Struts Portlet Framework
Struts is a popular open source project for implementing Web applications using a Model-View-Controller design pattern.
This document introduces the Struts Portlet Framework, which adds support for writing Struts applications that can be deployed in WebSphere Portal.
The packaging of a Struts portlet application is similar to a Struts application in the servlet environment. However, WebSphere Portal introduces additional concepts, such as...
- portlet modes
- multiple device support
- portlet communication
The Struts Portlet Framework ships several example WAR files, including source code, that demonstrate how to implement a Struts application in WebSphere Portal and also how to exploit portal features, such as portlet modes and device support. Throughout this documentation, source code from...
- SPFLegacyMailReader.war
- SPFStandardMailer.war used to demonstrate the changes necessary to enable a Struts Web application to be deployed and run as a portlet.
These example files are in portal_server_root/installabeApps.
Related information
- Changes to Struts application code
- Changes to Struts JSPs
- Changes to configuration files
- Creating link tags in Struts
- Formatting XML documents with XSLT
- Static content in Struts
- Migrating existing Struts applications
- Supporting multiple Struts applications
- Portlet communication
- IBM Portlet API
- Understanding the basics
Parent topic
Developing portlets
Related reference
Known issues and restrictions with portlet communication