WebSphere Portal v6.1



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General Links

  1. Recommended fixes and updates for WebSphere Portal and Web Content Management
  2. Recommended fixes for WebSphere Application Server
  3. Portal Update Installer
  4. IBM Support and Downloads
  5. WebSphere Software
  6. WebSphere Application Server Support
  7. WebSphere Portal Wiki
  8. Managing WebSphere Portal 6.1 Environments
  9. 40 sites qui utilisent IBM Lotus Web Content Management (WCM)



  1. RAD v7.5 Programming Guide (Online)
  2. Building an Ajax portlet for WebSphere Portal
  3. WebSphere Portal Developerworks
  4. WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
  5. WebSphere Portlet Factory docs
  6. WebSphere Portlet Factory production documentation
  7. WebSphere Portlet Factory library
  8. WebSphere Portlet Factory Developers Zone
  9. WebSphere Portlet Factory wiki
  10. WebSphere Portlet Factory support and fixpacks
  11. Quickr Quick Start


Sample portlets

  1. Faces Portlet AJAX Example
  2. Faces Portlet Example
  3. Portlet Event Ajax
  4. Bookmark Portlet
  5. Struts Portal Framework Standard Tiles
  6. JSR 286 Event Render Param


Product Overview

  1. Overview
  2. What's new
  3. Web 2.0 user interface features
  4. Portal Search
  5. Integrating OmniFind with WebSphere Portal
  6. Key features
  7. Versatile framework
  8. Customization
  9. Manage content
  10. Portlets
  11. Application integration
  12. Collaboration
  13. Portal Search key features
  14. Accessibility features



  1. Plan for WebSphere Portal
  2. Supported hardware and software
  3. Special characters in user ID and passwords
  4. WebSphere Portal Enterprise scale deployment
  5. WebSphere Portal Best Practices
  6. Topologies
  7. Single server
  8. Production environment


Web server

  1. Plan your Web servers
  2. IHS v7.0
  3. Migrate Web search collections


DB general

  1. Database considerations
  2. Database topologies
  3. Set up a single server - all steps
  4. Plan for databases
  5. Use the configuration wizard to configure DB and LDAP


User registry

  1. Plan your user registry
  2. Plan for realm support
  3. Plan a property extension configuration
  4. Security considerations
  5. Authentication
  6. Java 2 security with WebSphere Portal
  7. Federal Information Processing Standards
  8. Plan for single sign-on
  9. Secure Socket Layer
  10. Plan a Credential Vault
  11. Plan for external security managers
  12. Known limitations


Configure security

  1. Overview
  2. Configure security on AIX
  3. Configure security on an HP-UX
  4. Configure security on i5/OS
  5. Configure security on Linux
  6. Configure security on Solaris
  7. Configure security on Windows
  8. Configure additional security features
  9. Change the portal URI



  1. Cluster guidelines
  2. Set up a clustered production environment
  3. HTTP session failover
  4. Set up an i5/OS database in a cluster
  5. Cluster security
  6. Use external security managers in a cluster
  7. Plan for multiple clusters
  8. WebSphere Extended Deployment Dynamic Clusters
  9. Cluster maintenance



  1. Overview
  2. Installation methods
  3. Installation options
  4. Installation methods
  5. Installation source location
  6. Set up WebSphere Portal server
  7. Set up a single server
  8. Sample intranet/internet WCM site
  9. Set up a stand-alone production server
  10. Set up a clustered production environment
  11. Advanced database creation
  12. About ReleaseBuilder
  13. Set up a content server
  14. Authoring server
  15. Staging server
  16. Delivery server
  17. Syndication
  18. Additional Configuration Options
  19. Uninstall WebSphere Portal
  20. Uninstall WebSphere Portal on a single server
  21. Manually uninstalling WebSphere Portal
  22. Uninstall WebSphere Portal in a cluster
  23. Configuration task properties



  1. Prepare DB2 on Windows for a stand-alone production server
  2. Plan for DB2 on Windows
  3. Modify database properties - DB2 - Windows
  4. Set up databases - DB2 Windows
  5. Configure WebSphere Portal to use DB2
  6. Set up remote databases
  7. Common DB2 commands
  8. DB2 tuning


Portal Behavior

  1. Overview
  2. Set the language of the portal
  3. Create a custom unique name
  4. Set what users see when they log in to the portal
  5. Manage your time settings
  6. Set the search engine that opens when users select Find
  7. Set how to handle portlets that the user is not authorized to view
  8. Configure user session persistance
  9. Configure portlet filtering
  10. Configure authentication filters
  11. URL Mapping
  12. HTTP proxy configuration
  13. Delayed cleanup of deleted portal pages
  14. Delete orphaned data
  15. Set service configuration properties
  16. Parallel portlet rendering



