Migrate the WMM Staff Plug-in Providers



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After you migrate a business process container configured with a WebSphere Member Manager Staff Plug-in, perform some manual steps to ensure that the people directory configuration works correctly.

  1. Extend ws.ext.dirs properties.

    On the target profile, in the WAS Administrative Console, open...

    ...and extend the ws.ext.dirs properties with the following value:


    ...where server_node_cell is the name of the cell that you are using.

    Depending on the operating system of the node, you might need to replace the semicolon (;) with a colon (:).

  2. Ensure that the staff plug-in in the WebSphere Process Server V6.1 environment will communicate with the same wmm ejb file that was configured previously for the process portal.

    From source host, run...

  3. Update the communication settings for the staff plug-in provider of the WebSphere Process Server installation:

    1. From the console of the WPS server click...

        Resources | People Directory Provider | Member Manager Staff Resolution Plugin | People directory configuration | your_config | Custom properties

    2. Update WMMEJBHomeName to point to the new WMMEJBHome JNDI name.

  4. If you have a cross-cell environment and SSL trust between the WebSphere Portal and WPS is enabled, import the signer certificate of the WebSphere Portal server to the trust store of your WPS server.

    1. From the WAS Administrative Console on the portal server...

        Security | SSL certificate and key management | Key stores and certificates | NodeDefaultTrustStore | Signer certificates

    2. Select the Alias default_signer or the appropriate one, if you customized.

    3. Click Extract and set name of the file for storing the portal server signer certificate.

    4. From the WAS Administrative Console on your stand-alone process server or the deployment manager of your managed cell, view all tasks and click...

        Security | SSL certificate and key management | Key stores and certificates | NodeDefaultTrustStore | Signer certificates

    5. Click Add.

    6. Specify an alias, for example WP.

    7. Enter the file name where you stored the extracted portal server signer certificate.

    8. Click Apply.

    9. Restart the process server.

    For more information, refer to the IBM WAS Information Center topics for Securing Communications.


Parent topic

Migrating WPS integration

Previous topic:

Migrating process portals

Next topic:

Verifying the migration of process portals


Related information

Determining how to migrate your process portal deployment