Web content server migration scenarios



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5.1 to 6.1 migration process

Initial migration:

Primary server:

  1. Prepare the new environment for migration
  2. Prepare the previous environment for migration
  3. Migrate the customized resources
  4. Migrate product configuration
  5. Migrate the access control configuration
  6. Migrate additional components
  7. Migrate themes
  8. Verifying the migration tasks
  9. Migrate a primary Web content system
  10. Enable clustering (if required)
  11. When the secondary servers are ready, enable syndication.
  12. Perform any required V5.1 to 6.1 post migration steps

Secondary server:

  1. Prepare the new environment for migration
  2. Prepare the previous environment for migration
  3. Migrate the customized resources
  4. Migrate product configuration
  5. Migrate the access control configuration
  6. Migrate additional components
  7. Migrate themes
  8. Verifying the migration tasks
  9. Migrate a secondary Web content system
  10. Enable clustering (if required)
  11. Enable syndication.


Testing phase:

  1. You run you old environment in parallel with the new environment. Continue to update the content on the version 5.1 server.
  2. Test the migrated data on the version 6.1 system. Do not make updates to content on the version 6.1 system as any changes you make will be lost when you perform a final data migration.
  3. Once testing has completed successfully, update the data on the primary server and syndicate to the secondary servers.


Final data migration:

  1. Delete all the libraries from the version 6.1 system that were migrated during the initial migration.
  2. Migrate Web content data
  3. When the secondary servers are ready, enable syndication.
  4. Perform any required V5.1 to 6.1 post migration steps


6.0.1 to 6.1 migration process

Initial migration:

  1. Prepare the new environment for migration
  2. Prepare the previous environment for migration
  3. Migrate the customized resources
  4. Migrate product configuration
  5. Migrate the access control configuration
  6. Migrate additional components
  7. Migrate themes
  8. Verifying the migration tasks
  9. Enable clustering (if required)
  10. v6 to 6.1 post migration steps
  11. When all the servers are ready, enable syndication.

When migrating a server that uses Web content authoring portlets or local rendering portlets migrate to a Content server installation.

If you migrate to a different installation type that does not install Web content authoring portlets or local rendering portlets by default, or if you have uninstalled the Web content authoring portlets or local rendering portlets on the new server, the Web content authoring portlets or local rendering portlets will not be migrated.


Testing phase:

  1. You run you old environment in parallel with the new environment. Continue to update the content on the version 6.0.1 server.
  2. Test the migrated data on the version 6.1 system. Do not make updates to content on the version 6.1 system as any changes you make will be lost when you perform a final data migration.
  3. Once testing has completed successfully, update the data on version 6.1 servers.


Final data migration:

  1. Delete all the libraries from the version 6.1 system that were migrated during the initial migration.
  2. Perform a Post migration data update on all the version 6.1 servers.
  3. Run syndication to synchronize the updated data on the servers.
  4. v6 to 6.1 post migration steps