Notify events
Within the WebSphere MQ Explorer, when a WebSphere MQ object is created, or manipulated, a java object relating to the WebSphere MQ object can be generated. These java object can be used to find the name, type, and other externalized attributes of a WebSphere MQ object.
For java objects to be generated, the register extension point must specify a class. In the plugin.xml file from the simple plug-in, the class specified is as follows:
class="com.ibm.mq.explorer.sample.simple.SimpleNotify"This class contains a number of object specific methods. When a WebSphere MQ object is created, or manipulated, the appropriate method from the notify class is called. This class can be used as a basis for writing your own class. For the methods that this class must contain refer to the WebSphere MQ Explorer JavaDoc. For information on how to access the WebSphere MQ Explorer JavaDoc, see Accessing Javadoc.
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