  1. Overview
  2. Portal administration tools
  3. Portal administration portlets
  4. The XML configuration interface
  5. Portal Script Interface
  6. Document Conversion Services
  7. Connect to existing database domains
  8. Add features to an administration installation
  9. Add composite application portlets to an administration installation
  10. Add Common Mail support to an administration installation
  11. Add Domino Extended Products Portlets support to an administration installation
  12. DB2 tuning
  13. Tune WCM with DB2


Users and Groups

  1. Users and groups
  2. Change database passwords that are used by WebSphere Portal
  3. Control access
  4. Manage Access Control
  5. Resources, roles, and policies
  6. Access control scenarios
  7. Set user and group permissions
  8. Set resource permissions
  9. Delegated Access Control Administration
  10. Access Control Caching
  11. Auditing
  12. Browser behavior and scenarios
  13. Back button behavior
  14. Back button limitations
  15. Configure history expiration limit
  16. History expiration limit scenarios
  17. Manage portal resources with policies
  18. Policy principles
  19. Policy rules
  20. Users, tasks, and tools
  21. Work with policies
  22. Mail policy attributes
  23. Work with Mail policy definitions
  24. Policy settings for mail
  25. Policy settings for composite applications
  26. Policy cache properties


Manage portlets

  1. Overview
  2. Web modules, portlet applications, and portlets
  3. Install a portlet
  4. Deploy J2EE resources
  5. Activate portlet applications or portlets
  6. Modify portlet applications and portlets
  7. Copy portlet applications
  8. Copy portlets
  9. Update Web modules, portlet applications, and portlets
  10. Delete Web modules, portlet applications, and portlets
  11. Disable anchors in portlet URLs


Create Pages

  1. Create pages
  2. Pages, shared pages, and derived pages
  3. Create pages
  4. Create shared pages
  5. Create derived pages
  6. Include static content in the portal
  7. Create a static page
  8. Update a static page
  9. Lock static page content
  10. Use the XML configuration interface to work with static pages
  11. Script for static pages
  12. Manage pages
  13. Select pages
  14. Create pages
  15. Create a label
  16. Create a URL
  17. Edit pages, labels, and URLs
  18. Search pages
  19. Order pages, labels, and URLs
  20. Move pages and labels
  21. Assign access to pages, labels, and URLs
  22. Activate a page, label, or URL
  23. Delete pages, labels, and URLs
  24. Export pages and labels
  25. Set up Manage Pages
  26. Field descriptions for the Manage Pages portlet
  27. Manage portlets on a page
  28. Use portlet wires
  29. Manage your cluster
  30. Customize pages
  31. Manage your site
  32. Use Web clipping to import content


Web Content Management (WCM)

  1. Sample intranet/internet WCM site
  2. Write links to WCM content
  3. Develop a Web content system
  4. Create Web content
  5. Site creation example
  6. Internet Site Example
  7. WCM Performance
  8. Create an ILWCM site structure with one click
  9. WCM site creation example
  10. Tune WCM with DB2
  11. Add WCM to an administration installation
  12. WCM environments
  13. Work with libraries
  14. Authoring Portlet
  15. Workflows
  16. Library access and item security
  17. Create site framework, site areas and a category taxonomy
  18. Create content items
  19. Create components such as images and style sheets
  20. Add navigators to the site
  21. Create menus
  22. Implement search functionality
  23. Manage item versions and restore items
  24. Use the Web Content Management API


Design a portal site

  1. Overview
  2. Web 2.0 user interface features
  3. Dojo and WebSphere Portal
  4. Customize themes
  5. Layout of the portal page
  6. Customize the portal
  7. Create static content for your portal
  8. Use custom pages and themes for administrative portlets
  9. Portal design reference



  1. Overview
  2. Web content cache configuration
  3. Configure dynamic fragment cache
  4. Browser caching considerations
  5. Caching versus pre-rendering
  6. Access Control Caching
  7. Policy cache properties



  1. Performance Tuning
  2. Performance testing and analysis
  3. WCM Performance
  4. DB2 tuning
  5. Tune WCM with DB2


Develop portlets

  1. Develop portlets
  2. Standard portlet API
  3. Portlet 2.0 API
  4. Struts Portlet Framework
  5. Portlet communication
  6. Portlet concepts
  7. Understand the basics
  8. Standard portlet API
  9. Portlet services
  10. Struts Portlet Framework
  11. Model SPI overview
  12. Navigational State SPI
  13. Controller SPI
  14. User and group management
  15. Web 2.0 user interface features
  16. Portlet communication
  17. Drag and drop zones
  18. Dynamic user interfaces
  19. Collaborative Services API
  20. IBM Portlet API
  21. Portlet development reference



