-'         '- -y -'     >--+----------------+------------------------------------------><    '- -f --FileName-'   


Required parameters

-q QueueName

The local name of the destination queue.


Optional parameters

-m QMgrName

The name of the queue manager that hosts the destination queue. A queue manager that does not have the File Transfer Application installed can be specified. If you omit this parameter, the default queue manager is used.

-c CorrelId

Select all files matching CorrelId. Selection can be combined with -s UserData, and -f FileName.

-u MsgID

Select the message that has a message ID that matches MsgID. Used to select other messages.

-s UserData

Select files by locating any occurrence of the character string UserData, in part or all of the file's UserData. The comparison is case sensitive, and wildcard characters cannot be used.

Selection can be combined with -c CorrelId, and -f FileName.


Return the CorrelId, and MsgId of the file.


List all files and messages, in the following order:

  1. Complete files, ordered by queue name

  2. Incomplete files, ordered by queue name

  3. Other messages, ordered by queue name

This is the default value. For more information on file status see File status.


List all complete files, ordered by queue name.


List all incomplete files, ordered by queue name.


List all other messages, ordered by queue name.


Delete the specified file, or the group of messages. If more than one file matches the selection criteria, no files are deleted and a return code is returned.


Receive a complete file. Message associated with the file are removed. If a file already exists of the same name, do one of the following:

  • Specify the -y parameter, so that the existing file is overwritten.

  • Specify the -r FileName parameter, so that the file is renamed.


Extract a complete, or incomplete file. Messages associated with the file are not removed. If a file already exists of the same name, do one of the following:

  • Specify the -y parameter, so that the existing file is overwritten.

  • Specify the -r FileName parameter, so that the file is renamed.


Replace an existing file of the same name. Used with optional parameters -g, and -e.

-r FileName

Assign new file name and/or file location.

Used to rename, or to relocate a file. The file is assigned the name specified in FileName. A fully qualified file name can be specified to relocate the file. If the file name, or path, contains embedded spaces, it must be specified in double quotes. One file can be specified only, and we cannot use wildcard characters.

-f FileName

Select all files matching FileName. The fully qualified file name can be specified. If the file name contains embedded spaces, it must be specified in double quotes. We cannot use wildcard characters.

Selection can be combined with -c CorrelId, and -s UserData.


Return codes

0 Successful operation
36 Invalid arguments supplied
40 Queue manager not available
69 Storage not available
71 Unexpected error
163 Queue name required
164 Cannot open queue
165 Cannot open file
166 Cannot put to queue
167 No file name specified (Send)
168 Message length is too small to send data
169 Sending file has changed
170 Cannot get from queue
171 Cannot write to file
172 CorrelId is invalid
173 MsgId is invalid
174 No messages to receive
175 File for delete is not unique



This command lists all files and messages on the queue, MY.QUEUE, located on the default queue manager:

mqftrcvc -q MY.QUEUE -a

This command gets the first complete file on the queue, MY.QUEUE, located on queue manager QM1:

mqftrcvc -q MY.QUEUE -m QM1 -g

This command gets the complete file, named My document.txt, on the queue, MY.QUEUE, located on the default queue manager:

mqftrcvc -q MY.QUEUE -g -f "My document.txt"

This command gets the complete file, named My document.txt, also marked URGENT, on the queue, MY.QUEUE, located on queue manager QM1 :

mqftrcvc -q MY.QUEUE -m QM1 -g -f "My document.txt" -s "URGENT"


Related commands

mqftapp Run File Transfer Application
mqftrcv Receive file on server
mqftsnd Send file from server
mqftsndc Send file from client


Parent topic:

The control commands


