Migrate the WMM Staff Plug-in Providers
After you migrate a business process container configured with a WebSphere Member Manager Staff Plug-in, perform some manual steps to ensure that the people directory configuration works correctly.
- Extend ws.ext.dirs properties.
On the target profile, in the WAS Administrative Console, open...
Servers | Application Servers | appserver | Java and Process Management | Process Definition | Java Virtual Machine | Custom Properties
...and extend the ws.ext.dirs properties with the following value:
...where server_node_cell is the name of the cell that you are using.
Depending on the operating system of the node, you might need to replace the semicolon (;) with a colon (:).
- Ensure that the staff plug-in in the WebSphere Process Server V6.1 environment will communicate with the same wmm ejb file that was configured previously for the process portal.
From source host, run...
scp AppServer_root/lib/wmm.jar wasadmin@AppServer_root/lib
- Update the communication settings for the staff plug-in provider of the WebSphere Process Server installation:
- From the console of the WPS server click...
Resources | People Directory Provider | Member Manager Staff Resolution Plugin | People directory configuration | your_config | Custom properties
- Update WMMEJBHomeName to point to the new WMMEJBHome JNDI name.
- If you have a cross-cell environment and SSL trust between the WebSphere Portal and WPS is enabled, import the signer certificate of the WebSphere Portal server to the trust store of your WPS server.
- From the WAS Administrative Console on the portal server...
Security | SSL certificate and key management | Key stores and certificates | NodeDefaultTrustStore | Signer certificates
- Select the Alias default_signer or the appropriate one, if you customized.
- Click Extract and set name of the file for storing the portal server signer certificate.
- From the WAS Administrative Console on your stand-alone process server or the deployment manager of your managed cell, view all tasks and click...
Security | SSL certificate and key management | Key stores and certificates | NodeDefaultTrustStore | Signer certificates
- Click Add.
- Specify an alias, for example WP.
- Enter the file name where you stored the extracted portal server signer certificate.
- Click Apply.
- Restart the process server.
For more information, refer to the IBM WAS Information Center topics for Securing Communications.
Parent topic
Migrating WPS integrationPrevious topic:
Migrating process portalsNext topic:
Verifying the migration of process portals
Related information
Determining how to migrate your process portal deployment