Site creation example



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This example describes the steps required to render a simple web page by creating and linking various IWWCM items.

To create and preview a simple web page create the following items:

  1. A site
  2. A site area
  3. A presentation template
  4. An authoring template
  5. A content item
  6. Components

You will also need to:

  1. Define a template map between the authoring template and presentation template.

  2. Add a Web Content Management tag for each element displayed within a presentation template.


Create a simple workflow

Before creating any other item, create a simple workflow to use when creating a content item.

  1. Create a workflow action named Publish.

  2. Create a workflow stage named NewsStage with the action named Publish selected in the "Execute on Entering Stage" parameter.

  3. Create a workflow named NewsWorkflow with NewsStage selected as the only workflow stage.


Create a site and site area

  1. Create a site named NewsSite.

  2. Save and close the site form.

  3. Create a site area named NewsSiteArea.

  4. Save and close the site area form.


Create a presentation template

  1. Create a presentation template named NewsPresentationTemplate.

  2. Create a simple HTML table in the presentation template by adding the following code into the presentation template section.

    <table >

  3. Save and close the presentation template.


Create an authoring template

  1. Create an authoring template named NewsAuthoringTemplate.

  2. Click Default Content Settings.

  3. Click Manage Elements.

  4. Add a text element named body to the authoring template.

  5. Save and close the authoring template.


Create some content

  1. Create a new content item named NewsContent.

  2. Select NewsAuthoringTemplate when creating the new content item.

  3. Go to the contents section and enter some text in the body element.

  4. Go to the workflow section and select the News Workflow.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Select NewsSiteArea.

  7. Click OK and save and close the content item.


Map templates and link content

  1. Go back to the site framework view.

  2. Go to Site Areas -> Site -> NewsSite

  3. Open NewsSiteArea.

  4. Edit the template map and link NewsPresentationTemplate and NewsAuthoringTemplate.

  5. Set NewsContent as the default content for the site area.

  6. Save and close the site area.


Reference the body element in the presentation template

  1. Go back to the presentation template view and open NewsPresentationTemplate.

  2. Enter the following element tag into one of the table cells of the presentation template.

    <element type="Content" context="current" key="body"/>

    The content of the element tag will change depending on which content item is displayed.

  3. Save and close the presentation template.


Preview the web page

  1. Go back to the content view and preview NewsContent.

    Tip: You may need to configure the browser to allow pop-ups to preview the content.

  2. The text you typed in the body element should appear on the rendered web page.

  3. Close the preview window.


Add a navigator

  1. Create a new navigator component named NewsNav with the following parameters:

    1. Start Type = current content

    2. Ancestor Level = All.

  2. Add a placeholder in Navigator result design 1 to display links in the navigator:

    <placeholder tag="Namelink"/><br>

  3. Save and close NewsNav.


Reference the navigator in the presentation template

  1. Go back to the presentation template view and open NewsPresentationTemplate.

  2. Enter the following component tag into one of the table cells of the presentation template.

    <component name="NewsNav" />

    As you are referencing the navigator directly from a component, the navigator is always displayed in this presentation template. The content of the navigator will change depending on which site area and content items are currently being referenced.

  3. Save and close the presentation template.


Preview the web page

  1. Go back to the content library view and preview NewsContent.

  2. A navigator should appear on the rendered web page.

  3. Close the preview window.


Add an image component

  1. Create a new image component named NewsImage.

  2. Save and close the image component.


Reference the image in the presentation template

  1. Go back to the presentation template view and open NewsPresentationTemplate.

  2. Enter the following component tag into one of the table cells of the presentation template.

    <component name="NewsImage" />

    As you are referencing the image directly from a component, the Image is always displayed in this presentation template.

  3. Save and close the presentation template.


Preview the web page

  1. Go back to the content library view and preview NewsContent.

  2. An image should appear on the rendered web page.

  3. Close the preview window.


Parent Topic

An overview of developing Web content