  1. Troubleshoot WebSphere Portal



  1. Migrate WebSphere Portal
  2. Understand migration
  3. Plan for migration
  4. Migration scenarios
  5. Clustered migration scenarios
  6. Production server migration scenarios
  7. Web content server migration scenarios
  8. Replace document libraries
  9. Prepare for migration
  10. Prepare your previous environment for migration
  11. Prepare your new environment for migration
  12. Share JCR domain data
  13. Share Customization domain data
  14. Document migration
  15. Prepare to run the migration tasks
  16. Migrate your customized resources
  17. Migrate cooperative portlets that use the IBM Portlet API
  18. Migrate portlets built with Struts Portlet Framework
  19. Migrate a remote search server
  20. Migrate the Search and Browse portlet
  21. Migrate product configuration
  22. Migrate to the same machine
  23. Migrate to a remote machine
  24. Migrate the security configuration
  25. Migrate the access control configuration
  26. Migrate permissions on All Authenticated Users and All Portal User Groups
  27. Migrate permissions on administrative resources
  28. Migrate credential vault data using the XML configuration interface
  29. Migrate credential vault data using SQL and direct database operations
  30. Migrate additional components
  31. Migrate themes
  32. Migrate composite applications
  33. Migrate personalized portal content
  34. Migrate deprecated portlets
  35. Deprecated business portlets
  36. Deprecated collaborative portlets
  37. Migrate My Lotus QuickPlaces
  38. Verify the migration tasks
  39. Migrate documents from Portal Document Manager to Quickr Document Libraries
  40. Migrate Web content
  41. Migrate version 6.0 Web content
  42. Migrate version 5.1 Web content
  43. Migrate older Web content versions
  44. Migrate WebSphere Process Server integration
  45. Determining how to migrate your process portal deployment
  46. Prepare to migrate process portals
  47. Migrate process portals
  48. Migrate the WMM Staff Plug-in Providers
  49. Verify the migration of process portals
  50. Post-migration activities
  51. Ensure proper Search behavior after migration
  52. Enable new functionality in migrated themes



  1. Introduction
  2. Personalization Overview
  3. How a site is personalized
  4. Personalization terms
  5. Use rules
  6. An introduction to LikeMinds
  7. Feedback and analytics
  8. Personalization programming reference


WebSphere Process Server

  1. Plan integration with WebSphere Process Server
  2. Prerequisites for setting up process portals
  3. Understanding configuration options for process integration
  4. Plan to use process portals
  5. Integrate with WebSphere Process Server
  6. Process integration concepts
  7. Enabling process integration
  8. Work with process applications
  9. Customizing process integration
  10. Developing custom user interfaces for process integration


Lotus Domino

  1. Integrate with Lotus Domino


Composite Applications

  1. Assembling composite applications



  1. Overview
  2. What is new in WSRP
  3. Learning about WSRP
  4. Planning for WSRP
  5. Use your portal as a WSRP Producer
  6. Use your portal as a WSRP Consumer
  7. Reference for using WSRP with the portal



  1. Portal administration tools
  2. Controlling access
  3. Auditing
  4. Browser behavior and scenarios
  5. Manage portal resources with policies
  6. Manage portlets and portlet applications
  7. Creating pages
  8. Use Web clipping to import content
  9. Multiple virtual portals
  10. Language support
  11. Planning for migration
  12. Change database passwords that are used by WebSphere Portal
  13. Including static content in the portal
  14. Manage pages
  15. Use portlet wires
  16. Manage your cluster
  17. Manage your site
  18. oasis-open.org/committees/wsrp
  19. Users and groups
  20. Manage portlets on a page
  21. Customizing pages
  22. Portal Search
  23. Technote 1295590
  24. WebSphere Portal detailed system requirements
  25. Technote 1306912



  1. Overview
  2. Installed portlets
  3. Sample Policy XML configuration files


Portal Search

  1. Overview
  2. Portlets for working with Search
  3. Planning
  4. Administering Portal Search
  5. Set up search collections
  6. Searching and crawling portal and other sites
  7. Search by external users on your portal site
  8. Work with the search portlets
  9. Hints and tips for using Portal Search
  10. Logging and tracing in Portal Search


Configure search in a cluster

  1. Overview
  2. AIX
  3. HP-UX
  4. i5/OS
  5. Linux
  6. Solaris
  7. Windows



  1. Set a remote spellchecker
  2. Install a remote spell checker
  3. Set up a remote spell checker
  4. Configure access to a remote spell checker


Multiple virtual portals

  1. Usage scenarios
  2. Planning
  3. Administering
  4. Reference


Language Support

  1. Overview
  2. Support a new language
  3. Change the character set for a language
  4. Dynamically change the language during the session
  5. Changing the language
  6. Language fallback filter


IBM Tivoli License Compliance Manager

  1. Overview
  2. IBM TLCM on AIX
  3. IBM TLCM on HP-UX
  4. IBM TLCM on i5/OS
  5. IBM TLCM on Linux
  6. IBM TLCM on Solaris
  7. IBM TLCM on Windows